However, before using the divine blood, Tang Jing went to take a bath first.

No way, it stinks!

At the same time, he also opened the ventilation system of the training room for ventilation.

It is different from things like Heart of Light and Moon Flower.

After all, the blood of the gods is the blood of the gods, and it is the blood of their hearts.

According to Shen Tianlin, there may still be some fragments of the Law of Light and the Law of Fire inside.

Although he has erased the aggressiveness in it, there is still a certain risk in wanting to absorb it.

Therefore, it needs to be paired with some spiritual objects to absorb it better and more safely.

As for the list of spiritual objects to be matched, Shen Tianlin had already given Tang Jing the divine blood.

It happened to be going to take a shower now, so Tang Jing incidentally placed an order in the credit mall on the school intranet.

When he came out of the shower, the things arrived.

All spiritual objects are stored in a small box, and there is a seal on the outside of the box, which can only be released by a specific method.

Even the seal of each box is different.

The specific cancellation method will only be sent to the person who placed the order.

Lift the box to the underground training room.

Unlocking the seal according to the method mentioned in the mall news, Tang Jing took out the spiritual objects one by one.

There are six pieces in total, costing him 5,000 credits.

That's fifty million!

This is just an auxiliary material used to match the absorption of divine blood.

It can be seen the value of divine blood.

Tang Jing took the six spirits in order, and then swallowed the blood of the gods in one gulp.


There was a faint roaring sound in the ears.

Terrifying energy exploded in Tang Jing's body.

An angry roar seemed to be heard somewhere.

That is the residual will of the gods in the blood.

It can be seen that Tang Jing's whole body seems to be glowing, a red and pale golden halo radiating from his abdomen to his whole body.


The Conqueror's Haki was released unconsciously, resisting this will.

At the same time, six different colors also lit up one after another, assimilating and suppressing the power in the divine blood.

These are the six spirits that he just took.

Silently, Tang Jing's whole body turned into elements, directly turning into a "light man".

And the power of light element in the divine blood was also quickly plundered and devoured by him.

From time to time, it can be seen that there are broken mysterious patterns blending into Tang Jing's body.

The power of the light element on Tang Jing's body is also slowly changing.

Although there is no direct burst of terrifying power.

But it seemed to have settled down, becoming deeper and deeper.

Gives a feeling of bottomlessness.

And as the power of the light element was absorbed, the remaining fire power in the divine blood began to make trouble.

Tang Jing thought that he could completely absorb these two forces, and even try to take this opportunity to master the power of the fire element.

But he still underestimated the blood of God.

In other words, he underestimated the gods of this world.

Although it is just a drop of heart, the power contained in it is really too strong.

Especially law shards.

Even though it was broken into pieces, it was still very difficult for Tang Jing to absorb.

So much so that he has no spare energy to absorb the power of the flame.

After all, there is no flame power in his body.

This also greatly increased the difficulty for him to absorb this power.

Just when Tang Jing was about to dissipate this force, a simple figure came to him.

Here it is, Charmander!

Feel the strong flame power on Tang Jing's body.

And Tang Jing also seems to be tortured by this force.

Little Charmander didn't think much, opened its mouth wide at Tang Jing, and sucked in violently.

The powerful flame power was directly sucked away by it.

The flame on Charmander's tail became brighter, and it took another breath without pausing.

Because of Tang Jing's active cooperation, more flame power was sucked into the belly of Charmander.

"Little Charmander, do you feel unwell?"

Seeing that Charmander wanted to continue, Tang Jing hurriedly asked.

Charmander shook his head, and at the same time patted his chest with his small paws, indicating that he was fine.

"In this case......"

In line with the idea of ​​not wasting, Tang Jing exhausted all the flame power, as well as some of the broken flame laws.

Charmander opened his mouth wide and swallowed it in one gulp!


Charmander burped directly.

Then it yawned and fell to the ground.

Tang Jing was taken aback, thinking that something happened to the little guy.

But soon, a little flame power overflowed from the little charmander's body.

Seeing Charmander's comfortable expression, Tang Jing finally understood.

The little guy may have just absorbed too much flame power, so he has undergone some metamorphosis and is digesting.

"Shouldn't it evolve directly?"

Tang Jing scratched his head.

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