Travel Frog: Start With A Sparkling Fruit

Chapter 361: Fuso Eight God-Tier Ming

"I only need to kill the powerful aliens, and there will always be someone to deal with the weak ones.

Tang Jing has no intention of eradicating all alien races.

"You are right," Huang Tianran asked again, "When are you going to Fusang?"

"Wait a little longer, maybe next month!"

Tang Jing thought for a moment and gave the answer.

"There are still two weeks until next month, and many people may die if we help them." Huang Tianran said calmly.

"Who cares?" Tang Jing said indifferently:

"Although Fuso doesn't have a true god, as far as I know, they still have eight gods."

"Now most of the mermaid aliens have disappeared, and the two true gods of the human "727" fish tribe have hid under the sea. The remaining small number of aliens, and the awakened ones of Fuso are willing to take action, can completely solve the problem."

The eight gods of Fuso are very unique.

They each take their names from myths and stories, and are less high-profile than the true gods of other countries.

They are Susana God, Nine Tails God, Tengu God, Arakawa God, Tsukuyomi God, etc.

Even the Fuso Snake has its own honorific title.

The people of the Fuso Kingdom called it the Yamata god-tier before they turned against it.

It's just that these names are disdainful to awakened people other than Fuso, and they like to call it Fuso Orochi.

"Yes, those awakened people in Fusang are playing tricks and trying to take advantage of our Qiuzhou without any effort on their own!"

With Tang Jing's reminder, Huang Tianran immediately saw clearly Fuso Awakener's plan.

It will take a lot of manpower and material resources to deal with the aliens who have broken out of the secret realm.

These are not things that can be solved in a short time if you are powerful.

After all, the world is very big, and the alien mermaids are scattered and hiding in the deep sea.

Even if Tang Jing personally searches for it, it will take a lot of time.

But he is not a person who likes to be taken advantage of.

If the Fusang Kingdom does not contribute, then just watch the Fusang people suffer casualties!

"That's right, I only promised Fuso that I would take action, but I didn't say a specific time."

Tang Jing smiled slyly, but Huang Tianran didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

If Fusang is not a human being, then they are all normal.

"He is indeed the number one person in the world," Huang Tianran laughed loudly, "Fuso may have to dig a hole for himself this time!"

"They all asked for it. For a country that feeds its own people as sacrifices to the upgraded snake, the lower limit may be lower than we thought."

Tang Jing shook his head and was completely speechless for Fusang.

The alien invasion of the secret realm was the front step, and the back step was to take advantage so as to retain the power and resources of the awakened ones.

They don't care about the casualties of the people.

The awakener of Fuso!

How heartbreaking!

"Maybe there is a secret behind the breach of the secret realm." Huang Tianran suddenly thought.

After all, how could the secret realm that was well guarded before be suddenly breached?

It's not a super large secret realm, just a large secret realm.

You know, there are no true gods and alien races in large secret realms.

Even the number of gods is very small, usually only one or two.

Fuso Country has one super large secret realm and four large secret realms.

The two gods suppressed a large secret realm. Logically speaking, they were able to defend it and even had the energy to launch a counterattack.

But one of the large secret realms was lost.

It's hard not to wonder if there's some dirty tricks and calculations going on here.

"I don't care about this. Fuso's True God loves to fight among themselves. As long as it doesn't affect our Kyushu, I won't bother to care about it."

Tang Jing yawned and was about to take a nap at noon...

After becoming an awakener, the most convenient thing is that you can fall asleep at any time.

As long as you lie down for a few minutes, you can quickly enter a deep sleep state and wake up at any time.

There is no such thing as staying up late and being unable to sleep as an ordinary person.

Of course, as the strength level increases, it is actually okay not to sleep.

However, Tang Jing still retains his sleeping habits, including taking a nap every day.

"Yes, we really don't need to pay attention to Fusang." Huang Tianran nodded.

"Well, let's continue talking about the disappeared mermaid aliens. I suspect they may have some agenda." Tang Jing expressed his thoughts.

"Plot?" Huang Tianran was puzzled, "Just based on the mermaid alien race?"

The original world of those alien races was destroyed by the world-destroying hand and shattered into large and small secret realms.

If aliens want to survive, they must enter the main world.

Huang Tianran really couldn't figure it out: "Their purpose has been achieved, what else can they plan for?"

Tang Jing: "Yes, they escaped from the secret place. What do you think will happen to them next? 5.7"

"These alien races escaped from the secret realm and settled in the deep sea. Their races were able to continue to multiply, and then competed with us humans for living space." Huang Tianran said.

He always believed that the alien race of mermaids could not make any waves.

The mermaid alien race only has two true gods, plus less than ten gods.

Not to mention being enemies with all the awakened humans around the world.

Even the awakened people in the Western Continent can easily suppress them without Tang Jing coming forward.

In the final analysis, these alien races scattered in various secret realms have no advantage at all in front of human awakeners.

But since Tang Jing said so, Huang Tianran knew that things might not be that simple. .

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