"Good morning Kazukaze-kun!" "Good

morning Kakaze-kun!" By the green wheat field, Kakashi was not late for a long time, he looked at Kazukaze, he already knew about Kazukaze's

father, however, he didn't say it.

"Good morning everyone. Kazukaze greeted with a smile and walked over to the three.

Kazukaze laughed and talked to Naruto Sakura, in fact, it was mainly Naruto, this guy is an optimist who can face it with a smile no matter what happens.

On the side, Kakashi looked at the happy appearance of the three people, and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak, he had discovered the problems of this team, this team seemed to be happy on the surface, but in fact there were all kinds of problems.

Naruto has been thinking about Sasuke's departure, so he is training himself frantically, and Sakura is too, it seems that he has integrated into this team, but in fact, there are all kinds of careful thoughts, as for Kazukaze, he still has a smile on his face, but Kakashi feels that the smile on Kazukaze's face is becoming more and more hypocritical, and the forced smile and the real smile are always different, which can be hidden from ordinary people, but can not be hidden from people with hearts.

All three had their own minds, their own thoughts, and importantly, they all buried their thoughts deeply, leaving Kakashi not knowing how to solve them.

"I really miss them before, although there are many problems, but it is easier to say what is in my heart. Kakashi sighed with some emotion.

Looking at the three people, he said in a clear voice: "Okay, stop gossiping, today's task is to catch the wild boar that destroyed the wheat field, let's go now!"

"It's ×3"

The cheers fell, and everyone began to carry out the task, finding a wild boar is not difficult for them, and catching that wild boar is extremely simple.

And such a task, naturally there is laughter along the way, but under the laughter, what is hidden is only known to them, as for the wind and wind, this kind of task, for him, may just be a ninja game.

Time always flies quickly, and after the mission, Kakashi treats the three to ramen noodles, and then the three go home separately.

A small white bird hovered in the sky, saw the little bird, and the wind stretched out his hand, the bird gently fell to his hand, he took down the small note hidden under the bird's wings, and when he finished reading the contents of the note, his gaze suddenly froze.


In the dark night, the bright moon hangs high in the sky, revealing the white moonlight that makes some places like daylight, but it is not as bright and hot as the sun.

"You're late. In the dark forest, footsteps fell with the sound of words.

Zephyr stopped and looked at the few people in front of him, he really wanted to give these people a smile, but he couldn't laugh.

"Hmm!" he just lightly agreed, then looked at the beast and said, "How are you preparing?" "

The location of the root has been determined, but the situation inside is not clear, I originally wanted to catch a root guy and ask, but those guys have been placed with special seals, and I can't ask anything." "In the night, the eyes of the beast shine with a dazzling green light, and behind the beast, some eyes that release a dazzling light in the dark night faintly emerge, the beast's roar fell, the beast's gaze flickered slightly, everything, has been prepared.


moon, white, fragrant phosphorus and no more chopping, long time no see." Kazukaze nodded slightly, looking at the four people who had not been seen for a long time.

I haven't seen it for a few months, everyone has changed a lot, and the straps on the body have been removed, and the whole person looks more than ten years younger, although it is still that ice face, but it looks a lot kinder, and the decapitation knife behind him, under the moonlight, is still extremely sharp.

Bright Moon has a high ponytail, her black hair falls like a ponytail, she is still beautiful, but compared to a few months ago, she is more hearty and determined, and the scars on her hands also prove that she has not been idle during this time.

Xiangphos has also matured a lot, but when she sees the Japanese wind, she is still slightly excited, but when she perceives the change in the breath of the Japanese wind, a touch of sadness also emerges between her eyebrows.

There is also the beast, at this moment, he is slightly weird, in fact, it is not weird, eighteen or nineteen-year-old boys, it is when he is young and strong, plus he looks good, the whole person looks quite hearty, but the breath that he exudes like a beast, or people involuntarily do not want to get close, of course, it is not all dangerous breath, that natural taste, so that some small animals, quite like him.

After a few people said hello, Ming Yue opened the backpack behind her back, took out a black combat uniform from the backpack, and a curly hair robe embroidered with gold, silver, sun and moon on the back.

Seeing that this is exactly the same clothes as the three people, Kazukaze took it silently, and then did not shy away, directly changed the clothes, the smooth fabric streaked across the skin, and Kazukaze put this dress similar to the fourth generation Hokage robe on the body, and then, on the thumb, brought the black, but exuding special color ring, and the word on the ring is "Xia"!

In addition to him, the other five people also wore rings of the same style on their hands, but the difference was that from Zai Bu Chopping, White, Bright Moon, Incense Phosphorus to Beast, the words on their rings were... Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang...!Under

the moonlight, the ring emitted a special fluorescent black light, and when he looked at the five people, the chakra eyes in his eyes suddenly turned, and the scarlet light was released.

This time, Kazufeng did not use the beauty pupil again, although the beauty pupil can keep his chakra eye undetected, but it also restricts the use of his chakra eye, which can cover the things that look like the chakra eye, and is destined to cover the edge of the chakra eye, and now, the restraint has disappeared, and the true power should also begin to show.

"Go...!" With the wind putting the black and white ghost mask on their faces, the others also put on masks, and under the blood, their figures moved abruptly, and the black and white evil ghost masks seemed to turn into real evil ghosts.

In the dark night, the roar of the beast fell, in the quiet night, Nanako looked at the empty room, silently closed the door, and then came to the living room, alone, sitting quietly, looking at the moonlight outside with blank eyes.

At night, wolves quickly shuttle through the forest, which is not uncommon, but if you have God's perspective, you will find that this wolf and beast, seem to be in the same direction, and their number has reached hundreds, and such a terrifying number, there are still some large beasts, even if most of them are not ninja beasts, but such a huge scale, even if they are ninja, I am afraid they can't deal with it.

And in the forest, several figures are speeding through.

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