At this time, Bai Chu felt the power of the sparkling fruit in his body, and his heart was very excited.

"In this case, I will first perform light elementalization into Diga's body. If it still doesn't work, then enter again after elementalizing the light with a pure heart. Bai

Chu, who followed Dagu, looked behind him, and after confirming that no one was there, he turned into a light and bypassed Daigu and entered the pyramid.

Looking at the three giant stone statues in front of him, the middle is Digga Ultraman with three forms, next to the aurora warrior Achilles Ultraman and the monster warrior Herao Ultraman.

Bai Chu no longer hesitated, turning into a ray of light and rushing towards Diga's timer.

Bai Chu entered the Digga statue, but did not activate the statue.

"Sure enough, does it take a pure mind to truly become light and integrate into Diga?" Bai Chu couldn't help but think.

Looking at the stone statue in front of him, Bai Chu no longer thought about it, immediately let go of his hollow heart, and hypnotized himself: "I want to protect the earth, please giant." "

The statue of Digga has gradually changed from gray to color, and Baichu has changed into Digga Ultraman, a warrior of light." A lot of Diga's combat skills suddenly came to mind.

It is worthy of Digga, a mage-like ability with various functions.

"This power is too wasteful for Daigu, he will only use the red happy form to fight monsters in close combat." Bai Chu thought to himself.

Bai Chu clenched his fists hard, feeling the god-like power in his body, Bai Chu trembled with excitement, and it took a long time to calm his mood.

Another ray of light changed back to human form. Looking at the divine light rod in his hand, Bai Chu couldn't help but think a lot.

"It's not in vain that my years of hard work have been wasted!"

Bai Chu didn't waste a lot of time, and after looking at the divine light rod for a while, he turned into a light and flew out of the pyramid with the power of light.

Seeing in the sky that the members of the victory team were still on the way to the pyramid, Bai Chu flew to the road they were about to pass and then entered the mysterious space.

------ mysterious space -------

to the clearing, and an old man with gray hair who seemed to be dying came into view.

After feeling that someone was coming, Pirate Bai Chu slowly raised his head, his eyes full of hope.

"Another me, you've been waiting for a long time." Dijia Baichu turned into a flash of light, flashed to the pirate Bai Chu, and patted him on the shoulder.

Pirate Bai Chu felt a warm force swimming throughout his body, and this force was slowly transforming his body.

First of all, inside his body, he felt that he had recovered from the dark wounds he had suffered for many years, and he could clearly feel that he could live longer.

What followed was his skin and appearance, but Pirate Baichu controlled the power of light in his body and stopped the transformation.

He intends to continue after revenge.

One is that he doesn't want the guards to see him as he was when he was young, and although he can still transform into Digga and leave, the time for revenge will be delayed.

Second, when the time comes, if he lets this force of light transform after taking revenge, he will be able to easily get rid of the golden cicada.

After all, when he was captured, no matter how he was captured, he would never associate the elderly with the young.

And the only group of guards who have seen him will also be crushed by him tomorrow.

Therefore, he did not intend to continue the transformation of the power of light.

The two opened their eyes at the same time.

"So that's the case, wasn't I a member of the Light Clan before?" Di Jia Baichu took out the divine light rod from his clothes and muttered.

At this time, Dijiabeichu also underwent the transformation of the power of light.

Although he had already obtained Digga's power before, this power was only residing in his body for his use.

Although it will prolong life in the long run, it is still far from long-term vision.

But then Diga Baichu and Pirate Baichu share Diga's power, and then this power begins to transform the two into the Light Clan.

"Thank you, another me." Pirate Baichu bowed slightly to Dijia Baichu.

After watching Di Jia Baichu's memories for a long time, his brain was also clearer and normal.

"Hmm." Dijia Baichu nodded at the pirate Baichu.

At this moment, the sun in the center of the space and the earth lowered, and two beams of light entered the bodies of the two Bai Chu respectively. "It seems that the mysterious space gives us a special ability to transform energy." Pirate Bai Chu felt it and muttered.

"I just tried to convert the chakra in my body into the power of light, and found that this energy was converted into the power of light without losing anything at all." Di Kabeth was a little shocked after experimenting with it.

After all, Chakra is a relatively low-level power, but I didn't expect that after being transformed into the power of light, it was transformed 1:1.

After experimenting with their transformation abilities, the two are ready to return to their own world.

"Tomorrow, Walrost will be watching my execution." Pirate Baichu said to himself.

"You go, I'm going to settle things on my side too."

The two looked at each other and said no more, and then disappeared into the mysterious space.

On the road ------ Digga World------

Bai Chu began to gasp and pretend to rest by the side of the road.

"Bai Chu team member, where did the Dagu team member go?" Vice Captain Munakata asked.

"Daigu he has already gone to the pyramid, and I didn't follow the rest meeting here." Bai Chu couldn't catch his breath.

Without any further hesitation, Vice Captain Munakata ran towards the pyramid with the members of the victory team, followed by Bai Chu.

When I arrived at the pyramid, I found Daigu staring at the pyramid in front of him outside the tower.

After the victory team arrived, everyone entered the inside of the pyramid.

You will be greeted by two stone giants, one left and one right, standing on either side of the pyramid.

At this moment, the vice captain of Munakata received another message that the monsters Gorzan and Melba were moving in the direction of the pyramid.

The prophecy of mercy was fulfilled.

"And what about the giants? What about ways to revive giants? Thinking of the prophecy of pity, Daigu asked.

Deputy Captain Munakata said helplessly: "The headquarters said that there is still no way to correct the noise part. Daigu

looked at the stone statue in front of him, as if he felt something, and ran out shouting. The members of the victory team ran out after Dagu Ye.

After everyone boarded the Victory Swift, the head of the monster Gorzan shot purple light towards the pyramid, and after a while, the pyramid was destroyed by the purple light to the point that only the shell remained.

Gradually revealing Achilles and Herau Ultraman inside.

Melba arrived, and Melba and Gorzan began to destroy the statue of Aquires.

When the statue of Aquires is destroyed, the two monsters go to Herao Ultraman to prepare for destruction.

At this time, the dead pilot Daigu arrived in the Victory Feiyan.

Daigu shouted at the two monsters, "Stop! "On the side, the controller Shengli Feiyan fired signal flares.

Vice Captain Munakata stared at the Victory Flying Swallow with wide eyes, and shouted with the communicator in his ear: "Dagu, it's useless to come back quickly!" Gorzan

was a little irritated by the signal flare, and slapped his paw at the Victory Swift.

Daigu dodged this claw with a descent and turned towards Melba.

Melba got up immediately after crawling to avoid the impact, and the energy condensation above his head fired several rays of light to shoot down the Victory Flying Swallow.

The Victory Swiftlet fell with black smoke, and at this critical moment, Daigu turned into light and flew towards the stone statue of Herao Ultraman.

Then the Shengli Feiyan crashed and exploded.

Gorzan looked at the victory in front of him, and after the Swiftlet turned into a wreckage, he walked towards the stone statue.

When Gorzan was about to step on the stone statue, Herao Ultraman blocked Gorzan's foot with his hand.

Herau Ultraman's timer turns blue, and another force Gorzan is blown away by Herau. Herau Ultraman stood up.

Herao Ultraman is red and white throughout, and the muscles on his body are faintly visible, worthy of the name of the monster warrior.

After Herao got up, he immediately took a fighting stance.

At the same time, a light flashed next to Herau, and Diga, who had transformed from Bai Chu, also appeared.

Looking at the monster in front of him, Bai Chu suddenly felt that his body was a little uncontrollable, "Why is this, why can't I fully control my body?"

But after a while, this power disappeared again, and Bai Chu gained control of his body again.

"Is this the residual power of Digga? No wonder in the first episode Digga was so fierce against two, and then pulled his crotch later. Bai Chu couldn't help but think.

So is the same situation with the Daigu transformed Herao Ultraman? Why did my substitute disappear? Is it a mysterious space?

"Bang... Bang" The two monsters rushed towards Bai Chu and Herao Ultraman.

Seeing the two monsters attacking, Bai Chu no longer thought much about it, and also took a fighting stance.

Suddenly, Bai Chu used light elementalization to teleport to the top of an iron mountain in front of Gorzan and flew Gorzan, and the beam of light in Bai Chu's hand condensed and shot towards the top of Gorzan's head.

Seeing that Gorzan could no longer emit light, Bai Chu crossed his hands over his head and transformed into a red form, and then spread his hands to the sides to gather the energy into a golden-red energy ball. Then throw it at Gorzan in a throwing position.

"Dillahum Light Stream!"

Gorzan instantly turned into fragments scattered around.

Bai Chu looked at the battlefield of Herao Ultraman, and saw that Herao was punching Melba one punch after another, and the one that hit was called a fist to the flesh.

"It's worthy of being a Heraudai fight, it's really strong." Bai Chu thought as he looked at the scene in front of him.

After another heavy punch to fly Melba, Herau jumped into the sky, suddenly accelerated from the air and hit Ultra Flame Flying Kick through Melba.

Melba then exploded into a field of debris.

After the battle, Herau looked at Bai Chu. Nodding to each other, Herau turned into a red light and flew into the sky. At the same time, Bai Chu turned into a golden flash and flew into the sky together.

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