Travel Frog: Start With A Sparkling Fruit

Chapter 224: The Lovable Frog Cub, Whitebeard Invites Him To Fight

Whitebeard laughed and looked down.

Looking at Tang Jing, his eyes were full of curiosity.

Is this the daddy the frog cub calls him?

"Come in and chat."

Tang Jing directly invited the two of them into the house.

A look of confusion appeared on Whitebeard's face.

Go in?

How to get in?

The overall building height of the travel home is a little lower than his stature.

How to enter this?

Just when Whitebeard was confused.

I saw the entire travel home suddenly rise!

The house was originally too large to accommodate Whitebeard.

Get big quickly.

The height of the entire travel home soon reached more than ten meters!

The area of ​​the house has also been expanded a lot.

It’s more than enough to accommodate a Whitebeard that’s over six meters tall!

Such a magical scene surprised Whitebeard and Robin.

This is actually the ability that Tang Jing only discovered after entering the Travel Home this time.

Just like before, he could change his clothes at will.

Now on this basis, with the upgrade of Travel Home, its capabilities have become stronger.

Now in the travel home, Tang Jing can not only change her clothes at will.

You can also change the layout of the house at will.

You can make designs completely according to your own wishes.

Just like when he was playing the game.

Even the size of the room can be changed!

This includes the courtyard.

The most interesting thing is that although the area of ​​the house has changed so much, the courtyard seems to have no impact at all.

Putting the two together makes it even more special.

Tang Jing turned around and entered the house, followed by Robin and Whitebeard.

After walking into the house, Robin looked around and asked: "Mr. Tang, your place has changed a lot. Has it been rebuilt?"

Tang Jing said with a smile: "It's like re-doing it, changing the style."

Robin carefully looked at the various furnishings in the house and couldn't help but marvel.

Although she didn't know what these things were specifically, she could feel the accumulation of time and culture in them.

Sit down on a mahogany chair.

Robin's curiosity about Tang Jing has increased.

"What a mysterious man."

She thought to herself.

It is worth noting that most of the chairs in the huge living room have remained unchanged.

There was only one chair, which became very huge.

That's for Whitebeard.

The three of them sat down separately, and Tang Jing also said directly: "Mr. Whitebeard, I heard from Robin that you wanted to see me. What's the matter?"

Tang Jing looked at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard shook his head.

"Actually, it's nothing special. It's mainly out of curiosity."

“When the frog cub was on my boat, I liked him very much and invited him to be my son.

"But it refused."

"It says it has a daddy, and its daddy is very good and very strong!"

"Stronger than me!"

"That's why I've always wanted to meet you."

"I want to see what it's like to have Marine offer a bounty no less than Four Emperors just based on one name!"

"I also want to see what the father the frog boy said is stronger than me looks like!"

"Goo la la la!"

"Although I don't like to say this, after all, I am also one of the strong men on the sea, and I still have a little confidence in my own strength!"

"I can feel that Frogboy didn't lie."

"So, I'm curious!"

Tang Jing didn't expect that Whitebeard came to him for these reasons.

It can be seen that Whitebeard seems to really like the frog cubs.

This surprised Tang Jing.

I wonder what that guy Frog Cub did?

To think Whitebeard was so interested in it!

Surprised, Tang Jing also asked with a smile: "What do you think of me?"

Whitebeard looked serious, "Strong! Very strong!"

Although Tang Jing is only a conscious body, his aura is completely restrained.

But the fighting instinct that Whitebeard developed over many years of fighting still made him feel a strong sense of danger from Tang Jing.

This seemingly young man possesses unimaginable power!

Robin next to him was not surprised at all.

She already knew that Tang Jing was very strong.

Even if Whitebeard is "the strongest man in the world".

In her opinion, he is not as good as Tang Jing.

But no one expected that after Whitebeard said that Tang Jing was very strong, he asked seriously: "I wonder if Mr. Tang can fight with me?"


Robin was stunned. What logic is this?

While saying that Tang Jing is very strong, he also wants to ask for a fight?

Tang Jing was not too surprised.

As a famous pirate, fighting has long become instinctive.

Although Whitebeard is not a fighting maniac, it is common for him to fight against strong men.

Tang Jing sensed Whitebeard's fighting spirit even before he entered the door.

So I responded casually: "Of course."

To be honest, he was also very curious about this famous strong man in the world of "One Piece" and wanted to give it a try.

Especially since he also has the Shock Fruit ability.

I don’t know who is stronger or weaker in a fight with Whitebeard?


"I thought you would attack me directly.

Tang Jing said.

After all, in 617's impression, many of the discussions between pirates seemed to be direct.

"Gu la la la! After all, it's a door-to-door visit, so you still need to have some etiquette.

Whitebeard laughed.

Tang Jing was speechless.

He felt that Whitebeard seemed to be hinting at someone!

However, since we have to fight, we naturally can't do it in the house.

Tang Jing got up and walked out of the travel home.

In the courtyard, the illusory martial arts arena in mid-air quickly solidified.

Whitebeard and Robin felt the movement and came out.

Tang Jing jumped onto the martial arts arena and said to Whitebeard: "Since you want to fight, let's come to a special venue!"

"Goo la la la!"

"That would be great!"

Whitebeard laughed and jumped into the arena as well.

After entering the martial arts arena, Whitebeard discovered.

The martial arts arena looks small from the outside, but after entering, the interior space is actually very large!

This area is probably several times larger than Xia Chang's island!

"Not bad, it seems I can let go and have a good fight!"

Whitebeard looked delighted.

A terrifying aura suddenly broke out on him!

(It’s the end of the year and there’s a lot going on. I’ll post a chapter in the morning and update it in the morning. I’ll update it tomorrow.)

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