Travel Through The Creation Sand Table And Start The Ancient Body!

Chapter 65 Terrifying Typhon, A Brutal Fight, On

"It painful..."

In Kashi Mountains, the Transcendent knight Amos, his body limp on the ground like mud, dripping with blood, twitching crazily.

Every cell in the body is collapsing.

The sound wave of the Sphinx's Talent lion's roar contains a terrifying energy, which is enough to collapse the cells of a Transcendent knight.

"It's really pitiful."

Seeing Amos who was wailing wildly, crawling away from him like a reptile, the Sphinx took a step forward and stepped on Amos's real head with his front paws.

"Amos, my former brother."

"Seeing you in such pain, as an older brother, I can only send you into the arms of Aphelios, the God of Death."

"This is the only kindness I, the Sphinx, has."

There was a trace of pity in the Sphinx's eyes, and then he stepped on Amos's head with force with his front paws.


Following the Death of Amos, a terrifying life energy erupted.

"Is this the life energy bred by the Transcendent knight?"

The Sphinx looked surprised, and opened his mouth frantically to swallow the dissipated life energy.

However, this group of energy is too huge, and it cannot be swallowed by the Sphinx alone.

"My brothers, come and enjoy this Transcendent meal."

The Sphinx only felt the relaxation of millions of pores all over his body, and every cell in his body was soaked in warm energy.


A terrifying 05 momentum erupted from Sphinx's body, and his body swelled to three meters at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What a terrifying energy."

Behind the Sphinx, other Typhon monsters were extremely excited. They swarmed, surrounded Amos's body, opened their mouths, and sucked in the huge life emperor frantically.




Only one-tenth of the life energy dissipated by Amos was absorbed, and the rest was dissipated between heaven and earth.

However, just one tenth of it is enough for these handle monsters to evolve again.

The body, which was originally only two meters four five, had swelled to three meters at this time.

This is also the reason why they compress the alien energy in their bodies. Once they completely let go of their bodies, their size will undoubtedly be even more terrifying than before.

"Amos, Amos was actually killed?"

In the Sanctuary Hall, Uranus's face is gloomy. The Sanctuary Hall is the highest place in Tifuens. From here, you can easily see the situation of the Kashi Mountains.

"You bastard, you actually killed Amos."

In front of Uranus, the fiery-tempered Koos roared loudly.


A flame-like energy burst out from Taios' body.

This is the power that Koos gained after merging with the blood of power. Although he cannot mobilize the huge life energy in his body, he can stimulate this energy for a short time, allowing himself to gain a terrifying power increase.

Kous turned into a flaming meteor, crashed down from the main hall of the city, and hit the Kati Mountain Range.

"Stupid act!"

Uranus looked at Koos who was leaving, couldn't help but angrily scolded, and then looked at Cronus who was aside.

"Father, I will block Typhon."

Kronos understood Uranus' gaze, knelt down on one knee, stroked his chest with his right hand, and spoke in an indescribably solemn tone.

"Very well, I hope you don't disappoint me."

"Cronus, you are my most important child."

Uranus appeared in front of Cronus, reached out and patted Cronus on the shoulder, and said with encouraging words.

"Father, I will not let you down."

Kronos' pupils contracted slightly, feeling the pressure from his father, which let him know that he needs to go all out for this battle.

"Go, my children."

"You are the hope of Tifornes..."

Uranus didn't know when he had returned to the seat, and then he gave the order indifferently.


Following the order of Uranus, all the sons of Transcendent erupted with a terrifying aura, and then all of them disappeared into the palace of the city lord.

Kashi Mountains.

Caucasus, with the head of an eagle, has a pair of sharp eagle eyes, and he instantly caught a fiery red figure.


"Brothers, in this war, history will engrave our names..."

"Typhon! Typhon!"

Caucasus let out a roar, and his whole body swelled to twenty meters in an instant, and his wings were like clouds hanging from the sky.


The wings fluttered, and the high acceleration also turned into a stream of light, which collided with the rushing Transcendent knight Koos.

Fighting to the death, there is no such thing as temptation.

The wings of the Caucasus fluttered wildly, and the terrifying hurricane even set off a series of hurricanes.


Wherever the hurricane passed, everything was gone.

"Well done."

Facing the impact of the Caucasus, Koos couldn't help laughing. The crimson knight armor on his body was shining brightly, and his tall and straight figure seemed to be nailed into the ground.


Koos opened his four hands, and his body was covered with layers of fiery red energy, covering a radius of thousands of meters.

It's like the sky is falling apart, and the stone is breaking the sky.

Caucasus and Kous collided together, and then opened up a crazy life-and-death fight.

Koos was furious, and his four arms punched into the flesh. The terrifying force punched out blood holes in Caucasus' body.


Facing Koos' fist, Caucasus didn't care about it. He uttered a shrill eagle cry, and the sharp feathers on his wings spread out, enveloping Koos' body like two giant scythes.


In just an instant, the battle between the two sides has entered a fierce battle, and Caucasus and Koos are covered in blood.

"Come again!"

Koos was covered in blood, his 2.5m body was extremely majestic, and the muscles all over his body exuded brilliance, providing Koos with unrivaled strength.

Koos became more and more courageous as he fought, his aura rose wildly, and the genes endowed by the blood of power in his body began to plan for Koos to respond to the battle in front of him.


The Caucasus spread its wings and rushed straight into the sky suddenly, then swooped down from the sky, its sharp eagle beak shining with the light of Death.


Rolling shock waves rolled down layer upon layer from the high altitude, and the terrifying speed brought terrifying power, and the ground under Koos' feet collapsed again in an instant.

"The body has become heavy?"

Koos suddenly felt that Own's body became extremely heavy, and he looked at Caucasus, with a hint of enlightenment in his eyes.

"I see, will the wind pressure caused by high-speed movement compress the surrounding space?"

"Is this the Talent power of the Typhon demon?"

Koos' pupils contracted violently, he had already felt the death attack this time, but Koos did not retreat but advanced.

"I'm on fire right now!"

Koos let out an extremely angry roar, frantically squeezing the Transcendent power in his body.


A mass of fiery red but transparent grudge burst out from Koos' body, and then expanded to a size of five meters.

Under the blessing of these vindictive spirits, the power of Koos is geometrically multiplied.


Koos stepped on the ground with both feet, and turned into a fiery red meteor again, crashing together like a big collision between heaven and earth.


Terrifying energy blew blood in all directions, and the area with a radius of several kilometers was completely disintegrated. The original Kaxi Mountain Range was directly cut off in the middle, and turned into a smooth and smooth plain.

In mid-air, Caucasus' eagle beak pierced Koos' chest, only one millimeter away from his heart.

As for Koos, the four arms pierced through the heart, wings and head of the Caucasus respectively.


Koos and Caucasus fell from mid-air respectively and hit the ground.


The Sphinx looked at the Caucasus in the deep pit, and felt that his eyes were tearing apart, and a kind of resentment made the Sphinx's whole body start to swell crazily.

"Eat me..."

Although the head and heart were pierced, the Caucasus was not completely dead at this time.

He stared at the Typhon family, with a bleak smile on 380's face.

"Avenge me!"

It seems to be a flashback, and the Caucasus has become fluent in speaking.

"My brother, I will eat you and avenge you."

A majestic sphinx with a body size of 20 meters walked up to Caucasus and said solemnly.

Seeing Caucasus with a gratifying smile on his face, the Sphinx opened his mouth wide and swallowed Caucasus in an instant.


A terrifying life energy began to crazily wash over the Sphinx's body, every inch of his cell was jumping for joy.

The body of the Sphinx expanded from twenty meters to forty meters in an instant, and then gradually shrank.

The Sphinx is compressing its own body, like a sponge being crazily compressed by some external force.


A stream of blood-red life energy turned into a beam of light, bursting out from the body of the Sphinx.

The surrounding space seems to be distorted and disordered under this high-intensity compressed beam of light.

"What a terrifying energy fluctuation..."

Kronos led the remaining sons of Transcendent and stepped forward. Looking at the blood-red beam of light in front of him, he couldn't help but marvel.

Compared to Cronus' amazement, the other sons of Transcendent only felt their scalps tingling.

They looked at the Sphinx in horror, looked at their former brother and now Typhon, and felt a crisis of Death swept over them.

"Son of Transcendent..."

In an instant, the body of the Sphinx became 20 meters in size again, and the blood-red beam of light on his body disappeared, but the endless power was released from every movement and every movement.

"I want you to pay with blood!!!"

A terrifying and vast invisible sound wave erupted from the mouth of the Sphinx, and the terrifying sound wave caused ripples in the surrounding space.

PS: The first update is delivered, the first update is on the shelves, the tenth update is on the shelves, the first order is on the shelf, the first order is on the shelf, the first order is on the shelf, important things are said three times, readers and grandfathers are asked to subscribe more, give more rewards, thanks for the ramblings! !!!.

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