Travel Frog: Start With A Sparkling Fruit

Chapter 406 Characteristics Of The Zerg

Tang Jing was sitting on the sofa and meditating.

His own strength has been shown time and time again.

It is impossible for those foreign true gods not to know the fact of killing the true god instantly.

But knowing this, they still dare to go against themselves.

This shows that they came prepared.

This withdrawal from the secret realm of the Zerg is obviously testing one's own bottom line.

In other words, is it a declaration of war?

"Could it be that they have something to rely on to become my enemy?"

Tang Jing naturally thought of this.

If you want to be qualified to challenge him, there are only two possibilities.

One is that among the awakened, there is an existence beyond the true God.

That is to say, someone has broken through the realm of "two-two-zero" gods.

However, this possibility is almost impossible.

Due to the rules of the main world, it is very difficult to break the last layer of barriers.

Or, ascend to a higher level of the world.

Or, you can only forcibly integrate the rules of the world and never be able to leave.

In both cases, those weak true gods cannot do it.

This is only possible unless you have reached the level of a half-step god.

But since Tang Jing became a true god for so long, he has never heard of the emergence of such an awakened person.

On the other hand, there really is a half-step god.

The super-large secret realm of the Scale Clan that was wiped out by Tang Jing was not the first super-large secret realm to be cleared.

Therefore, it is unlikely that a god will appear among the awakened ones.

Another possibility is that those five countries have found a backer.

He felt that he could do whatever he wanted, so he didn't take Tang Jing seriously.

Thinking of this, Tang Jing sent a message to Du Tianyu: "Go and check, have the forces behind the five true gods who withdrew from the Zerg secret realm reached some kind of agreement with the aliens?"

Only among foreign races, it is possible for gods to exist.

Du Tianyu was shocked after hearing this: "Lord Ksitigarbha, what do you mean... are those guys actually colluding with foreign races?!"

Although before, among the internal awakeners in Kyushu, there were also people who wanted to negotiate peace with the secret realm.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that foreigners are not easy to get along with.

One step back, one step back!

In the end, they will either be slaughtered by the alien race, or they will become slaves of the alien race, and will never have a chance to stand up.

It was the appearance of Tang Jing that made Kyushu no longer have a choice, and the aliens in the territory completely disappeared.

Unexpectedly, Kyushu held on, but Western Continent compromised.

Of course, Tang Jing was too lazy to comment on the secret peace talks.

He can act as a villain and help aliens deal with humans.

He won't stand idly by.

This so-called peace talk is simply a betrayal of humanity!

He will not let any of those five true gods go, as well as the awakened forces behind them!

Tang Jing confirmed Du Tianyu’s guess:

"That's right, they have no reason to go against me except colluding with the alien race where gods exist."

"What? Alien race of gods!" Du Tianyu was stunned.

The legendary god actually exists?!

The half-step gods who appeared last time were powerful enough to be terrifying.

If a true god appears, wouldn't all mankind fall into despair?


Judging from Lord Ksitigarbha's reaction, he didn't seem too nervous.

Could it be that?

He thought of a possibility.

Could it be that Lord Ksitigarbha is stronger than the gods?!

He didn't dare to think any further.

Anyway, as long as Lord Jizo is invincible!

"Don't worry, I won't let the aliens do whatever they want." Tang Jing said calmly.

This world has always been a human world.

There was a foreigner who wanted to get involved, but he wouldn't agree...

"With your words, I feel relieved!" Du Tianyu regained his composure.

Even Master Ksitigarbha is not in a hurry, what does he mean?

"By the way, did you handle the matter of dealing with the remnants of the mermaid alien race last time?" Tang Jing suddenly asked.

"Lord Ksitigarbha, don't worry. In accordance with the strictest procedures, the underworld will carefully clean up the mermaid aliens at the location you gave us, making sure not a single krill is spared!"

Du Tianyu said extremely seriously.

Tang Jing smiled: "You did a good job, but the shrimps and shrimps are not spared. Isn't it too strict?"

Du Tianyu explained: "We are afraid that the alien race will have some unpredictable ability."

"You are right," Tang Jing nodded, "When facing aliens, we should be more cautious."

He remembered that the mermaid race had racial abilities.

It can inject all the power of a clan into one body.

It is precisely in this way that the Half-Step God was born.

Du Tianyu's approach was very safe, and Tang Jing had no reason to refute it.

If the mermaid alien race can have one racial ability, it is possible that a second ability will appear.

It is always better to be careful than to be careless. 0.4 is about to deal with the six super large secret realms. The alien races inside have different abilities.

Zerg, as the name suggests, are very good at eating, and they are also very good at reproducing.

A female insect can lay thousands of eggs at one time.

The ability of the half-animal alien race is madness.

In a short period of time, combat effectiveness is greatly improved.

The Rock Clan's defense is extremely terrifying, the Fire Clan can transform into flames, the Spirit Clan has no physical form, and the Thunder Clan can summon thunder and lightning.

The abilities of alien races are all kinds of strange, and they are extremely difficult to deal with in the same realm.

Only those who are much stronger than them can crush them.


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