Travel Frog: Start With A Sparkling Fruit

Chapter 377: Above The True God, The Name Of The God!

Seeing Tang Jing and Tang Jing, the mermaid alien bared his teeth.

However, his hands and fish tail were trapped by special chains and could not break free at all.

"Oh, it's quite fierce!" Du Tianning glared at the mermaid alien.

"It knows that its life is not long, so it is normal to be fierce." Tang Jing said with a smile.

"Indeed." Du Tianning agreed very much.

It is impossible for humans and aliens to live in peace.

The entire Kyushu, and even the entire world, has a large population.

There is no extra space left for foreigners to live.

If both parties live together, disputes will inevitably arise.

Instead of fighting again and again in the future, it is better to eliminate the danger as soon as possible.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

What's more, these alien races all came from the secret 05 realm that other worlds have transformed into.

It's like invading the main world.

It is pitiful for their world to be destroyed by the hand of destruction.

But that's not a reason to rob humanity's homeland and massacre human beings.

"Do you have any other uses for this alien?" Tang Jing asked.

Du Tianning shook his head: "No, you can interrogate him however you want, and we can provide you with the respective punishments!"

"Okay, but the punishment is not necessary."

Tang Jing said, pointing at the forehead of the mermaid alien.

This finger may seem ordinary, but it contains terrifying energy that will kill you!

In just an instant, the alien mermaid died.

"Ah, this..." Du Tianyu was stunned.

Didn't you say that we were going to interrogate?

How did you get killed?

Ignoring his surprised look, Tang Jing directly launched the Ju Ling Dispatch!

A black soul slowly floated out from the corpse of the mermaid alien race, and finally gathered in Tang Jing's hands.

Du Tianyu was stunned by this scene.

What Jizo-sama is that a soul?

Their organization is called Hell, but no one does anything in the underworld!

I didn’t expect that Lord Ksitigarbha could capture souls!

He felt like his world view was being refreshed!

Sure enough, Lord Ksitigarbha is omnipotent!

"Okay, be quiet."

Tang Jing waved his hand, and Du Tianyu immediately covered his mouth to silence.

From the memories of the mermaid alien race, Tang Jing roughly knew their plan.

It turns out that his guess was good, there is really a big conspiracy among the mermaid aliens!

After waiting quietly for a few minutes, Du Tianyu finally couldn't help but break the silence.

"Lord Ksitigarbha, what did you find?"

Tang Jing withdrew from the ocean of memory: "Well, I discovered that the mermaid alien you captured is one of their core members."

There is also a difference between the mythical level.

There is no difference in status among the alien races between the alien race with the first level of mythical strength and the alien race with the ninth level of mythical strength.

"That's great!" Du Tianyu was extremely excited.

"The mermaid alien race has a racial talent that can inject all the power of all mermaids into one person. They are preparing to use this to break through the true gods!"

Tang Jing did not hide anything and directly told the memory of what he saw.

"What? Above the True God!" Du Tianyu was shocked.

Above the True God, that is the legendary realm!

I didn’t expect the mermaid tribe to have such ambitions!

You know, even Lord Ksitigarbha is only in the realm of true gods.

If the alien race of mermaids really succeeded, wouldn't their humanity be in danger?!

Of course, he didn't know that Tang Jing was in the realm of a true god on the surface, but his actual combat power had already exceeded the ceiling.

Otherwise, you may be shocked to the point of dislocating your jaw.

"Yes, in their mouths, the realm above the true gods seems to be called gods. Tang Jing thinks this is the most useful information.

I have always thought that the realm above the true God is very vague.

At this time, he finally knew that it was the god above.

The true god of the main world is the limit.

Breaking through the true god seems to have broken through the constraints of heaven. The title Tian Tianshen is indeed appropriate.

"Hiss~ It turns out that above the true God is the God of Heaven, it's really eye-opening!"

Du Tianyu opened his mouth, excited that he was the second person in the world to know the realm of gods.

Staying with Master Ksitigarbha is a way of gaining knowledge!

"The mermaid alien race is quite smart, a little different from other alien races." Tang Jing was also a little surprised.

Before meeting the mermaid alien race, he had dealt with five super large secret realms 460.

Scale Clan, Armor Clan, Ant Clan, Feather Clan and Bone Clan.

The memories of the five alien races do not contain any information about the True God.

But he learned it in the mind of a mythical alien from the mermaid tribe.

"Maybe there was a god among the mermaid aliens!" Du Tianyu guessed.

"Probably~" Tang Jing nodded.

He also saw the existence of the world-destroying hand in the memory of the mermaid alien race.

It is a pity that it is the same as the world-destroying hand that destroys other worlds.

The true god of the mermaid alien race was completely irresistible, and there was no trace of the god.

After all, the upper limit of the world for the mermaid alien race is the realm of true gods.

Once one transcends the true God, he will be rejected by the will of the world.

Either forcefully merge with the will of the world and never be able to leave.

Or, you can only choose to ascend to a higher level world.

Tang Jing was thinking that maybe the mermaid alien god had left the world where he was.

If it saw its descendants, their home was destroyed by that world-destroying hand.

I don’t know what I feel in my heart?

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