Travel Frog: Start With A Sparkling Fruit

Chapter Fifty-Six: The Orphans Of The Shi Family

"This punch..."

"Faith, will, spirit, strength, timing."


"It's a punch of detachment!"

"It's hard to imagine that this came from a freshman below the control level."

Song Changqing couldn't help but marvel.

"If it's not that the realm is too low, he can break into the god realm with just one punch!"

Although he has other plans for Fengshen Academy, he is still the Minister of Education after all.

It is hard for him not to praise such an amazing freshman.

It's just a pity, it would be great if Tang Jing wasn't in Fengshen Academy.

Song Changqing sighed inwardly.


"Such a hard-to-find punch, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get a second chance in this life."

Listening to Song Changqing's words, Shen Tianlin smiled noncommittally.

"Who knows."

Since Tang Jing was able to throw such a punch without breaking through the control level.

Who dares to say that he will not be able to swing such a punch for the second time in his life?

The vice president of Tiandu University and the others looked depressed.

Although at this time in the arena, there are still four people from the top ten schools.

But everyone knew that Fengshen Academy had won this group battle.

There are only four assistants left in the top ten schools, what can they do?

Four guarantees and one, one is gone, and the remaining four are useless.

And so it is.

Although the serious punch had already consumed most of Tang Jing's strength, even because the punch was too powerful, his body was slightly traumatized.

But he still easily swept those four out.

Fengshen Academy, win!

Bai Jiansheng and others who were lying down the whole way: "666..."

The entire stadium erupted in louder cheers than before.

A punch that shatters the law.

Blast off the gods with one punch.

For most people, this scene is enough to remember for a lifetime.

Tang Jing walked off the ring under the reverent eyes of the crowd.

On the other side, Shi Tao also staggered up from the ground.

Although Tang Jing punched him out of the ring, his injury was not too fatal.

The main reason is that the power of law in his body helped him resist most of the impact.

The price is that the power of the law shattered a corner.

He was still too weak after all.

Seeing Shi Tao returning to the camp of top ten elite schools alone, Tang Jing frowned.

"That guy, what's going on?"

"The power of law shouldn't be something he can possess with his strength?"

Tang Jing asked Bai Jiansheng.

This guy with a mine in his family also has a lot of gossip. Tang Jing thinks that he may know some inside information.

Sure enough, Bai Jiansheng sighed and said, "It should be the rumored orphan of the Shi family. If it wasn't for the power of the law, I really wouldn't be able to recognize it."

More than 20 years ago, great changes took place in southern China.

A newly arrived large Rift suddenly overlaps with a Medium Rift.

The two secret realms are directly connected, and the human forces stationed in the medium-sized secret realm cannot resist the invasion of the large secret realm at all, and are quickly removed.

A large number of ferocious beasts and strange beasts rushed out of the secret realm.

Various cult organizations also took the opportunity to create chaos.

The Shi family was the family closest to the secret realm at that time.

In order to prevent the ferocious beasts from raging, the old man of the Shi family took his whole family into battle, entered the secret realm, and blocked the ferocious beasts from rushing out.

In that battle, there were more than 80 members of the Shi family, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

Only the youngest male remained.

The old man of the Shi family, who had mastered the laws and entered the realm of gods, passed on his own laws to this youngest descendant before he fell.

"What about the other strong men? No support?"

Tang Jing noticed something unusual.

Bai Jiansheng looked solemn, and said in a low voice: "It was weird that time, all the secret realms were rioting, and the other strong men couldn't get away for a while."

"By the time support arrives, it will be too late."

Tang Jing nodded, it seems that the secret realm is much more complicated than he thought.

Riot at the same time, if there is no problem here, he will not believe it if he is killed!

However, he turned his head and looked at Shi Tao again.

At this time, Shi Tao had already returned to the top ten prestigious schools.

Just looking at the way he lowered his head, he seemed to be being scolded.

Tang Jing's face darkened slightly.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and walked towards the top ten famous schools.


(It was a little late last night thinking about the plot, so let me have a meal and rest for a while to continue.)

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