Travel Frog: Start With A Sparkling Fruit

Chapter 382 The Five True Gods Of Kyushu

If a foreign race is trapped in a secret realm, it may be difficult to do anything wrong.

But once you break through the defense line of the secret realm, it becomes quite difficult.

Even if Tang Jing wants to eliminate these alien races, it will take time.

Picking up his cell phone, he called Du Tianyu.

"Lord Ksitigarbha! You actually took the initiative to call me. I'm really honored!"

When Du Tianyu opened his mouth, it was the ancestral art of flattery.

"Okay, no more nonsense," Tang Jing said calmly, "The location of the alien race you gave me is wrong. Their main force is not here."

"What? Wrong?!" Du Tianyu was extremely surprised.

"It's a cover-up used by the mermaid alien race. They may be dormant and break through the true gods. They want to become gods and have a decisive battle with us humans. 05.

The news that Tang Jing dropped quietly made Du Tianyu immediately nervous.

If the aliens really succeed, it will be the end of the world!

"Then what should we do?" He quickly looked at Tang Jing, "Lord Ksitigarbha, please save all mankind!"

"You don't have to worry too much. How could I let aliens run rampant on human territory?"

Tang Jing comforted Du Tianyu with one word.

In fact, even if the mermaid alien race really breaks through to the gods, he doesn't care at all.

Fighting against the realm of gods is just the right time to test his strength.

But he knew very well that the boat could easily capsize if the waves were too rough.

If the crisis can be resolved in advance, don't delay.

So he made a decision and prepared to immediately search the seas around the world to find the hidden alien race as soon as possible.

"That's good, Lord Ksitigarbha is mighty!" Du Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he asked: "Do you need me to send more people to look for traces of the alien race?"

"No, I will take action myself," Tang Jing waved her hand and refused, "The alien mermaids lurk at the bottom of the sea and are very smart and cunning. Once they are discovered and detected, they will quickly move away.

"That's right, the people in the underworld are still too weak!" Du Tianyu sighed helplessly.

In the entire underworld, except for Tang Jing, there are only two gods and one true god.

The strength of the King of Hell has been hovering at the extreme level of a god for a long time, and he became a true god not long ago.

As for Du Tianyu, as the agent of Yama, his strength is considered strong in the realm of gods.

There is also a god who has the position of judge of the underworld, and his strength is average among gods.

In addition, the underworld members are all members of the control level and myth level.

This level of strength is really not enough to deal with the aliens who have broken out of the super-large secret realm.

Generally, there will be two to three alien true gods in a very large secret realm.

The number of alien gods is in the dozens!

Only by blocking them at the entrance to the secret realm can they be guarded at the minimum cost.

One can imagine how much pressure there was in Kyushu, where there were once five super-large secret realms.

Even so, before Tang Jing suddenly emerged, Jiuzhou's strength was still ranked among the top in the world.

There are now a total of five true gods in Kyushu.

A student of Fengshen Academy, Ksitigarbha of the underworld, and the number one god of war in the military.

The strongest man in the world, the true god Tang Jing!

Dean of Fengshen Academy, True God Shen Tianlin!

The King of Hell in the Underworld, the True God Zhao Tiance!

The military god of war, the true god Li Jun!

The military god of war, the true god Sheng Ruoyu!

When the Fuso Serpent invaded Kyushu, the people who cooperated with Shen Tianlin to fight against the enemy were Mr. Li and True God Li Jun.

"I'm dead, but I still have to look for traces of the alien race."

Notifying the underworld of abnormalities was mainly to remind Du Tianyu to prevent mermaid aliens from stealing their homes.

Tang Jing does not expect help from the underworld when it comes to finding aliens.

He finds it himself, which is the fastest.

"Okay, Lord Ksitigarbha, you have a pleasant trip~"

After hanging up the communication, Du Tianyu thought about reporting this matter to the King of Hell, Zhao Tiance.

After all, Zhao Tiance is the one in charge of the underworld.

Being counter-reconnaissance by the mermaid aliens this time was a huge mistake.

The underworld must pay attention to it in order to ensure that there will be no problems when facing alien races in the future.

Bring up the address book, dial the number, and wait for a minute before a busy signal comes from inside.

"It seems that the King of Hell is fighting with the alien races in the secret realm of the Antarctic continent, so let's wait for a while before talking!"

This is usually the case when investigating the 733 super large secret place, and it is impossible to have time to answer the phone.

Du Tianyu didn't pay too much attention, put away his mobile phone and started busy.

On the other side, after Tang Jing put away her mobile phone, she began to conduct a blanket search on the global sea.

First, sound the waters near Kyushu to prevent darkness under the lights and prioritize the safety of Kyushu.

No trace of the mermaid alien race was found.

Then, Tang Jing began to explore the world's largest ocean.

The sea area here is vast, and the mermaid alien race has hidden in, making it difficult for ordinary people to track it.

Still no trace of them.

After a lot of work, it was already dark.

Although Tang Jing is strong.

But it still takes a lot of time to release mental power and carefully explore every location on the seabed.

However, Tang Jing was not disappointed.

The whole world has only twenty oceans.

In the worst case scenario, all investigations can be completed in about two days.

The mermaid alien race must not be able to escape!

"Ding~ I received the travel photos from Frog Cub, do you want to check them immediately?".

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