The swarm of void whales loaded with the evil god's grace crossed the light-year distance between the nameless galaxy and Aurora in a short period of time.

They are about to enter the outer ring of the galaxy. In the Imperial Navy's detection field of view, they are like blurry black shadows wandering in the dark and deep sea. However, these black shadows entered the Imperial Navy's detection range before entering. The effective range of the battleship's main gun.

Under the coordinated positioning of anti-entropy, a straight blue-white light spear pierced the vast void among the stars starting from the battleship Lady Jealousy.

The light spear sniper fired by the battleship's main gun does not need to be calculated in advance and cannot be dodged. The destructive tachyon flow hits the target with an efficiency exceeding the speed of light. The firing time of the main gun and the hitting time of the light lance are infinitely close to the same time, or even at the same time.

The light spear went out, and it was obvious that the black shadow wandering outside the galaxy staggered and paused.

With the full power of the battleship's main gun hitting the front, even the behemoth of the void would inevitably be seriously injured.

"The firepower is not enough, far from enough." Gray Feng shook his head:

"The void whales carry the evil god's grace, and the protection of the subspace will greatly weaken any long-range attacks they suffer. Now that the marshal is not here, and Coroniai's injury has not yet recovered, we do not have enough spiritual means to target the evil god's protection. - Overwhelm them with more, stronger and more intense firepower."

After completing the first shot, the Lady Yi Jealousy immediately started charging for the next main gun shot. During this period, the concentrated arc strikes of the Forbidden Truth and Unfinished Business piles were connected one after another. The main gun fires of the three battleships have never stopped since the first light spear streaked across the starry sky.

The mammoth ships built for war brazenly displayed the powerful violence endowed by scientists and engineers. The main guns operating at full power continuously poured out firepower capable of destroying the world into the darkness beyond the starry sky. The sides of the battleships The cooling system was overloaded at every turn, and the core reactor hummed heavily.

The Imperial Navy ships deployed by Eldoshan to various vantage points were initially stunned by the sudden barrage of fire, until those huge black shadows wandering outside the galaxy actually entered the outer ring of Aurora and were exposed to the detection field of view of the army. What was inside was a rotten beast with a sunken skull, a cracked jaw, and flesh all over its body.

Two strong emotions suddenly permeated the army.

Among them is the shock that the majestic ship of the Order of Truth can actually span more than half of the galaxy to strike targets outside the detection range.

But more than anything, it was fear.

The destructive power of the main gun of the Forbidden Truth has been witnessed by everyone in the previous battle against the Orc fleet, and now the shaped arc, which is enough to penetrate the green-skinned war flagship, has been fired no less than 50 times in a row.

Having withstood such brutal firepower, the giant void whale that staggered into Aurora seemed to be unharmed. The sunken skull and cracks in the body seemed to be innocuous. Its corrupted body was still swinging towards this place. Come from the edge.

"What kind of monster is that..." Facing such a vicious beast, even an experienced Astra Militarum veteran couldn't help but feel scared.

"What are you afraid of? Nirvana's support army is on the way. It's different now. It only takes three days at most for His Majesty the God Emperor's army to arrive..."

The soldiers at the artillery control post comforted each other, and the atmosphere in the galaxy became more and more depressing as the void whales approached.

The Colossus Ring of Destruction had already withdrawn from the battlefield under the control of reverse entropy, and the three battleships were also retreating. No one doubted that the Order of Truth escaped before the battle. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that such a huge main gun needs to be distanced to have maximum effect. .

As for close combat with the evil creatures of Chaos, that is the specialty of the Emperor's Angel of Death.

The Imperial Navy fleet, headed by the strike cruisers "Iron Fist" and "Blood-Drinking Sword" chanted the name of the Emperor and pounced on the Void Whale that exuded the aura of corruption.

The Forbidden Truth and Unfinished Business quickly retreated to the other side of the galaxy, coordinating and continuing to fire their main guns at the Void Whales that pounced on the Imperial Navy's defense lines.

For the first time, the Iron Wraiths and the Crimson Upstarts battle group showed extremely superb combat qualities when they cooperated with a special unit like a giant gun battleship.

The navy soldiers drove the strike cruisers around the giant whale, constantly trying to create gaps where some of the void whale's important organs were located to launch jumping troops, and also to gain opportunities for the battleships behind to launch their main guns.

However, the Crimson Upstarts paid a heavy price and allowed an elite commando team composed of veterans of a company of Terminators to launch a suicidal gang-hopping and detonated small nuclear bombs among the demons inside the Void Whale, destroying the giant beast one by one. After studying the brainstem and heart, they finally got a cruel fact:

——This monster has died long ago, and the Void Whale that is still wandering in the starry sky is nothing more than a walking corpse controlled by Nurgle's filthy power.

As long as the loving father's protection does not dissipate, it will not truly die. Even the shaped arc and tachyon light spears mounted on the battleship's main guns can only cause extremely limited damage.

There are many more undead behemoths like this, and they enter Aurora one after another.

Fighting against the undead monster bearing the evil god's grace was desperate enough in itself, but as if fate didn't think they were desperate enough now, they sent another even worse news.

"A varying number of flying object signals have been detected in the southeast and northwest of the galaxy, huh? waaagh!!! Force field response? Aren't those the orcs that you dispersed and fled before?"

In the central control room of the Colossus, Gray Wind, who was sitting in the seat that originally belonged to Russell, frowned: "As far as I know, the orcs who are defeated head-on by the slain leader will fall into chaos and decadence, and they will be in chaos for a long time. It’s waaagh!!! Can’t get up.”

But the fact is that the group of greenskins who were beaten to pieces by the anti-entropy had just escaped and started waaagh!!! again shortly after they escaped.

In this case, either their leader is not dead at all, or a new leader follows them seamlessly.

More and more garbage fleets broke into the sensor's field of view from all directions, causing Gray Wind to bite his lips: " seems to be the latter."

The monstrous green tide hit from the southeast and northwest of the galaxy at the same time, and the overall pincer-shaped offensive sandwiched Aurora in the middle. Due to the integration of the remnants of another orc tribe, this wave of green tide is even more powerful than before - for the green skins, large numbers will actually translate into conceptual power.

Large garbage ships are hung with the exclusive totems of the orc overlords who rule them, but they are not the same totems as the green-skin supreme chief, Goktor.

The orc tribe led by the god-chosen Goktor of Brother Mao soon ran into the waaagh!!! Green Tide of another green-skin tribe after being dispersed by reverse entropy and escaping from Aurora.

The orc boys who had just been beaten up by the anti-entropy were knocked down by another wave of orcs and were beaten again. They were subdued by the majesty of the new Warboss and led the new boss to take revenge happily. coming.

Look at that hard, shiny, super domineering heavy armor that can crush a big can guy with just one punch!

Look at those terrifying lightning claws that burst with electricity!

Look at that cool hairdo that’s flowing and fluffy like a lion’s mane!

That is the supreme green-skinned overlord who is stronger, more powerful, more dominant, cooler, more dazzling, bigger, greener, and more waaagh!!! Great Maulius!

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