Sumer November 38.

After a long period of invasion and plunder, the total population of the underground world has reached 9 million.

And the number of different species has reached one million.

However, such a huge population, scattered in the dark underground world, is extremely sparse.

The plundered apes could only become vassals of other species because they could not adapt to the dark environment.

Compared with Huiyuan who was struggling to survive and couldn't adapt.

However, the alien species seems to be at ease in the dark environment. It is very different from the alien head of the wise ape, and it seems to be born with dark vision.

And, in the dark, it seems that their genes will become extremely active, especially some alien species with animal heads.

With a huge population base, the heterogeneous races also began to establish tribes one by one.

They gather together with the heads of the same kind, forming tribes that are very different from the world on the ground.

On a plain, a tauren with swollen muscles, like a devil's muscular man, is sitting on the ground, drinking alcohol by mouth.

Highland barley wine was also brought back by Typhon during the third invasion.

"I heard that the Dog tribe found a Transcendent gold coin mine?"

A tauren swallowed the highland barley wine in his hand in one gulp, snorted in the nose of the bull, and said in a stern voice.

"If we really discover the Transcendent gold coin vein, can we also become the great Typhon?"

Another tauren couldn't help roaring excitedly, the dark underground world is heavily hierarchical.

Here, the Huiyuan clan is undoubtedly the bottom, the lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The alien species is more noble than the Huiyuan, and is Typhon's most loyal servant.

The Typhon demon is undoubtedly the existence at the top of the food chain.

On top of the Typhon demons, this is the leader of the major 710s and the master of Typhon.

These top people, high above the dome, usually do not appear.

Only when some kind of major event happened, would these high beings come down from the dome.

Therefore, all the heterogeneous want to be promoted to Typhon, and in order to show respect, each heterogeneous will call Typhon the great Typhon.

"The Minotaur, protect my Tauren tribe to prosperity."

A tauren suddenly prayed to the stone pillar in the center of the tribe, which is the totem stone pillar of the tribe.

On the stone pillar, there is a lifelike relief of the muscular devil tauren. This tauren is roaring to the sky. Under his feet is a bloody world of purgatory.

The dark underground world has developed a completely different civilization process from the above-ground world.

They admire the strong and take Typhon demon as their goal.

They carved the top Typhon Lords on the stone pillars to worship.

This is a kind of totem worship in the dark world, and it is also a special kind of totem civilization.


Just as these tauren were worshiping the totem stone pillar, a huge and ferocious Typhon demon descended from the sky.

A pair of searchlight-like eyes illuminated the dark area blood red.


The Typhon monster roared loudly, and then a pair of eyes scanned the Hui ape vassal of the tauren tribe.

The Hui apes hiding in the tauren tribe couldn't help but shiver when they saw the huge Typhon monster in front of them.

Especially for women, eyes reveal despair.

Two months of miserable life let them know what they are about to encounter, but their weak bodies have no power to resist.


The Typhon demon rushed into the tauren tribe, and then dozens of women from the Huiyuan clan were captured by the Typhon demon.

"How dark it is..."

"What a hopeless world..."

A wise ape was filled with grief and indignation, and even his eyes burst in grief and indignation, shedding blood and tears.

He didn't want to see this dark world filled with infinite despair.

"I want to change the world..."

"Change the fate of Hui Yuan becoming a blood eater!"

With blood and tears in his eyes, the ape opened his arms and embraced the darkness.

" me..."

"Let go of me, you ugly monster..."

Die, die..."

In the dark world, the screams and curses of Huiyuan women sounded one after another.

But in the face of the terrifying Typhon monster, they are powerless and can only passively combine with the Typhon monster.

Sumer December 38.

Those Hui ape women who were forcibly combined by Tifeng demons have high bulging stomachs, and they are giving birth to a terrifying life.


When a sharp claw broke open the woman's stomach, a new life was born.

Little Typhon demon.

These little Typhons have more ferocious bodies, more brutal personalities, and more terrifying Talents than their parents.

"Typhon! Typhon!"

These little Tifeng shouted Tifeng, as if they had been inspired by some kind, and rushed towards a certain place in the underground world.

As time went by, these little Typhons gathered more and more, and finally gathered into a torrent of life.

Millions of Typhons are like locusts crossing the territory. Wherever they pass, a large number of wise apes become the blood food in the mouths of these Typhons.

In just three days, the population of the Hui apes in the underground world dropped sharply to 5 million.

Moreover, this number continues to decline.

After devouring a lot of blood food, these little Typhons began to enter the growth stage, their minions became extremely sharp, and they had a unified terrifying Talent.


Yes, the newly born little Typhons have a unified appearance, snake head, lion body, ox tail, eagle wings, dog claws, and fish scales.

This size makes them good at running and flying.


Tens of thousands of little Typhons once again gathered into a huge torrent, and then came to the edge of the underground world.

"Typhon! Typhon!"

After reaching the edge of the world, these little Typhons shouted frantically, and the sound (afcd) shook the entire underground world.

"My children!"

"The Typhon family is about to usher in the greatest moment!"

At the very edge of the underground world, Typhon, the master of Typhon, stood on a huge rock wall, looking up at the top of the rock wall.

On the top of the rock wall, it was a stone platform that shone with the brilliance of colored glaze and was extremely holy.

Above the stone platform is a vast and boundless transparent barrier, and outside the barrier, everything is dark and empty.

"The end of the world!"

“It's the end of the world!!!”

Countless Typhons looked up and were stunned for a moment, the transparent barrier was too vast.

Just a corner of the enchantment has already penetrated the entire underground world.

Magnificent, vast, without boundaries.

It's like a straight line in the two-dimensional world, without end, as if it wants to extend beyond the world.


Unlimited trembling!

Even the terrifying Typhon demon, the moment he saw the terrifying picture in front of him, his body began to tremble crazily.

"Sure enough, as Lord Lie Yang said, there is a world at the end of the world!!"

The Lord of Typhon, the snake demon Typhon also looked at the end of the world above his head in horror, and couldn't help but feel swayed and excited.

The end of the world has been seen countless times in the earth world.

However, this is the first time Typhon has seen the end of the world with the end.


Typhon suddenly took a deep breath, and then the muscles on his body emerged like waves, and Typhon's body swelled wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From 2.5 meters, it swelled to 50 meters in an instant.


A terrifying coercion swept the audience, and all Typhons prostrated themselves on the ground under this terrifying coercion.

The ground under his feet was disintegrating at an incredible speed, and terrifying cracks spread wildly, like earth dragons surging, spreading out in all directions.


Typhon suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, his whole body twisted dozens of times at an extremely fast speed, and his muscles were compressed to the extreme.


As soon as Typhon punched out, the whole world instantly brightened like day, terrifying power spread out layer by layer, and the dome and the ground began to shake crazily.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Is the underground world about to collapse?"

"What happened?"

The apes of different species were terrified. The ground under their feet and the shaking dome made them unable to stand still, and they shouted in panic.


At the edge of the underground world, this space was already as bright as day, and Typhon's fist instantly hit the invisible and transparent barrier at the end of the world.

However, such a terrifying punch did not make the slightest sound, and Typhon's power disappeared without a trace, like a mud cow sinking into the sea.

"The end of the world is terrifying!"

Typhon took a breath, and then his whole body began to shrink, his eyes shone with a shocking light, Typhon knew that with his own power, it was not enough to shake the world in front of him to the extreme.

"That's right, this is the end of the world!"

"How can I penetrate the extreme of the world that even the god-like king of Sumer can't penetrate."

There was a self-deprecating smile on Typhon's face. He looked up at the end of the vast world, and then his eyes slowly moved down, looking at the brilliant stone platform that was like glazed, infinitely smooth and flat.

"My children..."

"I, Typhon, need your strength!"

Typhon suddenly turned his head and looked at the little Typhon who was surrounded by millions, with a smile on his lips.

"Under the world is also the world!"

"I need you guys to dig through this world."


As if shocked by the stone, the entire Typhon family boiled instantly.

Afterwards, countless Typhons swarmed towards the huge rock wall ahead, and began to excavate frantically.

[Sumerian Mythology Typhon:

At the end of Sumer 38, millions of Typhons began to gather at the edge of the underground world. This is a place that cannot be reached even at the end of the world. From here, Typhons began to create their own epic myths.

As a result, the world has ushered in great changes. 】

PS: The first update will be delivered, first order on the shelves, first order on the shelves, first order on the shelves, important things will be said three times, readers and grandfathers, please subscribe more, give more rewards, thank you for raving!!!.

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