Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 277 Not Breaking the Defense Line


Located in the northwest of the Klenna sector, the harsh environment of the planet Pluto was originally just a mineral system that no one cared about. However, thanks to the rejection of the star gate network by the sector governor Medius, the only planet in the Klenna sector A star gate was completed here.

The forging sages used sacred energy pumps to light up the green halo of the L-Star Gate. From then on, a blazing torch lit up the planet, turning it into a trading transit station for ships.

As the Terra expedition progressed, star gates lit up across the stars, and the impact of transportation on the economy continued to expand.

On this day, a naval warship decorated with golden feathers slowly sailed out from the star gate of the Moon Star. It looked very eye-catching among the civilian ships and merchant ships that were passing by.

The technical priest who managed the stargate lowered his head and glanced at the information on the electronic display.

This is the flagship of Grand Admiral Wagner Civitas of Ultramar. He came to visit the awakened primarch of the Dark Angels, and he can be released after reconfirmation.

After the technical priest sent a notice to the Civitas ship that "the original body is holding a tactical meeting in Krentalina", he issued permission to leave the port.

Marshal Wagner took it for granted that this was just a cliché used by the imperial bureaucrats to delay time, as always, but in fact, for the first time, this priest did not lie. The Dark Angels and their original body, Llane El'Jonson, were indeed present. Discuss a very serious issue.

"We need to pay more attention to the movements of the Chaos traitors in the Eye of Terror."

In the central rotunda of the Klentalina Orbital Star Port, Ryan pressed his hands on the table, and his thunderous voice shocked the attendees, whether they were the adjutants of the Chapter Masters of the various sub-groups of the Dark Angels, or Kren The army commanders and naval generals in the Na sector were all impressed by the original body's unparalleled courage.

There is only one exception.

As one of the few women in the rotunda, Genevia Limstella was not attracted to Ryan, who had the calm temperament of a mature man. She did not show a look of infatuation towards Ryan like the Merchant Marine representative not far away. She is a type with a relatively strong personality. Compared to the generally strong aesthetics of the human empire, Genievia prefers gentle and beautiful men.

For example, the messenger of Star Bomber, his gentle temperament and appearance are very suitable for her.

"It's a pity that I failed to succeed in inviting him several times..." Genevia felt a little melancholy. There were not many handsome young men like Russell, and she was so greedy.

Ah, I got distracted.

Genevia quickly concentrated her attention and listened to Ryan's speech. Is it worthy of the Emperor to think about men during a tactical meeting held by the Primarch?

"...To sum up, Chaos activities have become more frequent in the southern area of ​​Kerenna Sector, especially in parts of the area near the Eye of Terror. The self-proclaimed Chaos Warmaster, the traitor Abaddon, seems to be on the move. He is in the Eye of Terror. He was planning his next move in his eyes.”

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Genevia seemed a little weird when she heard Ryan's voice, especially when the word 'Chaos Warmaster' was mentioned, the original body's tone could even be described as gritting teeth.

That's right... I heard that it was Abaddon the Despoiler who led an army to invade the Stone Fortress on the planet, and managed to escape in the end. It is reasonable for the Lion King to hate this person.

At this time, a think tank director from the Dark Angels sub-group said: "Not long ago, I received a revelation from the God Emperor in a dream. I vaguely saw several demon planets drowning in subspace, surrounded by dense orbital defenses. Wrapped in it, a large number of ominous battleships covered in Chaos gathered on these demonic fortresses in a defensive posture... Many high-level psykers except me have received similar revelations. We believe this is an early warning from the Emperor. It is also the reason why my father called this meeting."

Genevia also nodded and said: "The Klenna fleet also discovered traces of Chaos war gang activities when patrolling the edge of the sector. The number of heretics and pirates who have fled into the Eye of Terror has also increased significantly in recent times."

Governor Medius also gave corroborating information: for some reason, heretics in various parts of his jurisdiction are trying to pierce the Eye of Terror, which has improved the security situation in the Kerenna sector. Already...

"Chaos is gathering strength, and we need to strictly guard against the Warmaster's next move." Ryan said.

"Hmm... But with all due respect, Lord Primarch, judging from the revelations received by psykers, it may be difficult to draw the conclusion that the next wave of chaos invasion is coming." Guinevere raised an objection:

"Chaos forces loyal to Abaddon the Despoiler are arming demonic planets with fleets and orbital defenses. Unless they can use the planets as battleships to open the Eye of Terror, actions of this level are not offensive preparations, but - —Build a defensive line.”

Ryan frowned slightly: "Defense line? Does he think we will attack the Eye of Terror... No!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, the Lion King was suddenly startled, he had realized it.

Normally speaking, the armies of the Human Empire would certainly not attack the Eye of Terror. In fact, almost all the forces in the physical universe had a narrow escape from death after entering this constellation that merged with the subspace. Life refers to being corrupted by the evil god.

But the current Milky Way is no longer 10,000 years ago. In the distant and dark 40th millennium, high-dimensional hunters who feed on demons appeared in the universe.

"They're defending the Breakers."

So the Lion King once again felt his own aging, but he didn't even think of such an obvious thing immediately.

At the same time, on an unknown planet of destruction deep in the Eye of Terror, the Chaos Warmaster with a long braid on his head and a magic sword in his hand was walking on the road to find new allies.

In the distance, a collapsed church was billowing thick smoke, showing a strange spiral shape and floating up into the twisted purple sky.

Khayon, the master swordsman armed with a short staff and a long sword at his waist, followed Abaddon with a group of black-armored Terminator guards. They are all vigilant and ready to enter the battle at any time, because what the Chaos Warmaster came to this planet is looking for is a group of crazy barbarians who are ready to kill at any time.

The descendants of the Lord of the Red Sand, the fanatical believers of the Blood God Khorne, and a company of the former 12th Legion - the World Eaters are here. They have just killed all 8.88 million people on the planet and will Skulls were piled up into mountains, blood was sacrificed to the blood god, and skulls were offered to the throne.

Abaddon needed their strength for the coming war.

"I hope that woman Moriana can be relied on this time..." Abaddon murmured to himself as he looked at the ruins of the church getting closer and closer in the distance.

Recalling the nightmare experience before, the Chaos Warmaster was still frightened. Even Abaddon, who had experienced the battle of the Imperial City of Terra, had deep taboos.

The high-dimensional hunter named Breaker roared into the Eye of Terror and broke into the realm of chaos to feast. The Khorne Berserkers and Tzeentch Birdmen who were once arrogant died as easily as ants.

It was complete death, and their souls and bodies were turned into food for the high-dimensional invaders.

The Lord of Change said: "This can't go on like this!"

So the four gods issued a decree and granted Chaos Warmaster Abaddon an unprecedented powerful blessing.

The four gods give it without reservation. How powerful is that? Abaddon felt that the height he was standing at this moment was already comparable to that of his deceased father!

If it were me now, even the Lion King Ryan who defeated Fulgrim might not be able to fight, right?

Abaddon thought so.

However, he could only think about it. The evil god's blessing did not come without a price. He could not follow his own wishes and kill the Eye of Terror. Instead, he needed to stay here, gather the army in the name of the true god, and build a long line of defense. .

A line that can withstand the overwhelming army of boundary breakers - the unbreakable defense line.

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