The wound from the spirit bone needle was so small that it was almost invisible. There were not even blood spots oozing out from the smooth skin of Eponin's back.

The Sniper Bone Gun is a special biological equipment developed by the Biological Department of the Order of Truth specifically for stealth assassination missions. It is specially designed to have concealment and penetration capabilities based on the conventional Zerg poison-injecting organs. It is not as lethal as high-explosive weapons. , but more deadly to organic organisms.

If Revatien had not deliberately avoided critical parts such as the brainstem and heart when shooting, and had not replaced the cytolytic toxin in the cavity with a paralyzing toxin in advance, Eponin would have been shot within 3 seconds. Death will occur immediately.

It was Russell's intention not to kill her. He hoped to squeeze something valuable out of this Dark Eldar.

For example, what does this ring symbol mean?

Reva Galen squatted down and picked up the unconscious Eponin. Russell tapped his index finger on the center of his eyebrow, then leaned over and picked up the soft hair in front of Eponin's forehead, lowered his head and pressed it with his forehead. Covered her forehead.

"What are you doing?" Benhardt Medius looked at this sudden scene and was a little angry. How can anyone's first step in negotiating a business with someone be to directly knock down the supplier...

But after taking a look at Revatien's tall and fit figure and the sniper bone gun in her hand, he didn't act rashly.

"I'm performing a soul-eating spell. This is one of the evil witchcrafts mastered by the fallen Thousand Sons Legion. It can directly obtain all the memories of the opponent by devouring the soul." Russell held Eponin's face in his hands and closed his eyes. Said: "The disadvantage of this spell is that the swallowed soul and personality may awaken in the body of the caster. If the caster's will is not strong enough or the souls swallowed are too many and too complex, they may be filled with endless resentment and Tortured by babble, one becomes a lunatic, or one loses oneself and becomes another person."

"Besides, the soul of the Dark Eldar is extremely filthy, so I will not eat her soul directly."

Russell said, waves of subtle soul ripples slowly rippled from the place where the two people's eyebrows were touching. The fluctuations of these ripples were so weak that Governor Banhart, a mortal, could not feel it at all. Only Revaga Ren and Revatien were able to barely detect some clues with the extremely keen psychic perception of the Eldar.

It was as if there was an extremely tiny thread connecting the two people's souls together.

"I ask, you answer." Russell said.


"Why can you use psychic powers?"

"I...I have received the protection of the 'Lord God'. He redeemed my soul and liberated our imprisoned spiritual potential, so that we no longer have to worry about being stared at by the Prince of Joy with salivation. We can..."

The intermittent words stopped abruptly, and she didn't say any more.

"——They? How many spiritual tribes have received the protection of this so-called god?"

"About 15,000, the mediocre people in Comoros have been immersed in the escape of pleasure and indulgence for too long, and have been unable to avoid the concept of gods. Only we...only 'Phoenix' embraced the blessings of the gods..."

Russell understood: "Phoenix."

Reva Galen was a little confused: "Master, what is Phoenix?"

Russell raised his head, put his index finger on Eponin's forehead, and said, "That is an extremist organization in Comoros called the 'Haemons' - a school within the Haemonculi."

As he said this, he glanced at Banhart who was at a loss and said, "Tell them what the 'Haemeleers' are. You should know them very well."

"...I do have some understanding." Banhart took a deep breath and said under the gaze of the two sisters: "The Haemonculus is a person who enjoys a high status and powerful strength in the dark city of Commorragh. An extremist organization, the first batch of Haemonculi were the upper-class nobles of the Ancient Eldar Empire. Therefore, this organization inherited the advanced biotechnology and soul engineering of the Eldar Empire, and most of the spirit mouths in Comoros also It was cloned through the Haemon's cloning technology, rather than a normal birth."

The Eldar slaves he raised on the Emerald Star were smuggled through Eponin's channels within the Haemonculi.

Revatien's eyes blinked under her mask, a little surprised. She knew very well how complex and obscure genetic information was contained in the Eldar's gene sequence. Even the supreme matron Coroniai could only pass through the power of life. The buds of the tree are constantly giving birth to the Eldar.

The Xuelingren can be cloned in large quantities.

This may not mean that their genetic programming technology is stronger than that of the Life Shaper Queen, but at least in terms of controlling and understanding the Eldar genes, the Haemonculi organization is incredibly powerful.

"The fertility of the Eldar is extremely low, so I don't need to say more about the high status of the Haemonculi who have mastered cloning technology in Comoros." Banhart paused and continued: "But I still want to emphasize that the Haemonculi The position of the Actor among the Dark Eldar is extremely high - far higher than you can imagine."

"Because in addition to using cloning methods to mass-produce Eldar, the Haemonculi also has the power of 'resurrection'. As long as the death time is not too long, even if the deceased's body only has a broken palm left, the Haemonculus can pass the blasphemy." Biotechnology restores it to its original state.

Therefore, any Dark Eldar with a slightly higher status will sign a costly resurrection contract with the Haemonculi, and save part of their souls in the special containers of this group of technological lunatics, in order to be reborn after their sudden death. "

Seeing the shocked expressions of Reva Galen and Revatian, Russell laughed: "Actually, the spirit race in ancient times can be infinitely resurrected per person. They are a 'completed' race that has completed spiritual ascension. The races are closely connected by a huge spiritual field, truly realizing the immortality of the will... But now, thousands of years after the collapse of the Eldar Empire, only the Haemonculi who have inherited part of the broken legacy of the old empire can serve as a minority. The dignitaries in the Dark Eldar clan are offering resurrection services at sky-high prices."

"I see..." Riva Galen whispered to himself.

If they were the original members of the Eldar tribe in Fodlan's Ark and listened to Russell's description of the past glory of the Eldar empire, the memories of civilization and the sadness of the collapse of their homeland would emerge, but they would not, Koroniai The children they conceived believed in the Tree of Life, the tangible Zerg Mother, rather than the ethereal Eldar gods.

"I digress, let's talk about the Phoenix School."

Russell lowered his head and glanced at the curtain covering Eponin's face, and said: "The Haemonculi organization is also divided into multiple factions: Flesh Prophet, Hateful Wizard, Phantom... These are all on the surface, famous There is a surnamed Haemonculus school, but just like the Inquisition of the Human Empire, there are also some hidden small factions that cannot be seen in the light. There is also an unknown 'Phoenix' school among the Haemonculus."

"Or let me put it another way - the Phoenix School."

Russell said: "The Phoenix School believes in an ancient legend circulated among the Eldar - when the last Eldar in the galaxy finally dies, the sleeping 'God of Death' will awaken amidst the death wails of all the Eldar. The god 'Inad' will ride on the hatred and anger of the genocide to kill Slaanesh, so that the Eldar can obtain final liberation and salvation."

"The general mainstream argument is that the awakening of Yenard, the god of death, means the extinction of the Eldar race, but the Phoenix School has a different explanation for this. They believe that a more complete destruction will completely cleanse the Eldar race of corruption and Malaise, when the God of Death kills Slaanesh, all the souls of the Eldar that were once swallowed by Slaanesh will be freed, and the Eldar will be reborn in the dust of destruction and regain their past glory and glory - this is the idea of ​​the Phoenix sect. The ideal is enough to make even the extremely tyrannical Dark Eldar say that you are too extreme."

"The Nirvana concept of destruction and rebirth makes the Phoenix sect happy to see their own kind being killed. Every death of an Eldar will bring them one step closer to their ultimate goal. However, such an extreme concept is destined to be intolerable to other similar people. Therefore, They are still an unknown and secret sect within the Haemonculi, and even other sects who are also Haemons don’t know the existence of this extreme faction.”

Russell patted Eponin's face, and looked at the dumbfounded Banhart with a smile: "I didn't expect that our Lord Governor actually hooked up with a member of the Phoenix Faction."

After a long silence, Banhart considered his words and said solemnly: "I want to ask you a question, Mr. Russell."

"You ask."

"Since the Phoenix Sect is such an unknown and secretive sect, even the Haemonculians themselves don't know that there is such a sect within themselves, then... then how do you know about their existence?"

Russell was stunned.

Yeah, how did I know?

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