Travel Through The Creation Sand Table And Start The Ancient Body!

Chapter 102 The Power Of Uranus, Believe In Su Sheng

[Sumerian Mythology, Remnants of the Old Times, Battle of the Ancient Forbidden Zone:

Sumer 55 years.

Thousands of angels under the seat of the god Ula conquered the ancient knights, and the ancient power bloomed here. The awakened Golden Knights entered and exited seven times among the millions of angels, and the angel army was defeated.

In this battle, none of the millions of angels survived, only 100,000 angels remained, but none of the ancient knights were killed or injured.

Transcendent's unearthly power made all the angels terrified. Facing the defeat of the angelic legion, Ula, the god of heaven, used the terrifying power like a god to banish the Golden Knights to the end of the world. 】

Lincheng and the countryside.

Lin Tian looked at the sand table world under his feet in astonishment. To be honest, he had already been completely absorbed by the epic battle in front of him.

Looking at the Golden Knights harvesting slices of angels like chopping melons and vegetables, Lin Tian couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

"Aren't you Transcendent knights? Let me play nuclear fusion in this sandbox world?"

Lin Tian looked at the terrifying Golden Knights condensed by the Golden Knights, and couldn't help but grow his mouth and make complaints.

The battle of the Golden Knights also made Lin Tian really feel what it means to bleed and drift, and lay down millions of corpses.

Looking at the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood in the sand table world, the corpses that were as big as ants and covered the entire sky, Lin Tian couldn't help but tremble with fear.

After all, even if he is the owner of the creation sand table, Lin Tian is still just an ordinary person, and this is the first time he has seen such a scene.

"Huh? Wait?"

"What's going on here? Why is the space in the sky stretched?"

Suddenly, Lin Tian was stunned, because in his eyes, the space of the sand table world suddenly began to expand.

As the master of the creation sand table, Lin Tian may not understand some things about the sand table world, but he knows the sand table world well.

Lin Tian needs to rely on the power of the creation sand table to observe the internal situation of the sand table world, but Lin Tian can clearly see the size of this sand table world with the naked eye.

Compared with the previous sky, the sky at this time is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This kind of expansion is like the original folded paper being flattened, which is indescribably surprising.

"Creation sand table, what's going on here?"

Lin Tian frowned. He looked at the sky of his sand table world, which was extending to each other. The size of the sand table world did not change, but the space of the sky more than doubled.

Collapse space.

Such a vocabulary appeared in Lin Tian's mind. As a modern person, he certainly knows that the size of space is not fixed.

Just like a two-dimensional space, the theoretical size can be extended infinitely.

Similarly, three-dimensional space can also be infinitely extended.

Of course, this is only a theoretical level.

If human technology wants to touch the folding space technology, it needs at least ten thousand years of development.

【Master, this is the power of Uranus authority. 】

The words of the creation sand table made Lin Tian's pupils shrink, and Lin Tian was very clear about Uranus's theft of authority.

But Lin Tian really didn't know that the authority stolen by Uranus could extend the space of the sky.

"Can the authority of Uranus be able to control the space of the sand table world?"

Lin Tian couldn't believe it.

[The power of Uranus is essentially a trace of power in the sand table of creation. 】

The creation sand table answered Lin Tian's question, and also gave Lin Tian some insight.

To put it simply, Uranus has authority, which is equivalent to possessing a trace of the power star of the creation sand table.

With the creation sand table, you can create the world at will and change the infinite power of the world.

It is not surprising that a trace of the power of the creation sand table grasped by Uranus can extend the space.

"Have authority and become gods!"

(afaf) Lin Tian couldn't help sighing, and then turned his attention to the sand table world again.

Sand table world, ancient forbidden land.

Because of the power of Uranus, 300 knights of the Golden Knights have been exiled to the end of the world.

On the ancient forbidden land, only Jialuosi and the others remained.

And in the sky, only 100,000 of the once million angels remained.

"I, the god of the sky, Uranus."

"Let's teach you old guys a lesson too."

In the sky, ripples began to appear in the space, and in the ripples, Uranus held the resplendent Sacred scepter of a force angel, shining with divine brilliance all over his body.

"This era is destined to be the era of me, Uranus, the god of the sky.

Uranus' voice was incomparably arrogant, and his right hand raised the mighty angel scepter in his hand.

"Those who believe in the god Ula..."

"Eternal life!"


The voice of Uranus vibrated in the void, and was transmitted to the whole world layer by layer.

The voice of Sacred is vast and lofty, like a god descending into the world.

"God Ulla!"

"Those who believe in the gods will have eternal life!"

"Ulla! Ulla!"

The whole world was boiling, and countless believers rushed to tell each other, weeping with joy.

Fanatical faith once again filled the space between heaven and earth, and countless believers all looked up to the sky.

At this time, the sky, the sky is like a gorgeous epic picture scroll, which is slowly unfolding.

On the picture scroll is Ula, the god of heaven exuding divine light, holding a scepter, Sacred is powerful.

"Wake up, my disciple!"

"Believe in Su Sheng!"


The infinite power of faith erupted from the scepter of the angel of strength, and millions of light spots burst out from the top of the scepter of the angel of strength like stars, and then reflected and dotted the sky.

Holy, Sacred, Gorgeous, Vast.

Numerous Tenjin believers worshiped, and their fanatical beliefs made them tremble all over.


The infinite light of faith erupted from the scepter of the Angel of Power, like a terrifying and vast energy tide, spreading across the sky in an instant.

The sky is twisting.

As if being randomly kneaded by an infinite giant, the originally high and infinite sky seemed to be distorted into a two-dimensional abstract painting at this moment.

Above these epic paintings, there are infinite light spots shining like stars.

At one point, it seemed like Primordial was opening up.

The stars in the sky began to crazily devour the vast tide of faith.

Surprised fluctuations spread throughout the world.


Above the sky, a light spot of faith exploded, and then the infinite power of faith began to weave crazily.

Under the gaze of the entire world, an extremely handsome eight-winged angel stepped forward.

This figure is the eight-winged Angel Pavas who was punched into minced meat by Luo Hao.

"I... am I not dead?"

At this time, the angel of power, Pavas, watched Own's pupils shrinking rapidly in disbelief.

"No, I'm already dead, I was blown away by the steel blazing sun."

"But, now I'm alive again..."

"It is the power of my god Ula!"

The eyes of the power angel Pavas burst out with fanatical belief. As a Transcendent warrior, he realized in an instant that he was resurrected by the god Uranus.




Back from the dead!

The whole world stared blankly at Pavas who had been revived in the sky, and was stunned for a while, at a loss.

"Ulla! Ulla!"

Then the whole world boiled, and countless people worshiped the sky. At this moment, the whole world, no matter if it was the wise ape, the Transcendent warrior, or the Typhon demon, all shouted enthusiastically.

This is resurrection from the dead.

This is simply beyond the power of the gods of Aphelios, the god of death.



In everyone's mind, a word popped up at the same time, and then they were so excited that they went crazy.

It is undoubtedly the power of God that can bring people back from the dead.

This is beyond Transcendent, beyond the world....

God's power.

Ula, the god of heaven, is the first god in this world!

Faith is seething.

Boom boom boom!

And in the sky of the ancient forbidden land, after the angel of power Pavas, the angels who used to be Death return at this moment.

"This...creation sandbox, how did Uranus do it?"

Lin Tian couldn't believe his own eyes, even he, the master of the creation sand table, couldn't bring the dead back to life.

After seeing Uranus, millions of angels were resurrected in an instant, which made Lin Tian feel a little tingling.

【Master, Uranus has already ignited the spiritual fire. Although he has not embarked on the path of wisdom ape dominance, he can still absorb the spiritual will of those who believe in him. 】

The ice-cold voice of the creation sand table sounded, and the sky was stunned.

The spiritual fire of the hui ape master can absorb the spiritual will of the hui ape ruled by the master.

This kind of absorption will make the ruler's spiritual fire no longer pure, so it is an extremely serious side effect.

However, it is obviously a side effect of easily losing one's own consciousness for the master.

But Uranus did the opposite, taking the initiative to absorb the spiritual will of his believers, storing it in the scepter of the angel of power, and then using the power of faith to coagulate his body.

It's like making a memory backup for these angels.

After the death of the angels, Uranus can rely on the backup of absorption, use the power of faith to re-condense its body, and transplant the spiritual will of these Death believers into the body of faith.

"Scalp numb!"

"It's clearly a god on the side of mythology, but you're here to play clone for me?"

"are you crazy!"

Lin Tian only felt his scalp tingling, he had already realized the essence of Uranus' resurrection angel.

To put it bluntly, it is to use one's own authority and power, combined with the power of faith, to extract the backup of the spiritual will stored in the scepter of the angel of power, and then create a clone.

That's right, it's a clone.

The original Pavas and others are dead.

The angelic scepter of strength absorbed the spiritual will of Pavas and others, and then used the power of faith to create a body for them, and transplanted this spiritual will into this body, thus resurrecting.

Strictly speaking, the revived Pavas and others are a brand new existence.

But they have the memories, personality, abilities, and even the way of thinking of Death's Pavas.

They are angels who have died.

But dead angels are not them.

"I'm going, isn't that the one who believes in Me will have eternal life?"

Lin Tian looked at the revived million angels, and couldn't help admiring again.

PS: Thanks to the 1000-point reward and support from Otaku · MOS, I am very grateful.

PS: The third update is here, first order is on the shelf, first order is on the shelf, first order is on the shelf, important things are said three times, readers and grandpas are asked to subscribe more and give more rewards [Thank you for eating words!!!.

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