Travel Frog: Start With A Sparkling Fruit

Chapter 444 The Xiao Family Presents The Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade!

After chatting with the three women for a few words, Tang Jing looked at Xiao Zhan.

"Clan Chief Xiao, can you talk about the past of the Xiao family?"

What he said meant something, and Xiao Zhan understood it immediately.

"Since it is Mr. Tang's request, I will not be secretive."

He drove away some elders and guards in the hall.

Soon, only a few close elders and Tang Jing were left here.

Xiao Yan walked up to Xiao Zhan: "Father, the person who attacked Fang City today is an organization called Soul Palace. Do you know anything about it?"

"Soul Palace? I don't know much about it either." Xiao Zhan frowned and shook his head.

Tang Jing said calmly: "This Soul Palace is one of the eight ancient clans and the visible force of the Soul clan."

Xiao Zhan was completely shocked: "What? It's actually the eight ancient tribes!"

Tang Jing chuckled: "It seems that Patriarch Xiao knows some secrets."

"That's right, I know something," Xiao Zhan nodded, "Our Xiao family was also one of the ancient families, and we once had a strong Emperor Fighter!"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present was 883 shocked.

It feels more incredible.

The Xiao family is a small family that can only gain a foothold in the small Wutan City.

Has there ever been a legendary strongman like Dou Di in the family?!

No matter how you look at it, it looks like bragging.

"Father, stop joking!" Xiao Yan didn't believe it at all.

If the Xiao family were really the blood descendants of Dou Emperor, they would definitely not be in such misery.

It makes him, a young master of the family, to be humiliated by someone coming to break off the engagement!

"Yes, Master Xiao Yan is right. Chief, are you entertaining us?"

"Patriarch, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense!"

If the news leaks out, outsiders will learn the secrets of the Xiao family.

That would lead to disaster!

Xiao Zhan could only smile bitterly: "As the patriarch of the family, I don't have time to entertain you."

"If the Xiao family had no secrets, how could it attract the covetous attention of the Soul Palace? P(afag)"

Everyone was silent.

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with what Xiao Zhan said.

They all believe that there are secrets hidden in the family.

But I didn’t expect such a shocking secret!

At this time, Tang Jing went straight to the point:

"Clan Chief Xiao, the purpose of this attack from the Soul Palace is to obtain an ancient jade."

"And the real name of this ancient jade is Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

Queen Medusa couldn't help but said: "Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade! Is it a treasure related to Tuoshe Ancient Emperor?"

Tuo Shegu Emperor!

In Dou Qi Continent, no one knows about it.

That was the last Dou Emperor in the past thousands of years!

What is left behind by such a strong man.

Even if everyone present does not know what kind of treasure it is.

It is definitely an existence that can cause a bloody storm in the mainland and Japanese movies!

Yun Yun looked at Xiao Zhan: "Is that Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in your Xiao family?!"

As the former head of the Yunlan Sect, she was the most knowledgeable among everyone present.

If this news leaks out.

In less than a day, the Xiao family will definitely be exterminated!

She looked at the boy next to her again.

Mr. Tang's expression has always been calm.

Perhaps with him here, others would not covet the opportunity of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

"That's right, the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade is in the Xiao family!"

Xiao Zhan knew that he couldn't hide it from everyone, so he simply admitted it frankly.

The Soul Palace has already set its sights on the Xiao family.

If you don't take the initiative to confess now, it will be too late when Mr. Tang leaves!

Something left by the ancient Emperor Tuoshe.

In the hands of the strong, it is a supreme treasure.

But in today's Xiao family, it is a life-threatening talisman!

Several elders completely lost their composure:

"This, this, how can this be good!"

"The Soul Palace is too powerful, and our Xiao family cannot afford to offend it!"

"This ancient Tuoshe Emperor Jade is really not something we can keep!"

"Master, please think of a solution quickly!"

Xiao Zhan ignored the others and looked at Shaozhun in front of him.

"Mr. Tang, are you willing to accept the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade?"

"I know that handing over the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade to you will cause a lot of trouble, but our Xiao family really can't withstand the storm!"

Now he just wants to throw away the hot potato and dare not even think about Emperor Dou's treasure.

But Tang Jing didn't agree immediately.

He even told everyone about the information about Yu's tongue pressure.

"The ancient Emperor Tuoshe once left behind a Dou Emperor Mansion in the void space, which contains the inheritance of becoming a Dou Emperor."

"The Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade is the key to opening the Dou Emperor's Mansion. There are eight of them in total."

Hearing this, everyone present was extremely shocked!

"It's actually the inheritance of Emperor Dou!"

"No wonder the Soul Palace came to my Xiao family!"

Everyone understood that the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade was of extraordinary significance.

Dou Emperor is synonymous with the supremacy of the Dou Qi Continent.

If you become the Dou Emperor, you will be able to dominate the continent, be invincible and unrivaled.

That represents the power of the pinnacle strong man!

Seeing that no one had come to their senses, Tang Fu said to Xiao Zhan again:

"Clan Chief Xiao, if you regret it, you still have a chance now."

Xiao Zhan immediately shook his head: "No, I don't regret giving the ancient jade to you."

"You also said that you need to collect eight pieces of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade to open the Dou Emperor Mansion."

"Our Xiao family can't even hold on to an ancient jade, so how can we dare to compete for the supreme opportunity to fight against the Emperor?"

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