Not all ships sailing out of the L-Star Gate poured into Falla. Most of them just used the main gate as a transit point, carrying a large number of combatants and war supplies, and rushed to other galaxies.

There is no peace in the galaxy, and war is burning in the Esbanese sector.

The green tide in the starry sky is still spreading. Although the leader of the Orc Warlord has been beheaded by the Star Destroyer, the Battle Moon has also become a consumable for the Adeptus Mechanicus to build the ideal city. The threat of the fragmented Green Skin Empire has suddenly dropped, but it is still a A huge threat that cannot be ignored.

In the name of the Lord of Mankind, the Emperor's loyal servants launched one holy crusade across the stars, vowing to rescue the human colonies that were being ravaged by the aliens.

At this time, the opening of the L-Star Gate has undoubtedly provided great help to the war situation in the Esbanese Sector. Even if there are only three star systems currently connected to the Star Gate network, it is enough for the Imperial Army to replenish supplies and invest troops. The delivery speed has achieved a qualitative leap, alleviating the anxious battle conditions in multiple war zones.

On the first day of navigation, the L-Stargate demonstrated its immeasurable value to the Human Empire.

Huge value equals huge benefits. While a large number of ships poured into Falla, the situation in Falla also ushered in a new round of changes.

The Merchant Guild, the Adeptus Mechanicus, the nobility, and local forces from Nirvana, Asker, Aurora and other places are mixed together. The open and secret struggles between them may take hundreds of years to establish a stable new pattern in Falla.

Russell had no interest in these brain-burning political struggles, which is why he delegated power to the Space Marines and let the Astartes manage the Falla.

After a lot of push and pull, various forces finally compromised with each other and established a parliamentary system in Falla called the "Fallah Senate".

With Russell's intervention, the Falla Senate basically determined several principles at its first meeting:

1. Imperial military mobilization enjoys priority in Falla. In the event of an emergency, both merchant fleets and civilian ships need to give way to the military fleet.

2. The research ships of the Chapter Astartes and the Adeptus Mechanicus enjoy tax-free privileges through the L-Star Gate as a benefit for providing military protection and technical assistance to Falla.

3. 3% of the L-Stargate toll tax is at the personal disposal of Governor Falla, and the rest will be used for Falla's various infrastructure and the so-called budget provided to the Mechanicus.


After the big framework was finalized, there were still many details that needed to be determined, and many people were still arguing over some seemingly insignificant points. Russell no longer participated, but a seat was still permanently reserved for him in the Falla Senate.

The L-Stargate has not been closed for a moment since it was opened to navigation. Countless fleets travel between the three major galaxies, leaving the Adeptus Mechanicus who manage the Stargate in a state of distress.

Among the countless merchant fleets like a school of fish, two particularly conspicuous war ships also sailed out of the star gate and docked in Falla's orbit.

Unlike other ships, these two ships did not pay toll tax when passing through the L-Star Gate, because they were the personal ships of Governor Falla with tax-free privileges.

The battlecruiser "Ark of Bliss".

Battlecruiser "Oracle of Truth".

These two blasphemous warships that once belonged to Chaos have been purified by Russell and rebuilt from the ground up from the keel down, and now they have been given a new lease of life.

Some imperial features can still be seen on the ships built by nanorobots. For example, the adamantine horns on the bow and stern still retain the carvings of wings and eagle heads, which are carved directly on the adamantine keel.

The rest is a style more familiar to Russell. The alloy cast hull does not carry additional buildings such as churches. The overall curve is slender and elegant. The zero-element armor assembled on it glows with a silvery white tone under the radiance of the star, like two silvery white lines. Beautiful fish.

The Eldar will probably like it very much when they see it.

The dark matter deflector shields covering the ship's hull remain on at all times, as they do not currently have the energy required to activate the psychic shields, but they will soon.

Subsequently, Russell took 200 members of the Order of Truth selected by the scientific research director to fly out of the atmosphere and approach the two newly departed warships.

For the human empire that rejects artificial intelligence, operating a large warship of this level requires thousands of sailors and skilled workers. This is not the case with these two battleships. The psionic theory used in the construction process of the ships and the powerful computing power equipped by Gray Wind make the Ark of Elysium and the Oracle of Truth have excellent resistance to both chaos corruption and waste code viruses.

Although complete immunity is still not possible.

The Iron Man in the dark age of technology actually had very good resistance to subspace, and the Stone Man was hated by demons, but this still did not affect the end of the Golden Age.

On the two battlecruisers, a large number of meaningless and complicated maintenance tasks were handed over to automatic machinery. Only the most basic crew members were required to board the ship before they could sail normally or even conduct naval gun battles.

Of course, the most important thing is that Russell really doesn't have many people he can use.

The person in charge of commanding the Oracle of Truth was a high-level "calculator" from the Order of Truth, and Russell boarded the Ark of Bliss with a humanoid construct of Gray Wind.

After boarding the ship, Russell did not start the engine immediately. He was waiting for someone, the judge who was going to accompany them this time, Bernadita, who was born in Terra.

"Why did we bring that inquisitor with us? I remember she once spied on you..." Gray Feng spread his hands and sat on the large computer in the center of the battleship's control room, somewhat puzzled.

"Bernadita has served in the Esbanese sector for many years as an inquisitor and has a very extensive network of contacts and information. The conscription rights in the sector that I originally requested were largely due to her lobbying. Expanded to almost the entire Far Eastern frontier.”

Russell sat on the semi-enclosed seat and looked up at Gray Feng's two feet dangling left and right, which made him a little dazzled, so he turned away and continued: "The strong dragon will not suppress the local snake, she will do it." With a guide, our trip will be much smoother."

Gray Feng blinked and nodded: "I know...ah, she's here."

The hangar door on the side of the Ark of Paradise opened, welcoming a modified high-speed fighter in.

To show her sincerity, Bernadita came alone without any entourage. She was still wearing a full set of "Ranger" power armor, but without a helmet, and her weapons and equipment were also locked in the cockpit.

For Bernadita, who had participated in previous battles with the Chaos Fleet, this completely unfamiliar battleship always gave her a strange sense of familiarity.

This caused her to express a considerable degree of curiosity about this elegant and peculiar ship, but she was soon suppressed by her excellent quality.

Under the guidance of the Order of Truth, Bernadita walked all the way through the hull and entered the control room where Russell and Gray Wind were.

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