Sumer 36 years.

After a year, the name of Typhoon resounded throughout the lower world, and Typhoon's name made people frightened.

Tifornes, who never picked up things on the road and never closed his house at night, began to confine the gates. The originally prosperous city-state became extremely desolate.

On the wide street, there are only sporadic vendors passing by in a hurry. Among the houses on the left and right sides of the street, pairs of terrified eyes are watching the outside world.

Everyone is terrified.

Because of this year, thousands of tribes have been slaughtered by the terrifying Yefeng demon.

What's more, they have already started dragging their families and preparing to escape from Typhons.

Although Tifuens has a large population, it is even dozens of times that of the Sumerian royal city.

But in one year, the Tifeng clan slaughtered nearly 100,000 Hui apes frantically.

This is already a very scary amount.

Ever since the Sumerian king conquered the world, the psychic apes had almost no natural enemies, except that the god of Death could not resist, "the psychic apes did not need to fight at all.

The long time of comfortable life has made these wise apes forget the blood and courage they once had. "Twenty Zero"

But the sudden disaster of Tifeng once again made these wise apes feel the precarious Death fear.

Rumors and rumors abounded for a while, and some people rumored that the Tifeng monster was a disaster from the heavens, and it was the punishment of the gods in the sky for the Hui apes.

There are rumors that the Tifeng demon is a higher-level creature than the ape, an evolved creature, like a giant wild beast in the most ancient barbaric era, it is above the top of the food chain and feeds on the ape.

There are also rumors that this is the disaster of Hui Yuan, because Hui Yuan lost the courage and desire to conquer in his heart.

No matter what, within one year, all the deformed children of Tifons in the bottom world were liberated by Typhon.

Like a demon coming out of the cage, these liberated deformed children hated the discrimination against themselves and imprisoned their own wise apes.

When the monsters of the Typhon family told these people that they could evolve by eating the flesh and blood of the wise ape, all the alien species went crazy in an instant.

In a year's time, there were only single digits of tifeng, but now the number has reached hundreds.

The bottom world, the capital of mention.

This place was originally a tribe with tens of thousands of people, but at this time, there is a huge palace of bones standing here.

The shape of the palace is bloody and terrifying, making people feel as if they are being targeted by a terrifying monster at a glance.

This is one of the strongholds of the Typhon clan.

A tribe of tens of thousands of people has surrendered to Typhon's terrifying power, and no one dares to resist.

At this time, in the palace, huge Typhon monsters exuded brutal and terrifying power, like a Devil crawling out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, almost wanting to choose someone to devour.

"Typhon! Typhon!"

These Typhons opened their bloody mouths wide, raised their arms and shouted, and stared frantically at the existence above the main seat in front of them.

It was a figure of only two meters in size, with a thin body and a snake's head.

This is their Lord Typhon, the existence that leads Typhon to glory with its mighty and unpredictable strength.

The leader of Typhon...the snake demon Typhon.

"How many different species are there now?"

Typhon sat casually on the seat, a snake head swallowed a snake letter, and made a hoarse but extremely magnetic voice.

"Reporting to Lord Tifeng, the number of heterogeneous species has reached 3,000.

A monster with the head of a wise ape but a body of some kind of feline animal replied with fear and sincerity.

In the 36th year of Sumer, this year seems to be the year of the outbreak of heterogeneity.

All over the world, the number of heterogeneous species has begun to explode exponentially, and even in the territory controlled by the Typhon family, the number has reached 3,000 a year.

And the total number of different species in the sand table world is as large as 70,000.

This is already a very terrifying number. It must be known that there are almost no one in a thousand hui apes with gene expression errors.

"God bless Typhon!"

Hearing that there are 3,000 alien species in the territory under his jurisdiction, a smile of excitement appeared on Mei Jiefeng's face.

He stood up slowly, with a pair of pupils staring at the west.

There is a majestic palace of the lord of the city. The palace is layered on top of mountains, and it is almost located at the highest place in Tifuens.

This palace can be seen from any place in Tifuens.

This is the lower world, the palace of the Transcendent knight Uranus, the real master of Tifuens.

The reason why in the past year, the disaster of Typhon slaughtered 100,000 wise apes without encountering any resistance is because Uranus, the city lord of Tiphons, the Transcendent knight, took his own son to the Sumerian royal city to meet King of Sumer.

"If you count the time, Uranus should be back..."

"The Transcendent knight who made me run away in embarrassment and feel endless despair, now, it's time to meet him.

Typhon stood up, and in an instant, he had appeared in front of a monster.

Typhon opened his mouth, and instantly swallowed the six-meter monster into his stomach.

"As I said, as long as you become Typhon, you are not allowed to treat the comet ape as your own blood.

A cold voice made all the Typhon demons shudder. They saw with their own eyes that the strongest tiger demon among them was swallowed by their two-meter-long leader.

This astonished scene made them tremble like chaff and collapse to the ground.


Typhon glanced at the monster lying on the ground, and his gaze became even more eerie. These new Typhons barely started their own evolution by crazily devouring the flesh and blood of the wise apes.

Because of this, its strength is too small compared to Typhon who devoured the Transcendent gold coins, so small that even the ordinary Black Hawk Knights can kill them.

Moreover, because of devouring too many wise apes, the emotions of these demons have become extremely unstable, and their wisdom is degenerating into wild beasts.

This is also the reason why Tifeng, after becoming a monster, strictly forbids devouring the flesh and blood of the Hui ape...

Typhon gave his subordinates a cold look, and snorted coldly.

For a year, he was cautious, lest he incur the wrath of the talented Sumerian king.

But looking at the demon who collapsed to the ground in fear and trepidation, Tifeng came to his senses.

He finally realized that in the eyes of the King of Sumer, he was also as insignificant as a bug and could be destroyed with a single blow.

However, just like now, he would only devour those monsters who violated the rules he made, and turn a blind eye to other monsters who did not violate the rules.

The same is true of the talented Sumerian king.

"A man of great talent and boldness, a king's heart."

After figuring out the problem that has been troubling Own, Typhon only felt hearty, as if a mountain had finally been removed from Own.

A terrifying aura like a storm swept across the entire palace.


Under Typhon's berserk breath, the entire palace began to tremble crazily, shaking the ground.

"It's time to test the power of Transcendent knights."

"Uranus of Transcendent."

Typhon walked out of the palace step by step, and then disappeared at the end of the horizon.

A big battle is inevitable.

"That's right, Typhon is indeed a genius, and he has already begun to learn how to compress his body spontaneously."

Just when Typhon left, in this tribe, the scorching sun of eternal glory suddenly flickered, and then a figure that could not be said, could not be seen directly, exuding some kind of eternal divinity appeared.

This figure was 2.5 meters tall, and his muscles were like the most perfect masterpiece in the sky. It looked crystal clear, as bright as colored glaze.

The facial features and faces are like gods, Sacred and cannot be looked at directly.

A pair of jet-black eyes seem to contain endless eternal wisdom, which is fascinating.

An arbitrariness of eternity and unparalleled arrogance flashed across his body.

2.4 perfect.

Like a god.

This figure is clearly Luo Hao.

Luo Hao appeared here, of course, to appreciate the first battle between Transcendents.

Although he has almost stood at the pinnacle of the sand table world, Luo Hao will not underestimate anyone, every genius will make Luo Hao go one step further.

Moreover, Luo Hao's appearance here is not just to watch the excitement.

At this moment, Luo Hao looked up at the sky, that group of eternally shining...bulbs, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's time for this light bulb to go out."

Luo Hao's gaze is just the scorching sun in the sky. In the eyes of the creatures in the sand table world, the eternal Immortal, eternal scorching sun, in Luo Hao's eyes, has become an obstacle for him to further steal his power.

Luo Hao's figure gradually disappeared, and under the scorching sun, he seemed to melt into this world.

PS: The second update is delivered, and the tenth update is on the shelves. The first order is on the shelf. !!!.

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