Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 929: I came here quietly from country C

He also said that these charges were all the dirty water Stingli asked someone to pour on him.

After waiting for a long time, Shao Jiayi left without seeing the parties involved.

When he got off work in the evening, Shao Jiayi picked all the fruits in the supermarket, touched his pockets, but found that the money was gone...

After thinking about it, she didn't think where the money was lost in the end.

I had to go back to the place where I lived, bring some money again, and check out the fruits I picked.

When passing by Qiao Han's room, Shao Jiayi hesitated and knocked on his door.

The one who opened the door was still a bodyguard, as if he was used to it, and directly handed the bag of apples to the bodyguard, "Please give this to Mr. Joe, thank you."

Qiao Han did not help her less last month, and Shao Jiayi was grateful to him.

Back to the room, I washed myself an apple, and found that the apple she picked was not sweet at all...

I wanted to throw it away, but after my heart was over, I ate the apple.

I cooked some rice for myself for dinner, and then simply heated the dish Qiao Han cooked yesterday.

Turn off the fire, and the whole kitchen smelled like a mess.

Looking at the hot food, Shao Jiayi patted his forehead, Shao Jiayi, you are stupid!

The dish was served out from here, and when he was hesitant to eat or pour it out, the door of the room knocked.

She went to open the door and it was Qiao Han.

Frowning and smelling the smell of her room, he walked directly in and looked at the dark plate of leftovers on the table.

Put it into the trash can without hesitation, "Eh, why did you throw it away." She will have no food for dinner!

But it was too late, Shao Jiayi looked at the food in the trash can silently.

Qiao Han glanced at her and threw her two words, "Wait!"

Shao Jiayi grabbed his sleeve, "No, I will go by myself."

She knew what Qiao Han was going to do, nothing more than ordering her takeout or asking her bodyguard to go out to buy vegetables.

But Qiao Han had helped her too much, and she was ashamed to trouble him again.

Qiao Han did not speak, and pulled back his sleeves, "Let you wait for you to wait."


Shao Jiayi looked at the closed door of the room and sat down on the side of the bed. When would she learn to cook?

If not, the baby in the stomach will starve with her.

When Qiao Han came back again, Shao Jiayi was eating rice without a bite.

He frowned and threw the vegetables bought by the bodyguard to her, "Choose vegetables, wash vegetables."

Shao Jiayi looked at the fresh vegetables, nodded, and obediently chose them.

Halfway through, Qiao Han couldn't stand it anymore, "Shao Jiayi, where are you from?"

He wanted to ask if Shao Jiayi jumped out of the rock. After learning for so long, he couldn't choose dishes, let alone cook.

Shao Jiayi hesitated and looked at Qiao Han, "I tell you not to tell others."

Qiao Han didn't speak.

Shao Jiayi opened his mouth and told the truth, "I came here quietly from Country C."

Many people have asked her where she is from before, and she all said nonsense that she came from the Imperial City.

Country C? Qiao Han's eyes deepened, and he looked at the Tian Yezhu on her neck.

Probably that's it!

Called two bodyguards, and Shao Jiayi was dumbfounded, choosing and washing everything in twos or twos.

After eating the dishes made by Qiao Han, Shao Jiayi wanted to take a bath and rest. Her daily life is like this.

There is no computer, no cell phone, and no TV. After eating, I get sleepy, and then I take a bath and sleep.

At first, she would be late in the morning. She ran to buy an alarm clock and set the alarm every morning.

Coming out of the bathroom, someone knocked on the door, and Shao Jiayi opened the door as a bodyguard.

"Miss Shao, the boss asked you to bring this here." He handed over an Apple notebook.

Boss? Qiao Han? However, what did he ask the computer to do.

Shao Jiayi looked at him suspiciously, and he explained, "The boss said I will lend it to you first, and return it to him when you want to."

Oh! "Thank her for me." Shao Jiayi did not refuse, because it was time to tell his family that they were safe.

Turn on the computer, can't wait to board QQ, think about it, let's go invisible!

As soon as QQ boarded, a series of messages came over.

Everyone has it, everyone in the family, and many classmates.

She clicked on Bo Yiyue's head, "Mianmian, where are you?"

"Mianmian, Mom is very worried about you, your grandma is also sick."


There was a lot of news, Shao Jiayi touched her tears, she was really unfilial...

After reading all the news, Shao Jiayi replied to Bo Yiyue, "Mom, I am very good here. There are many people who treat me well, so don't worry!"

Shao Jiayi immediately made a decision, deciding to wait for the baby to go home. When the time comes, she will hold the baby and go back. Mom and Dad can't let her throw it away!

Then he returned a message to Shao Jiakang, "Brother, you and sister-in-law are doing well, I have a lot of fun here, and I will go home after a while!"

Because of the disappearance of his sister, Shao Jiakang keeps QQ, WeChat, MSN and other communication software online 24 hours a day.

As soon as she responded, Shao Jiakang saw it.

"Mianmian, where are you, your family is worried about you!"

"Brother pick you up, come back quickly."

Shao Jiakang sent several messages in a row, making Shao Jiayi rush to tears.

After chatting with my brother, Shao Jiakang quickly contacted Dingli and asked her to locate the IP of his sister QQ.

When Steinli heard that Shao Jiayi had appeared, she immediately looked for someone to investigate her QQ number and the IP that appeared last.

When he found out, Shao Jiayi also returned the computer to Qiao Han.

Qiao Han was explaining work to his assistant, and a bodyguard suddenly said, "Boss, someone is investigating your computer IP."

Hearing that Qiao Han's brows were furrowed, and he flipped through the webpage records and communication software, only traces of Shao Jiayi's login.

"Intercept." He ordered faintly.

What is Shao Jiayi's identity, and who will look for her again? The opponent was able to break into his firewall so quickly and almost located his exact location.

The bodyguard quickly intercepted and strengthened the computer firewall, and took advantage of this time to change the IP to Brazil.

Country C

Stingli saw the computer talent manipulating the firewall of the other party's computer with his own eyes. He was about to see the IP number and was suddenly bounced back.

His brows were furrowed, and there was a cold look in his eyes.

Who is Shao Jiayi with now?

The person with her is very difficult.

Another hacker was called, and the two of them found out the last IP of each other's computer.

"President Si, the IP is from Brazil."

Brazil? Shao Jiayi went to Brazil? Take out the phone and tell the other party, "Go to Brazil to find it, step up efforts, and notify me as soon as there is news."

After returning a message to Shao Jiakang, Stingli took back the phone and looked at the computer in thought.

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