Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 873: You don't get along with the smart

Then he unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

Taking advantage of this time, Shao Jiayi stepped on the accelerator and turned around neatly to prepare to leave.

It's just that the man didn't know when, he appeared right in front of her car, Shao Jiayi was shocked, and quickly stepped on the brakes.

At the same time, her forehead hit the steering wheel, "Pain!" Shao Jiayi rubbed her forehead grinningly.

Stingli walked over, unfastened her seat belt involuntarily, and pulled her out of the car.

With his left arm around her slender waist, the two bodies were tightly attached to each other, and the big palm was attached to her forehead, gently rubbing.

"Damn! If I have a concussion, how can you find such a smart brain to pay me!"

smart? The man laughed blankly, "You don't get along with the smart." If you are smart, how can you not see that he is protecting her?

However, this kind of clumsy is nice and cute.

"Who said it! If I were not smart, would I get you in my hands?" Now I can find a chance to dump him!

This time Stingli didn't refute her, but nodded in agreement, "Since I have gotten soaked, I still want to wave away like this?" She seemed even more irresponsible!

Humph! She pushed him away, got into the car, and Steinli grabbed her belt and pulled her out.

Removed her hat, threw it on the back seat, "Looking in the eye!"

The hat with a wink is not good, and it is green, so it is deliberately blocking him!

Shao Jiayi gave him a cool sentence, "You bought these clothes."


"Hat and clothes are a set."


Shao Jiayi was stuffed into the co-pilot by a man, and the Mercedes Benz drove to the Royal Valley Mansion.

Villa 9

The woman watched the car pass by her villa, and finally stopped in the garage of No. 9 villa.

When they were all here, Shao Jiayi had to follow him into the villa and change his shoes upstairs.

Just talk about it, it doesn’t matter...

In the study

Stingli sat lazily in the BOSS chair at the desk, "Come here!" He stopped the woman who was about to sit opposite him, and patted his leg.


Shao Jiayi glared at him and sat down opposite him.

Put the bag on his desk casually, eyes facing each other.

"Tomorrow I will let Song Zhiqing announce the news of the breakup, and you will stay by my side. Waiting for me to propose marriage with my godfather and mother, if you want I want to get married as soon as possible." The man took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket , Skillfully took out one, ready to point.

At the end, the action stopped because of the woman's frown.

Seeing him put the cigarette away and put it aside, Shao Jiayi turned back and thought about what he said.

"Good, good, bad, bad."

He understood what she meant, "Why don't you want to get engaged as soon as possible." Her two were not good, which made him very upset.

"I don't believe you!" She opened the skylight to speak brightly, and she would not hide her thoughts.

The man's right index finger tapped lightly on the desk, and the two eyes kept facing each other, and neither one moved away.

"Come here!" He beckoned to her.

Shao Jiayi instantly felt his movements, as if calling a puppy.

"No, you call me well!"

The man was speechless, got up from the chair, took her to the sofa and sat down, she was placed on his lap.

Shao Jiayi moved his arms around her waist. He didn't let go, so he just let him go.

"Tell me, don't believe me anything."

Shao Jiayi's arms climbed up to his neck naturally, and his head rested on his shoulders.

Her willingness to approach made him very satisfied, lowered her head and stamped a kiss on her forehead.

"You are a scumbag, you have two boats on your feet, oh no, several."

The man laughed, "I said that Song Zhiqing exists, just to protect you. Those two women are...not worth mentioning." Forget it, don't tell her, it's just to get her angry!

"You went to the United States to ignore me for two months, you are not reliable!" She grieved and complained.

"You are ashamed to say, I asked you to follow me, why don't you go!" Stingli also felt wronged.

Shao Jiayi raised his head and glared at him, "I have said, you go to work, what am I going to do, and it is not that you live there, I still have my work to be busy? Why don't you consider me! "

She said quite reasonable, "Okay, I was wrong, eh?" The man raised his eyebrows and apologized to her.

"Huh, no, can you guarantee that you will not be ambiguous with any woman in the future?"

"Yes!" The man stared straight into her eyes, with only seriousness in his eyes.

As long as she is good, he will be good.

"It's almost the same!" So, Shao Jiayi easily forgave the man who had let him scold him for two months.

"Then I will fly to the United States tomorrow and you will go together." There are still some things in the United States, and I probably need to stay for another half month.

Shao Jiayi pouted slightly, "Why are you flying to America again."

The man held her in his arms and said, "The company over there, my sister is coming back. I transferred the acting president of country A there. There are many things in between that need to be handled by me personally."

There are so many tedious things that he will not explain to her in detail.

She leaned quietly on his shoulder, thinking whether she wanted to go.

"If you want to go and don't worry about the shop here, I will send two more people to help you take care of it." What she cares about right now is nothing more than a dessert shop.

Shao Jiayi nodded slightly, "Can I help you when you are busy, can I go out and play around when I am free?"

Si Dingli is very busy, really busy, Shao Jiayi knows.

Every time he goes to the company to look for him, he is busy with his office, and there are various documents in each of his cars for his convenience.

And his work phone, if it weren't for being thrown to Shi Xiao, he would have endless calls every day.

"No, it will be fun if you go, and you can come back at night." The man's big grasps her small white hands, and the hands that have not done any rough work are tender and white.

He hopes that Mian Mian's hands will always be like this, even if his hair turns white and his teeth fall out, they will be so tender.

"Hey, by the way, Ruirui was a master of business management when she was in school! How about letting her go to work in your company to help you share your worries?" Ruirui's majors are all in her shop. Burying talents and putting them in the SL Group will surely be useful.

When mentioning Zheng Shurui, Stingli frowned slightly, but, "You said, if you want her to go, I will make arrangements."

He knows Shao Jiayi's mind, Zheng Shurui is her best friend, and if Zheng Shurui has a stable job, she can rest assured.

"Well, she is a high school student, she should be an individual talent. You can give her an internship opportunity and try it."

Shao Jiayi is full of confidence for Zheng Shurui, a schoolmaster, and will definitely help Stingli if he goes there.

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