Travel Frog: Start With A Sparkling Fruit

Chapter 171 Is This Lei Fa? No, This Is A Catastrophe!

As everyone chatted, they adjusted their status.

A few hours passed quickly.

As the sun slanted to the west, the space on top of the green hill began to fluctuate.

Mastering the Shock Fruit ability and being extremely sensitive to vibrations, Tang Jing clearly felt an invisible vibration spreading.

That is the spatial vibration caused by the thorough contact between the secret realm and this world!

Tang Jing's eyes lit up, and he began to secretly remember this feeling.

Shock Fruit has a strong vibration ability, which can easily cause earthquakes and tsunamis.

It can also shatter the atmosphere to attack enemies.

Tang Jing even wanted to shatter the space for a while.

But after many attempts, it was simply impossible.

Even if he has broken through to the mythical level now, it won't work!

To shatter the space, you must master the vibration to another level, and you must be extremely powerful.

But the vibrating space at this moment made Tang Jing realize that this is an opportunity!

The last time in Ye County, Tang Jing could not capture a similar feeling, perhaps because he was arranged in advance and his strength was not enough.

But this time, he felt it!!

If he can write down this fluctuation, maybe he can also try Fengsha Dimension!

This can be regarded as going off the beaten track, not really using the pure 760 vibration power to break the space.

But no matter what, if you can master it, it must be a very powerful attack method!

It's a pity that this fluctuation came suddenly and went away quickly.

After a while, the fluctuation disappeared.

Tang Jing barely memorized it.

After that fluctuation disappeared, a space on the top of the mountain began to distort.

A Uzumaki appeared in the air.

A lot of energy is drawn into it with the appearance of Uzumaki.

The Uzumaki channel is also expanding rapidly.

The absorbed various energies, under the action of the channel, present colorful elemental colors.

The roar of a ferocious beast could be faintly heard coming from the passage.

But these people present, except for Tang Jing, are all veterans who have entered the secret realm countless times.

No one showed an expression of fear at all.

Instead, they were extremely excited.

Even Tang Jing actually feels like his body is at his waist.

That's the desire to fight!

Perhaps because of the fusion of Saiyan blood, Tang Jing is more enthusiastic about fighting than before!

Everyone gathered at the entrance of the passage, and when the passage was more than half stable, Liu Wuchang walked in first.

The reason for not waiting for the passage to be completely stable is also to not give the ferocious beasts in the secret territory a chance to rush out.

Tang Jing et al followed closely.

There are a total of thirteen people entering the secret realm to open up wasteland this time.

Among them, Liu Wuchang is the eighth layer of mythology, mainly sitting in charge of the audience to prevent accidents.

Generally speaking, there will not be existences above the sixth level of mythology in small secret realms.

But defense is always right.

After all, for human beings at present, small secret realms are the easiest resource to obtain.

Except for Liu Wuchang, among the remaining twelve people, one is a five-fold myth and two is a four-fold myth.

The remaining nine are existences of the third layer of mythology and below.

The first level of mythology is the most, there are four of them.

Walking into the passage, just halfway there, Tang Jing saw a fierce beast squeezed in from the exit.

But Liu Wuchang had already arrived near the exit at this time.

The huge beast was directly slapped to death by him.

That huge body was instantly shattered!

Tang Jing and the others also speeded up and rushed out of the passage quickly.

The moment they entered this small secret realm, a chaotic wave rushed towards them.

That was the initial collision of two worlds, the full wave of conflict of laws.

Tang Jing also encountered it when he entered a small secret realm before.

But that was the finishing task, and the volatility has been reduced a lot.

Now that the secret realm has just arrived, the intensity of this fluctuation has directly increased several times.

Fortunately, Tang Jing and the others are all at the myth level, and the aftermath of this is nothing to them at all.

No one even cared about this, they all looked around.

At this time, a large number of ferocious beasts had gathered near the entrance of the passage in the secret territory.

Because the secret realm came normally, the number of beasts that appeared here was far more than what Tang Jing encountered in Ye County (acfa)!

Observation Haki spread, Tang Jing made a preliminary detection, and found fifteen beasts above myth level.

There are countless ferocious beasts at and below the control level!

Liu Wuchang flew into the air, paying attention to the surrounding situation, but did not make a move.

This battlefield belongs to Tang Jing and the others.

If there is no unexpected situation that they can't handle, Liu Wuchang will not make a move.

This is why it is said that he is responsible for holding the formation.

The reason for this is also to let others get exercise.

After all, only small and medium-sized secret realms are the ones where human beings really have the upper hand, so we must seize the opportunity to train soldiers.

But Tang Jing doesn't really approve of this approach.

In this kind of situation where people are in charge, unless there is an accident, there is no life-and-death pressure at all.

What can be achieved by training in this way?

Of course, it's not Tang Jing's turn to take care of this kind of thing at the moment, and he's just making complaints about it.

Just as Liu Wuchang left, everyone split up and started to deal with the beasts in front of them according to the original plan.

The plan is actually very simple, that is to let Wu Tianlin and the other four mythical beasts entangle as many mythical monsters as possible.

Use the mythical fivefold ruler of the underworld as a spear to defeat them one by one.

Tang Jing and the others, who were at level three and below the myth level, were responsible for dealing with beasts at level one and level two, as well as a large number of beasts below the myth level.

After all, under normal circumstances, even if it is a mythical level, it is not easy to kill a beast of the same level, and it will take a little time.

The leader of the underworld at the fifth level of mythology rushed out quickly, and rushed straight at a ferocious beast at the fourth level of mythology, trying to kill it as soon as possible.

But Wu Tianlin's two leaders of the fourth level of mythology shot at the same time, and one person held down two fierce beasts of more than three levels of mythology.

Wu Tianlin even grabbed a fierce beast of the fifth level of mythology.

This is also the most powerful beast on the scene!

As a result, there are still ten mythical beasts at the entrance of the passage.

"Tang Jing, Jiang Tingyu, clean up the low-level fierce beasts quickly, and the others entangle the remaining mythical-level fierce beasts!"

Xu Dafang, who had a third level of mythology, shouted, and rushed towards the two mythical beasts at the same time.

This was also decided early on.

If there are too many mythical level beasts, then other people will entangle the mythical level beasts first, and let those with large-scale attack methods clean up the low-level beasts first.

When preventing battles, pay attention to these low-level beasts.

After all, there are also many fierce beasts in the third level of the control level, which have the ability to affect part of the battle situation.

In battles like the first layer of mythology, it is entirely possible that the balance will be broken due to the addition of multiple control-level third-level beasts.

Therefore, cleaning must be prioritized!

As for the large-scale attack methods, at this level, although they all have a little bit.

But most of the actual effects are weak.

What can really be useful in this kind of situation doesn't change.

So, in the end, Tang Jing and Jiang Tingyu took over the task.

Before Xu Fang could speak, Tang Jing was already preparing.

The moment he finished speaking, the five-colored thunder shrouded the entire passageway.

It's like a catastrophe!!.

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