Travel Through The Creation Sand Table And Start The Ancient Body!

Chapter 37: The Wheel Of Times, Wisdom Apes Spread All Over The World (Please Collect And Evaluate)

Sumer 12 years.

The Bone Crusade reaches the end of the world, and the Oldest King sits alone at the very edge of the world for several days.

Then the Oldest King announced the end of the Eastern Expedition, and the Crusaders returned immediately.

When the oldest king returned to the Huiyuan tribe, he issued the first order.

"The east of the world is the territory of the wise ape."

Sitting high on the Throne of Bones, the Oldest King issued a declaration of peerlessness.


The entire Hui Ape tribe was completely boiling, and countless Hui Apes all paid homage to the Immortal Hall.

These hui apes are very clear about how great a contribution this great ancient king has made to the hui apes.

Expansion of territory.

The return of the most ancient king from the Eastern Expedition this time is undoubtedly expanding the territory for the Huiyuan clan.

In the east of the world, the most ancient king with great stature and strategy has cleared all the obstacles for the wise apes. They just need to go where they want and live there.

Sumer 13 years.

Under the order of the oldest king, the tens of thousands of Huiyuan tribe left the Huiyuan tribe, and like a spark, they quickly occupied the territory east of the Yatsumi Plain.

Sumer 16 years.

After a year of development, the Sumerian civilization, which originally had only one tribe of Hui Apes, developed rapidly, and dozens of tribes sprung up.

The number of Hui apes has reached an astonishing one million.

Sumer 17 years.

The oldest king, who has been silent for several years, once again assembled the skeleton army and continued to conquer the world.

In just one year, the Oldest King once again conquered the north of the world.

Sumer 19 years.

Hundreds of thousands of Hui apes migrated to the north and established the Antica tribe in the Houston Mountains.

The number of Hui apes once again showed a blowout explosion, reaching an astonishing two million people.

Led by the Antica tribe, the Sumerian civilization entered the tribal era.

Sumer 20 years.

The oldest king once again embarked on a journey to conquer the world. The sword of the king in his hand beheaded tens of thousands of wild giant beasts and horses. The wild giants and horses who once ravaged the Fani Highlands completely prostrated themselves at the feet of the oldest king. .

Sumer 23 years.

Gilgamesh, the oldest king, returned from his eleventh expedition to the east, bringing back a large number of rare and docile wild behemoths.

Seventy percent of the entire sandbox world has been conquered by Gilgamesh, the oldest king.

Only the Tartarus wasteland, where the hundred-armed giants sleep, remained.

A few areas such as the Kiger Mountains and Peruvian rivers have not been set foot.

After a ten-year journey of conquest, the entire sandbox world has surrendered at the feet of the oldest king.

The era of wild beasts has come to an end.

The era of Sumerian civilization has come completely.

Countless savage behemoths have been submerged in the dust of history, and there is only one behemoth left in the entire world.

That is the Hui ape family.

After ten years of development, the Hui ape family came out of the Yatesumi Plain and spread all over the world.

Even Tifornes, the former bottom world, is now full of Hui Yuan.

The Huiyuan clan has reached an astonishing five million people.

Like locusts crossing the border, it looks densely packed, even at the end of the world, at this time there are Hui apes living here.

The age of great construction has begun.

Countless skeletal buildings rose from the ground, beautiful and magnificent, but full of a sense of savage power.

Countless savage giant beasts have been raised in captivity, and the Hui apes no longer need to worry about food.

Everything is moving towards prosperity.

In ten years, the Huiyuan clan lost their natural enemies, and their bodies were upgraded again.

The face of the violent ape, which originally showed strength and deterrence, began to become peaceful, with soft features, and slowly evolved into a human appearance.

The bristles on his body had all degenerated and disappeared, his powerful hind limb muscles began to shrink, and his body grew taller, reaching a figure of 1.6 meters.

The abundance of food allowed civilization to spread.

The Hui apes began to abandon the life habits of the barbaric era, and gradually evolved towards civilization.

Countless wise apes burst out with fantastic ideas, and countless exquisite and extravagant bone decorations were born.

All the Huiyuan clan began to subtly learn the collection habit of the oldest king, and began to collect everything that could be collected.

Sumer 24 years.

The wheel of the times is rolling forward, and the Sumerian civilization has completely entered the era of tribal civilization.

As far as the eye can see, there are countless wise apes wearing wild animal skins and all kinds of gorgeous bone decorations, with peaceful smiles on their faces.

The Yate Sumerian Plain has been renamed the Sumerian Plain at this time.

This is the center of Sumerian civilization, and here is the holy land of Sumerian civilization.

This is the residence of the king.

At this time, in the Sumerian Plain, countless gorgeous and exquisite skeleton buildings were row upon row, in a patchwork pattern.

And in the center of these buildings, there is a majestic and magnificent palace with a height of 40 meters, which is extremely luxurious and magnificent.

Just by looking at this palace of bones, one can feel a condensed terrifying oppressive force.

People can't help but stop and worship, feeling awe.

This is the palace of the Sumerian kings, the Immortal hall of the oldest kings.

Compared to the building that was only four meters long ten years ago, the Immortal Hall at this time is as extravagant as it is dotted with countless radiant and radiant skeleton decorations.

Twelve huge skeletal spines link the Immortal Hall and the ground, and each skeletal spine is carved with magnificent and unique golden patterns.

The tens-of-meter-high palace is extremely huge, and the whole is like a huge golden eye. It looks majestic and majestic, making people dazzled.

This is the crystallization of the wisdom of Huiyuan, the crystallization of art.

On the Temple of Immortal, countless patterns are engraved, and each pattern is like a gorgeous epic chapter, recording the Sumerian king's journey to the east.

This is the history of the conquests of Sumerian kings.

This is the history of the conquest of the wise ape.

And inside the palace, it is even more luxurious. The entire ground of the palace is paved with the fur of the soft savage monster Santer, stepping on it is like stepping on a soft sofa.

On both sides of the palace, there are beautifully decorated bone sculptures that combine wildness and strength. Each bone sculpture marks a prominent identity.

Skeletal Golden Knights.

These skeleton knights have the same body shape and appearance as the real Golden Knights. They have a rainbow-like momentum and different expressions. They look lifelike and make people look up and admire them.

And in the center of the palace is a huge and exquisite bone throne that exudes endless power.

The Throne of Skeletons is extremely huge. The whole body is constructed of the Talent ribs of seventy-two different savage behemoths. It looks like it exudes a kind of glazed light, which is exquisite, majestic and solemn.

This is a seat that only kings can have.

This is the Throne of Bones of a Sumerian king.

And on the throne of bones, a unparalleled figure sits on a tiger's plate, and a majestic and majestic figure sits on it.

An aura of invincibility and unparalleled king swept out, and people couldn't help but worship and respect him like a god.

"Themis, the second great silence is about to begin."

"Our civilization is about to usher in the era of Transcendent."

The great and talented king of Sumer, Gilgamesh, has eyes full of infinite ambition.

Behind Gilgamesh, a figure with a height of 2.8 meters and exuding an infinitely majestic and domineering aura came out.

"Yes, the second Great Annihilation is about to begin. This time, a total of 350,000 wise apes will enter the most ancient forbidden land."

Luo Hao glanced at Gilgamesh, who had reached a height of 4.8 meters, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Starting from time travel to become a young Huiyuan, Luo Hao spent endless effort, sweat and hard work to create the Huiyuan Body Refining Technique, Dark Body Refining Technique, and finally smelted the Desolate Ancient Sacred Body....

From the ignorant and ignorant era of wild giant beasts to the era of kings, Luo Hao has traveled all the way, and decades have passed.

The sand table world is finally about to enter the Transcendent era.

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