Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 870: I am determined not to follow the scumbag

"If you touch me again today, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!" What she said was true and serious!

The man sneered, and threw his jacket to the end of the bed, "I let you go, will you forgive me?"

"...No." She replied weakly.

The man's fingertips were on her smooth face, lingering, "I haven't seen it for so long, and my skin is getting more and more delicate."


"This is only two months, two years away, my skin can return to babyhood."

Her word made both people ponder a question. Not seen for two months? How does it feel like two years...

"Think too much, Shao Jiayi, you will be mine in this life, and you will also be mine in the next life..." The man smiled, very evil and enchanting.

The woman also smiled, smiling very charmingly, and clung to his neck, "Sir, I think too much, I am determined not to follow a scumbag, I will still marry another man in the future..."

Marrying another man, this sounds really unpleasant!

If you feel upset, let this woman adjust! "Marry another man, Shao Jiayi, you-dream-dream!"

Her lips were suddenly kissed, and her hands were controlled on top of her head.

Shao Jiayi kicked his leg, and the man snorted and pressed her tighter.

"Be good."


"You are my woman!"

"That's not necessarily!" The woman's cries made the anger in her eyes worse.

He bit her earlobe lightly, "Do you know the end of the unbehaved?"

"I don't want to know... You let me go!" Damn, this old driver...

"beg me."

... "I beg your sister!"

"You don't need to ask Xixi, I can do it." The man's voice was very cheap.

Coupled with his frivolous behavior, Shao Jiayi collapsed, and one forcefully pushed the man off himself.

However, the man reacted faster than her, and the moment she got up, he suppressed her again.

"Isn't it good? You don't listen to my warning? Huh? Shao Jiayi!" The man gritted his teeth and threw her coat to the ground.

The more disobedient she was, the more provoked him, the more he tried to convince her. She's submissive...

"Hiss." It was the sound of the skirt being torn apart.

After Shao Jiayi screamed, the room was charming.

One hour later, the man got up refreshed and looked at the woman in bed who was very embarrassed, "This is the end! Shao Jiayi, I will give you a position when I know that you are good!"

After leaving a few words coldly, he went into the bathroom.

Listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, Shao Jiayi gritted his teeth tightly.

Stingli, Stingli, this bastard! Dare to humiliate her so much, not to avenge the non-gentleman!

When Shao Jiayi was drowsy, Dingli found his clothes in a corner of the cloakroom.

He frowned tightly and looked at all his clothes, stuffed into a box in a mess.

At this moment, the woman rushed in, holding the big box, resisting her physical discomfort, and threw it into the living room, "Stingli, get out, this will be my house from now on!"

Why let him sleep for nothing? Don't want this house for nothing!

Steingli ignored the mad woman, picked up the cell phone next to him, dialed a call, "Give me a suit, on the water side."

This box was packed long ago, and it seemed that it was not the first day that she wanted to drive him out.

This woman is still bad, "From today, you are here, you can't go one step anywhere!"

The woman glared at him coldly when she heard the words, "Who do you think you are?"

Stingli, who was wrapped in a bath towel, collapsed a few steps forward and walked in front of her, "Who do you say I am? Do I need to tell you again?"

"No, Mr. Si." The woman suddenly put away her angry expression, returned to the bedroom with a sweet smile, and started to sleep!

When the man couldn't see it, he rolled his eyes and got an idea.

Stingli knew that she would definitely not stay here honestly. Even if she didn't listen, he didn't have to force her to make her unhappy.

However, he was very unhappy about what she did next.

Steinli took advantage of this time and went to the company.

After Shao Jiayi woke up, he immediately called his mother, "Mom, now, immediately, immediately, introduce me to a partner, I am going to go on a blind date!"


"Are you convulsing?" Bo Yiyue's cool words suppressed Shao Jiayi's fighting spirit a bit.

"Just treat me as if I have a convulsion, I'm going to go on a blind date now." Shao Jiayi quickly got up from the bed, and when he got out of bed, one of them didn't pay attention, his legs softened and he knelt down on the ground.

"Hiss..." She grinned in pain. Fortunately, there is a carpet to prevent hurting her knees.

"What about your blind date?"

"Mom, you dare to mention that **** to me, I'll fight once I see him in the future...but no one knows anyone in the future!" Didn't he say that she was his woman? She just cuckold him or something.

Die-skinned Bai Lai, good or bad, finally said Tong Bo Yiyue introduced her a blind date.

Shao Jiayi immediately ran to her uncle's shop, styling her hair and putting on a beautiful makeup.

After thinking for a while, Shao Jiayi sent a WeChat message to his mother, "You tell Godmother Qianluo about my blind date."

If Stingli didn't know, who would she show it to?

Bo Yiyue looked at her daughter's WeChat helplessly, really want to let her make trouble?

Garfield Western Restaurant at night

A red Mercedes Benz parked steadily at the entrance of the restaurant, and a woman came down on it, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Long burgundy hair is wavy and casually draped over his shoulders, and he wears a dark green hat with the same color as his clothes. His face is covered with heavy makeup that Shao Jiayi has never drawn before, with thick brown eyebrows and thick mascara on his long eyelashes.

The eyes are sky blue eyeshadow, the bridge of the nose is high, and the red lips with big red lipstick are slightly raised.

He wore a dark green long belted double-sided woolen coat, black boots on his feet, and a world limited-edition black bag that Stingli bought for him.

The whole person looks very fashionable and western, with a maturity that has never been seen before.

At table 8 of Garfield's restaurant, a slightly mature man is already waiting, and Shao Jiayi walks over generously.

SL Group President's Office

Stingli’s personal mobile phone rang again and again, and the man touched the phone from the pile of files, "Stingli! Son! Hurry up, the Garfield restaurant!"

Li Qianluo's panicked voice came from over there, and Steingli put down the pen in his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, "Mom, what are you panicking?"

"Of course I panic! Mianmian has gone on a blind date, don't panic, I panic! I now order you to bring Mianmian back immediately!" His son did not want to be responsible for Mianmian, and Li Qianluo was the first to disagree!

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