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"Carl, Hakuba, you two come with me this time." After the Demon Slayer Order is issued, the navy needs to dispatch ten warships, five lieutenant generals, major generals and several naval elites.

Each lieutenant general will lead two major generals and two warships. Each warship carries 500-1000 naval elites, totaling nearly 10,000 naval forces, which is quite impressive.

This time Lu Fei took Hakuba and Carl with him for one reason. These two people can't fly. If Enel and Oden were sent, Lu Fei really couldn't think of the possibility of the Straw Hat Pirates escaping.

This kind of thing is naturally a good job for Hakuba, who loves to show off. He looked in the mirror, trimmed his hair, wiped his weapons and leather shoes. People who didn't know him would think he was going to walk the red carpet instead of killing people. The golden Demon Slayer Order Den Den Mushi is held by the three admirals and the navy marshal, and can be awarded to others. This time the golden Den Den Mushi is awarded by Aokiji to the present. Appointed by Spandam, the leader of CP9.

The vice admirals and naval forces summoned by the Demon Slayer Order did not depart from the Marine Headquarters, but the vice admirals and forces near the target location.

The Demon Valley Town is relatively far away from the Judicial Island compared to the Marine Headquarters, so Lu Fei was surprised.

However, after thinking about it carefully, this may be the shadow of Sengoku behind it.

He kept wanting to give Lu Fei military achievements and exploits.

He really considers Lu Fei everywhere.

Doesn't he know that the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates who are going to attack the Judicial Island, Straw Hat Luffy, is the grandson of his old comrade Garp? Despite the seniority, Luffy still has to call Luffy uncle.

I really don't know what Sengoku is thinking.

In the Marine Headquarters, in the Marshal's office, Garp immediately returned from the New World after receiving the news of Sengoku. He is probably still on the way, but the Demon Slayer Order cannot be delayed. Once it is launched, it cannot be stopped.

"I hope Lu Fei can take care of Garp's grandson."Well, what Sengoku was thinking in his heart was not to let Lu Fei really attack the Straw Hat Pirates, but to let Lu Fei mix in the navy to create opportunities for the Straw Hat Pirates to escape. Come to think of it, how could Sengoku deliberately let Garp's apprentice fight Garp's grandson.

On the warship, Lu Fei finally figured out Sengoku's idea. He was really cunning, no, wise! From this it seems that Sengoku still takes good care of Garp.

Think about it carefully, when Lu Fei just received the news of the Demon Slayer Order, he excluded Enel and Oden who could fly, and chose two melee swordsmen Carl and Hakuba. This is already starting to let go. Sengoku and Lu Fei's ideas coincide.

"Mixed battle, oh no, this is the little Den Den Mushi, how careless was I, I just pressed the golden Den Den Mushi, and just activated the demon slaying order~~"It turns out that Spandam's original intention was just to contact the members of CP9, but he took the wrong Den Den Mushi and accidentally launched the Demon Slayer. Isn't it because he was afraid for his own safety as mentioned in the previous chapter?...I misjudged him.

"Forget it, it's already been launched, what's the harm? I'm the leader of CP9, I launched the Demon Killing Order to hand you over to the government safely, haha, this is not good either, even if something happens here, the result will still be the same to kill all the pirates."The stupid Spandam didn't even know that he had another small Den Den Mushi connected to all the broadcasts of Judicial Island.

"Now only your existence can provide us with clues to ancient weapons, which is related to the military power that can subvert an era.

As long as we get rid of those idiots who come to take you away, no matter how many soldiers are sacrificed, these sacrifices are inevitable for a glorious future.

The most important thing is that he can make me a higher official and noble.

"These words were clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone on Judicial Island through the connection of the small Den Den Mushi and the radio, and the navy and other government fighters on Judicial Island began to riot.

""Ah! Damn! The Den Den Mushi hasn't been turned off yet! Have all the previous conversations been leaked!" Spandam, who just realized that he had leaked the conversation, shouted, and the navy on the Judicial Island had all begun to flee. The Straw Hat Pirates' opponents were instantly reduced by thousands of people!

With two warships, two major admirals, and 1,000 naval elites, Lu Fei has approached the Judicial Island.

The special location of the Judicial Island means that there is no night on this island.

The sea area where the Judicial Island is located is much sunken than the normal sea level next to it, but the sea water will not flow back to fill the depression.

It is really very strange.

From a distance, the several connected small islands that make up the Judicial Island seem to be floating on the sea, but when you get closer, you will find that thin pillars extend from the bottom of the sea to support these islands.


Lu Fei and his group are closer to the Judicial Island than the fleets led by the other vice admirals, It was a bit far away, but the warship's moving speed device had been optimized. When Lu Fei arrived near the Judicial Island, the rest of the warships had just arrived.

The five lieutenant generals leading the Demon Slayer Order this time were Lieutenant General Lu Fei, the base commander of the Navy G-30 Base, Lieutenant General Mole of the Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan of the Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant General Dauberman of the Navy Headquarters, and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider of the Navy Headquarters. There were 10 other major generals, 200 colonels, nearly 10,000 naval elites, and ten powerful top warships.

After approaching the Judicial Island, Lu Fei saw a circle of iron fences surrounding the sea area of the Judicial Island, which was probably used to prevent sea kings. Just as Lu Fei was observing, a cannon shot was heard next to the warship. The one that fired was the warship led by Lieutenant General Dauberman of the Navy Headquarters. The artillery hit the defensive fence at the four o'clock direction in front of the island.

""boom" Just as the navy and pirates on the Judicial Island were fighting, the sound of cannon fire from warships on the sea was heard.

At this time, there was a thick fog on the sea.

The people on the Judicial Island could only hear the cannon fire but could not see the warships.

Following suit, Lu Fei's warship also fired.

The iron defense fence of the Judicial Island was shattered by the bombardment of the shells.

Following these gaps, warships passed through the defense fence and sailed in.

"This is an indiscriminate attack.

Don't worry about where the attack hits.

Avoid our warships and fire at will.

Our mission is to destroy everything without leaving any behind!

Take the Tower of Justice as the standard.

Once the Judicial Island comes into range, launch a full-scale attack immediately!

"Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan and several other lieutenant generals are also commanding their men.

The whirlpool sea surface in the large depression below the Judicial Island where the organization ships sail into is being filled up by seawater.

Once the warships wait until the sea surface is filled up, they will instantly enter and launch a full-scale attack!

The navy and government forces on the Judicial Island are all fleeing.

Artillery fire is about to roar like rain.

Their lives are in danger under this indiscriminate attack.

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