Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 856: Both are wayward little kids

It's better to make it happen early, because it's Han Yue's name.

The dinner of Si Dingli and Xiaonenmo was brought up, and Han Yue just saw his cousin and Mianmian, and quickly ran over and sat next to Han Tao.

"Mianmian, it's been a long time, come out and let me hug!" Han Yue wanted to go to Shao Jiayi for a few days off during the New Year holidays, but he couldn't get out of the house because of his grandfather.

If he didn't sneak out tonight, he would still be locked up at home!

His voice fell, and a cold look made Han Yue shiver.

He looked at Stingli, who happened to be looking at him. His eyes met, and Han Yue immediately shrank his neck. "Shao Jiayi, your brain is twitching, and I actually like an ice cube. Are you okay? Am I okay? I have to find abuse myself..."

He gazed at Shao Jiayi obliquely, then took the knife and fork in front of him and started eating French food.

"What caviar do men eat!" Han Tao assigned the caviar in front of Han Yue to Shao Jiayi.

Han Yue didn't care about eating French oyster cups, but Stingli, who was on the opposite side, took a plate, "Don't eat oysters at a young age, lest you hurt your body."


There are three men and one woman at the dining table, and the atmosphere is a bit secretive.

it is good! He eats dragon fish!

Han Tao spoke again, "Jiayi likes to eat fish the most. Let her eat this piece of fish!"


In the end, Han Yue was left with only fruit juice and vegetable salad, as well as cheese. He angrily put the knife and fork on the tablecloth, "You two did it on purpose!"

"Yes, kid, let your brother take you home with Grandpa Han."

Stingli ate the oyster cup without looking at him.

In the end, Shao Jiayi put aside his smile, called the waiter, and re-ordered Han Yue.

"It's still good! What!" Han Yue blew a kiss to Shao Jiayi in the air.

I didn't talk about molesting Shao Jiayi in front of Han Tao. Dare to squeeze sweat for his cousin in front of Stingli.

Sure enough, Stingli is a typical Javier must report.

"Han Yue, will you go to the army in two days?" Siding Li asked unintentionally.

Han Yue was a little strange about his sudden concern about his situation, but didn't think too much, "Go, but I'm free this time, Mianmian, Grandpa agreed to bring my mobile phone! I will be able to contact you often in the future!"

Han Yue's topic revolved around Shao Jiayi again, and Han Tao kicked him.

"Brother, you kicked me!" Han Yue squinted at Han Tao dissatisfied.


Han Tao was ashamed, how could he have such an idiot cousin, "Sorry, not on purpose."

Han Yue didn't care about him, propped his chin with his right hand, and continued to look at Shao Jiayi who was drinking juice, "Mianmian, can you visit me when I have time?"

Shao Jiayi was about to nod, and Steinli who was next to him spoke lightly, "You have no chance."

What do you mean? The other three people looked at Stingli in wonder.

Si Dingli took out his cell phone and dialed the number of Uncle Si Shaozhe, "Si Da Shao, I have a friend here called Han Yue..."

Han Yue immediately had a bad feeling, as expected...

"Yes, General Han's grandson, he voluntarily asked to go to the African border, protect and support border security, and contribute to world peace..."

Han Yue's eyes widened, staring at Stingli, his eyes full of incredible!

African border! Contribute to world peace! God! He is not that great!


Oh! No, "Sdingli, I have no grievances and no grudges against you, why do you cheat me like this..."

Stingli glanced at him faintly, "Well, he said, the troops can arrange at any time in time, ten or eight years, let me say hello to you, he is embarrassed!"


Shao Jiayi endured a hilarious laugh, and tugged at Steinli’s sleeve, "Don’t cheat Han Yue like this, Steinli..."

With the words of the little woman, Stingli immediately changed his tone, "Then let him try for three months."

"Well, yes, thank you, Young Master Si, Happy New Year!"


After Sidingli hung up the phone, Han Yue was also completely stupid.

It took a long while before Han Yue hooked his index finger at Stingli, who raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"If it's a man, just come out and challenge me, what kind of man is doing things that cheat me!"

Shao Jiayi put down the juice in his hand and quickly stopped Han Yue, "Don't be with him..."

"Heads-up? Okay, let's go!"

Shao Jiayi was too late to stop, and watched Sidingli and Han Tao walk out of the restaurant side by side. Shao Jiayi and Han Tao glanced at each other and quickly followed.

Shao Jiayi threw a sentence to everyone, "There is a situation outside." Several people on other tables also ran out.

Before going heads-up with Han Yue, Steinli threw a card to the service desk and settled all the accounts of a dozen people.

In the small square outside, Steinli and the angry Han Yue were opposed, one is domineering and elegant, the other is dull and unrestrained.

"If you win today, I will let you stay in the C country force. If you lose... let go of Mianmian, how about?" The man took off his suit jacket and threw it to Shao Jiayi, who rushed over.

Shao Jiayi reflexively hugged, the suit with his taste.

Han Tao watched this scene, his eyes darkened.

Han Yue thought that Stingli was just a weak idiot sitting in the office. He had been training in the army for such a long time, how could he fail to beat him?

He said without hesitation, "Good!"

Stingli moved his wrist a bit, "Let's get started!"

Who knows that Han Yue is not satisfied, "I should say at first!"

...Siding Li seemed to see the shadow of Shao Jiayi on him, both of them are willful little kids!

Waved his hand impatiently, "Don't ink, hurry up!"

"Start!" Han Yue just yelled to start, and the whole person was suddenly thrown to the ground by a shoulder.


He was defeated before he could make a move, so Han Tao covered his eyes in embarrassment. How could he have such a stupid cousin?

There were already a lot of people around, and Steinli didn't like this feeling, and kicked Han Yue, who hadn't slowed down on the ground, "Get up, make a quick fight!"

"Quickly, those who lose, please drink." Li Xu yelled. Everyone agrees. Today is very crowded, thinking it's good to get together.

Han Yue got up from the ground unconvinced and started again. This time Han Yue avoided Sting Li's move, which was just a move...

The second move was to knelt on the ground with a kick of Stingli.


Han Yue's heartache, really heartache, he is actually weak even an office worker...well, a scholar can't compare it!

Mianmian... If he doesn't act, Mianmian has to fight hard!

Although he had lost two rounds and the outcome had been divided, Han Yue was still unconvinced and had to win Steingli by one round.

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