After performing a public penance ceremony in front of the people of Ultramar, Guilliman was finally able to wear the Helm of Domination in public.

The corrosion of the armor can be replaced, the entangled thorns can be covered up, and the horns growing on the helmet can be hidden, but only the bright red color cannot be hidden. He cannot take off such a conspicuous helmet. Once he takes off the helmet, basically Liman could feel the dull pain of the old wounds left by Fulgrim in the past, and the stubborn Slaanesh poison was crawling ambiguously in his blood vessels.

And when this ominous helmet was put on Guilliman's head, he could feel some kind of restless power related to the subspace flowing in his body, and something called the 'overlord body' suppressed the cut. The sword wound in Guilliman's throat, and the hot blood rushing in his veins gradually dispelled the poison that had been entrenched in Guilliman's body for thousands of years.

This unknown force slowly healed Guilliman's injuries, but also affected his sanity, making him irritable, irritable, and warlike.

Guilliman hates this irrational feeling, but at least until the old injuries on his body are completely healed, he needs to wear this helmet all the time - accordingly, he needs to give an explanation to the Inquisition, the Ecclesiarchy, and the people of the Empire. , a reasonable explanation.

So Guilliman chose to 'repent' and used the Red Helmet tradition of the Ultramarines to explain the problem of the Crown of Dominance according to local conditions.

No matter how ominous this helmet stained with the breath of Chaos is, or even whether it is Magnus plotting against him, Guilliman clearly knows that he needs it...

"Next, let's check the star gate of Connaught Star first... No, let's meet with Ryan first..."

After the confession ceremony, Guilliman sat in the primarch's office specially prepared by the Ecclesiarchy and rubbed his frown.

Too many things had happened to the Empire during the ten thousand years of his sleep. There was too much intelligence and information that needed to be received in a hurry to wake up. Even with a powerful mind like Guilliman, it would take some process to accept and digest such a huge amount of information.

In the process, Guilliman met Llane, who came specially to visit him on Connaught.


When the door to the office was pushed open, the first thing that appeared in front of Guilliman was a thick arm covered in silver-gray finely crafted armor.

The owner of the arm is a burly old man with gray hair.

"You are..." Guilliman looked up at the face of the visitor. The strong features surrounded by armor were so familiar, but the deep wrinkles growing at the corners of his eyes and forehead were so unfamiliar, and his loose hair was like hanging down. The branches in Caliban's forest are as white as the snow, exuding an aura that is particularly familiar to the Lord of the Ultramarines.

For a moment, Guilliman did not dare to call him by his name.

"It's me, Robert, it's me, Lion." Lion whispered, his soothing tone seemed gentle and tired, far from the ferocious lion in Guilliman's memory.

The lion is old but the politician is still young.

"Ryan, where have you been all these years? I heard that you disappeared quietly for ten thousand years, and it was not until a few years ago that you returned to the empire..." Guilliman spoke frankly without using too many political and verbal skills. He asked his brother about his biggest concern.

Guilliman didn't know the inside story of Caliban's civil war, nor did he know what happened to the Lion King who was seriously injured by Luther and fell asleep to this day. From his perspective, Lion hurried back with the Dark Angels after the Horus Heresy. He left his hometown Caliban and was not heard from for ten thousand years.

Faced with Guilliman's question, Lion smiled without getting angry or showing any emotion.

He said with a smile: "Unlike you who have been sitting in the stasis field to this day, I have been sleeping in the fragments of my hometown since I received a fatal blow from a close relative. The long river of time has flowed through my body, smoothing the It removes a lot of places that were originally sharp.”

Guilliman felt deeply, but he couldn't find the right words to describe it.

Lion sat down in front of Guilliman and explained to him the situation near the Eye of Terror - Ryan had been leading the Dark Angels to station near the Eye of Terror since his awakening, monitoring the Chaos forces in the unbreakable defense line, especially the Marauders. Abaddon's movements, he has the best knowledge of the situation around the Eye of Terror.

"The Unbreakable Defense Line is a large defense line across the Eye of Terror built by the followers of each of the Four Chaos Gods. It is used to resist the invasion of a high-dimensional creature called the 'Border Breaker'. This creature uses its soul to They feed on energy and seem to be the natural enemies of demons. The God of Chaos is particularly wary of them..."

"Rebel primarchs including Lorgar, Angron, Fulgrim, Perturabo, Mortarion... all led their legions to join in the construction of the unbreakable defense line, and the tug of war between the Chaos army and the Boundary Breakers The war has been going on for decades, and generally speaking, the Boundary Breakers have the upper hand..."

After listening to Lion's story about the Eye of Terror, especially the strategic intelligence about the Unbreakable Line, Guilliman felt a little confused, and he politely asked a question.

"Well... Ryan, I noticed that your narrative seems to focus particularly on the Chaos general named 'Abaddon', and most of the information you elaborate on is related to him. It is true that this Chaos general who inherited the mantle of Horus is a An enemy worthy of vigilance, but there are still many renegade Primarchs actively active within the unbreakable defense line.”

Guilliman asked tactfully: "Why are you so focused on collecting information about Abaddon, Ryan, instead of focusing more on paying attention to the movements of the Chaos Side Primarchs? I think our fallen brothers are more A threatening enemy..."

Ryan was speechless for a moment, but he soon found an excuse to answer Guilliman's questions with words such as 'Abaddon was chosen by the four gods', 'Abaddon inherited the spirit of vengeance', and 'Abaddon proclaimed himself Warmaster'. Prevaricate.

Sensing Lion's embarrassment, Guilliman did not delve further into this matter.

Then the two brothers talked about how Ryan, who was stationed around the Eye of Terror, could arrive at Ultramar in such a timely manner? The answer given by Lion directly hit the place in Guilliman's heart where he most urgently wanted the answer.

"It's the Star Gate. I passed through the Star Gate." Ryan said: "You should already know something about the immortal known as the Star Destroyer. He co-initiated the Terra Expedition with our Emperor Father. Thirteen expedition fleets set out from the Far Eastern frontier, and in the process of crossing the galaxy, they continued to share the stargate construction templates with various important imperial worlds, and built stargates locally..."

"Today, the Stargate Network has connected nearly 1/8 of the major worlds in the entire galaxy, including the systems such as Kerentalina, Cadia, and Badab where I am stationed."

After receiving a positive answer from his brother, Guilliman let out a long breath.

The situation in the galaxy has deteriorated to this point, and even the home planet of the Ultramarines has been destroyed. After ten thousand years, he woke up leisurely, and saw the dark galaxy in full view, and what he saw was devastation.

In the eternal night of endless sinking, the light called hope flickers slightly.

"It's so beautiful..." Guilliman said softly: "I have never felt so clearly that hope is such a beautiful thing."

"It is indeed very beautiful." Ryan coughed lightly: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but now I want to talk about that helmet more than nostalgia for the past."

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