Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 885: The family has twin genes

Isn't this a godmother? If you look closely, it really is!

"Godmother!" Shao Jiayi happily ran downstairs and ran to the restaurant.

Li Qianluo was also very happy when she heard her voice, and stretched out her arms to catch the little girl who leaped over.

"Mianmian, are there any surprises, are there any surprises!"

"Hmm, very pleasantly surprised!" The two gave a big hug.

The two exchanged a few words, and Shao Jiayi asked, "Isn't Godfather coming?" It shouldn't be. Wherever godmother is, godfather will definitely be there.

"Mianmian!" A slightly serious voice came from the living room. Shao Jiayi smiled and walked to the living room.

Sure enough, he saw Si Jin Heng sitting on the sofa, "God daddy!" Shao Jiayi said hello, sitting on the sofa next to Si Dingli.

"Well, Mianmian, has Dingli bullied you recently?" Si Jin Heng put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at the little girl with a rare kind of love on his face.

"No no, he is very good to me!" Shao Jiayi quickly confirmed and told Si Jin Heng with certainty.

Her godfather is very serious, and you can see Staingli's shadow in him, and he can also be seen in Staingli's body.

"Well, that's good, if Ding Li bullies you, you can tell Godmother, Godmother will be the master for you." Li Qianluo walked over from the restaurant and sat down beside Mianmian.

Shao Jiayi smiled sweetly and held her arms, "Definitely! Godmother, are you done with things on Manduo Bay?"

"Well, it's over, Mianmian, listen to Godmother telling you! You are the only daughter-in-law in Godmother's heart, so hurry up and marry Dingli, godmother can rest assured!" Li Qianluo patted Shao Jiayi with heart. On the back of her hand, she just didn't worry if the two of them didn't get married.

Shao Jiayi bowed her head shyly, "I have no objection, as long as Dingli brother tells my parents."

No less than before coming to the United States, Shao Jiayi now has a heart full of Stadli's body. The heart that didn't want to get married is gone, now I am looking forward to marrying Steinli.

"Ding Li has already promised me that after the wedding of your sister Nuan Nuan and Shao Zhe, you will talk about your affairs with him, Mian Mian, you have to cheer now and give birth to grandchildren to your godmother!" The Si family has twin genes. , Mian Mian pregnant with twins is basically very big!

The topic was suddenly promoted to having a child, and Shao Jiayi still didn't react a little, "Where is Chen Chen?" She asked stupidly.

"I just came back to play for a while, and went to the back garden again. I have asked the servant to ask him to prepare lunch." Li Qianluo really admires Bo Yiyue, who is so old, and has the courage to give Shao Mian a baby.

Before the chef made lunch, Steinli also rushed back from the company.

At the table, because there are Mian Mian He Chen, the atmosphere is very good.

Li Qianluo looked at his son who was peeling crabs with his own hands, and sighed that the time went by. Si Jin Heng also peeled crabs to her warmly in the same way!

In the afternoon, Si Jin Heng and Si Ding Li went to the company, and Li Qianluo took Mian Mian and Chen Chen to the mall.

When buying a silk scarf, Li Qianluo and Shao Jiayi had different opinions.

"Godmother, you bought me so many good things, and I haven't honored you yet, just give me a chance!" Shao Jiayi put Li Qaluo's card back into her bag.

Li Qianluo took it out again, "You are still young, and it won't be too late to buy it for me when your shop is profitable."

"Godmother, it's profitable now, I have saved a lot of money!" Shao Jiayi pushed Li Qaluo's card back happily.

Well, since Shao Jiayi has said so, Li Qianluo will not give in anymore, "Okay, good boy, come on!"

Out of the shop, Li Qianluo held Shao Jiayi’s hand, "I will return to China tomorrow with your godfather to prepare for your sister Nuannuan’s marriage. Godmother will also give you and Dingli’s engagement hotel or something to you together. Take a look."

Shao Jiayi smiled, "Godmother, look at it, I can do it."

The prospective mother-in-law and daughter-in-law passed by a bedding shop, and Li Qianluo pulled Shao Jiayi into it, "Mianmian, do you like this fabric or the four-piece suit of that fabric, and what color do you want besides pink? My godmother will buy you a few more sets."

"This kind of color, don't be picky about the color, whatever looks good is fine."

A big red four-piece suit attracted the attention of Shao Jiayi, embroidered with delicate embroidery patterns. When they think of the bridal chamber anthuriums, their beds are also covered with a four-piece suit of this color, and their faces start to get hot.

"Okay, where do you want to live when you get married in the future? I forgot some other community in Yugu Mingdi, Nandu Garden, Shui'an Town, Yinding Mansion, and all of them have houses."

"This, it's in Villa 9!" Get closer to your parents.


The mall was bustling, and the prospective mother-in-law and daughter-in-law chatted heartily about the future.

I can hear the laughter of two people from time to time, and those who don't know think that they are biological mothers and daughters.

In the evening, Si Jin Heng and Li Qianluo lived in the room diagonally opposite. Li Qianluo took Shao Jiayi and said a lot of thoughtful things before he went back to sleep.

In the bedroom

The period was almost over. Shao Jiayi went to the bathroom and took a simple shower, then went to see Chen Chen who was sleeping, and finally went to the study.

"How long will it take?" She walked over and stood beside Stingli.

Stingli pulled her to sit on her lap, her body exuding a faint fragrance, "Have you taken a bath?"


"Is that okay..." The man buried his face between her neck.

Shao Jiayi shook his head, "It's coming, but it's not over yet."

It’s not good that a man closes his eyes and can only hold but not eat his mouth every day.

"I'll be ready soon, you go back to the room and wait for me first." She is here, and he doesn't want to work, so it's better not to see it and finish it quickly.

Shao Jiayi returned to the room, started playing with her mobile phone, and sent a WeChat message to Zheng Shurui.

Zheng Shurui has just gone to the company, and Secretary Qin on the president's floor is teaching her the workflow.

Hearing her mobile phone rang, she glanced at her sideways, "The president will come back in two days, and the mobile phone must be muted. Since you are working, you must devote yourself to the work. The work of the president must be guaranteed.

"Well, okay, thank you." Zheng Shurui heard Steping Li's return in two days, her heartbeat accelerated, and she could have close contact with him every day.

However, Zheng Shurui's heart was pulled again when he thought of Shao Jiayi who had sent himself WeChat.

Putting aside the mess of thoughts and devoting herself to work, she had to work harder than others in the early stage to gain the trust and favor of Stingli.

Shao Jiayi estimated that Zheng Shurui was busy at work, and boredly sent a WeChat message to his mother, "Your son is eating well here and sleeping soundly. Don't miss you and Shao Mian."

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