Travel Frog: Start With A Sparkling Fruit

Chapter 259: The World Of \"Shading The Sky\"? Rush! ! !

Tang Jing didn't expect that he would draw another World Scroll with just a random draw.

Which world will it be?

Click on the topaz, and the shadows start to flash one by one.

Soon, the shadow disappeared, and a prompt sounded.

"Congratulations on getting the world teleportation scroll of "Zhetian"!"


Tang Jing was stunned.

What the hell?!

The world of "Shading the Sky"???


Tang Jing took a deep breath.

This is too fierce!

Actually came directly to the teleportation scroll of this world.

["Zhetian" World Teleport Scroll]

Type: props

Effect: Putting it in the backpack will allow the traveling frog to be directly teleported into the world of "Shading the Sky" during the next trip.


Tang Jing looked at the introduction on the information column.

The effect of this scroll is not unexpected.

Compared with the world of "Tomb of the Gods" that Tang Jing has always been thinking about, the world of "Shading the Sky" can be said to be in no way inferior.

Moreover, the world background of "Shading the Sky" is grand, and there are more powerful people and secrets hidden.

This means there are more treasures!

It’s even more worthwhile for the frog cubs to travel and explore!

So, will the world that Frog Cub travels to change next time?

Originally, Tang Jing was planning to let the frog cubs go to the world of "Tomb of Gods".

But now it seems that Ping can go to the world of "Zhe Tian" first.

After all, Tang Jing still has a [Empress’ Ghost Face Mask] in her hand!

That's a werewolf thing.

If the frog cub takes this with him and meets the werewolf empress, maybe he can gain something good?

With this thought, Tang Jing quickly made up his mind.

Let the frog cub go to the world of "Zhetian" first!!!

But before that, he still needs to draw another prize.

Because the number of lottery tickets this time is ten, that is to say, he can draw twice!

"For the first time, I drew a teleportation scroll from the world of "Shading the Sky"."

"Then what will it be the second time?"

Tang Jing was very curious and looking forward to it.

Click the "Start" button again.

The lottery machine is also spinning again.

After a while, a piece of white jade rolled out.

Tang Jing's face turned dark.

Damn it!

That's it??

White Jade, the corresponding reward is a lottery ticket.

To some extent, it's like thank you for participating...

The good mood that I originally felt after drawing the world scroll of "Shading the Sky" disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the white jade on the page turn into a lottery ticket, Tang Jing directly closed the lottery page and returned to the Travel Home interface.

At this time, the frog cub was still reading a book on the bed.

Tang Jing opened his backpack, took out one of the props he originally put in, and replaced it with the world scroll of "Shading the Sky".

In addition, the gifts in the gift box were also replaced by him.

[The Empress’ Ghost Face Mask]

Type: Exclusive gift

Introduction: The mysterious item from the world of "Zhetian" belongs to the empress known as the werewolf.

It does not have special power, but it is something that the Empress cherishes. Giving it to the Empress can gain her favor.

Looking at the scrolls and masks in the backpack, Tang Jing always felt that there was something missing.

After thinking for a while, he also took off the amulet.

Until now, the frog cub is still using a permanent amulet that he bought earlier.

At that time, there were not many clovers, so we had to make do with them.

But now, it’s time to change to something better!

And Tang Jing thought of something else.

That is, many amulets also have special effects.

Since this time we are going to a world like "Shading the Sky", of course we have to arrange everything!!

Not only amulets, but also props!

Tang Jing opened the store again, this time, he focused on amulets and props.

He simply ignored the amulets and props that cost less than a million clovers.

If you want to change it, of course it’s a good idea!

Anyway, I'm rich now.

Tang Jing picked and chose two amulets worth millions!

【True Dragon Jade Pendant】

Price: Three million clovers

Type: Permanent Amulet

Introduction: Contains the power of a true dragon, which can protect the body when encountering danger. At the same time, it greatly increases the luck value, making it easier to interact with those with great luck.

【Daoyi Talisman】

Price: 2.8 million clovers

Type: Permanent Amulet

Introduction: A condensation of Taoist charm, which can increase the chance of obtaining high-end special 507 products and souvenirs.

Because after the backpack was upgraded, it could hold two amulets, so Tang Jing directly purchased two of them, spending nearly 6 million clovers.

But the effect is also extremely powerful.

It is also a permanent type and can be used directly in the future.

He looked at the props again.

Compared with amulets, props are more diverse.

Tang Jing spent the same price as the amulets and picked three.

The effects are basically treasure hunting, luck, attracting the child of destiny, self-defense, etc.

After everything was completed, Officer Tang put the amulets and props into his backpack.

He even changed the food to a high-end one for the frog cub.

One hundred thousand clovers worth!

Frog Cub's backpack can be said to have a completely new look.

The contents of this backpack alone are worth tens of millions of clovers!

If it weren't for the huge gains this time, Tang Jing would really not be able to play like this.

But now, it's just a trivial matter.

Everything is ready, the rest is up to the frog cubs!

The world of "Shading the Sky"?


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