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"This is the responsibility and obligation of our navy, there is no need to do this." Lu Fei habitually said pretentiously, and a lofty word instantly came out of his mouth.

"What a great phrase, responsibility and obligation."Hearing Lu Fei's words, Jinbei looked up at the Rear Admiral in front of him. It would be great if every Marine had the same idea as this Rear Admiral, but this is just wishful thinking.

The four mermaid girls also looked at Lu Fei with admiration, which made Lu Fei feel very comfortable. The admiration of the four mermaids was really good.

"Then we will say goodbye. Their families are still anxiously waiting for them on Fishman Island. However, if the major general has the opportunity to visit Fishman Island, I will definitely treat him well. Goodbye."After all, it was the first time for both parties to meet, and there was not much communication. Jinbei was going to take a few mermaids back to Fishman Island and could not stay here for too long.

On the contrary, Ruo Si was a little reluctant and kept asking Lu Fei to go to Fishman Island to play with her. After just a few days together, she and Lu Fei got along well.

"Set sail, Navy Headquarters."After dealing with the slaves, life will get back on track. Lu Fei has not forgotten the purpose of this voyage. Fortunately, the warship was designed with the giants in mind. Although there is no room to sleep, it is not a problem to stay on the warship. In a bar called Xiali's Rip-off BAR in a no-man's land in the Sabaody Archipelago, Rayleigh is sitting at the bar drinking

"Old man, you've been out there for a year and you're finally willing to come back." Xia Li, the bar's proprietress, was wiping the glasses one by one and pouring the prepared cocktails into the glasses.

"Forehead...It's not that I lost a lot of money in gambling and went out to hide for a few days."Rayleigh laughed and dealt with Charlie

"Why are you back now? Are you out of wine or are the guys you owe money to dead?"Xia Li knows Rayleigh better than anyone else and got to the point directly.

"You know me best, Xia Li. It's both. After all, this is a no-man's land, and it's common for people to die." Rayleigh said as he took out three silver square wine bottles from his waist and side pockets and handed them to Xia Li.

Xia Li took the wine bottles and filled them with wine. There was no need to say more about the tacit understanding between the two of them for decades. The previous words were mostly just teasing.

"The famous Pirate King's deputy, Pluto Rayleigh, actually fled to avoid gambling debts. If people knew about this, they would probably laugh their heads off."Xia Li handed the full wine jug to Rayleigh and said,

"Hahaha, I am now the coating craftsman Lao Lei. Li put the wine bottle in his pocket. He just wanted to spend the few years he had left in peace. He was too old to fight and kill.

"By the way, Charlie, you have the information about the Navy Headquarters, right? Rayleigh drank his wine, thinking of the scene where the young Navy Rear Admiral used his Conqueror's Haki to knock down a row of enemies.

"Old Lei, you've already retired, so why are you still interested in this?" Rayleigh's words made Xia Li a little strange. Since he came to settle down in the Sabaody Archipelago, Rayleigh has never asked him for any information.

"Well, there is a little guy who is a little concerned. Please give me a copy of the information of the Navy branch with 30." In Rayleigh's memory, the 30 tattooed on the right arm of Lu Fei's uniform is still vivid.

"There are two 30 naval branches in the North Sea and the South Sea, and there is also one in the Grand Line. Which one do you want?"Xia Li took out three file bags from under the counter and placed them in front of Rayleigh one by one.

"I guess it's the one in the Grand Line."Rayleigh didn't think there was a rear admiral with Conqueror's Haki in the Four Seas, so he took the G-30 Navy Division file of the Grand Line and opened it to read it.

The G-30 Navy Division of the Grand Line was located in the Magic Valley Town of the Grand Line.

It was occupied by pirates for a period of time and retreated to an uninhabited island, as if it didn't exist until a new base chief appeared.

He was the champion of the Navy Recruit Competition that year.

As soon as he took office, he defeated the pirates occupying the Magic Valley Town and took back the control of the Magic Valley Town.

It is rumored that this person is the Navy hero Monkey..


Garp's student, the fruit ability is unknown, similar to the natural system, and his generals include...

The information is very detailed. It contains basically all the information that the outside world can get. It describes the Navy branch of Mogu Town almost exactly. There is also a photo of Lu Fei attached. It is a photo cut out from a Navy newspaper. It was the photo reported when Lu Fei was promoted to the rank of Major General.

"The student of that old guy Garp is really an amazing kid."With Garp's powerful physical skills, Rayleigh can imagine that Lu Fei will definitely have armed color domineering. In this case, this little guy will have at least two kinds of domineering, plus the unknown fruit ability. There are really many talents this year.

The boy with the flame fruit who caused trouble in the Grand Line and rejected the invitation of the Navy Shichibukai has joined Whitebeard's army.

There are also powerful young people like Lu Fei in the Navy.

Rayleigh can already imagine the wonderful world in the future.

I really hope that there will be his own shadow in it.

Time makes people old, but people are old at heart.

Roger's son Ace has no rivals in the same generation of pirates.

Lu Fei, the student of his old rival Garp, is a young hero.

It's a pity that he has no descendants or students.

Rayleigh is a little disappointed.

At the Navy Headquarters, Oden is trying on the navy uniform specially tailored for the giants, and there is also a big axe. The materials for making a uniform are enough to make uniforms for hundreds of ordinary human marines. The things used by big guys are also big guys. Lu Fei has no doubt that Oden can chop off a pirate ship with a big axe.

"Are these all your generals? They all look pretty good. The Navy Division of Mogu Town has grown stronger under your management. You have done a great job. Lu Fei, I have approved the applications of these brigadier generals. I hope to see you help them apply for the position of major general as soon as possible."In the office of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Zhan Guo signed the application materials for brigadier generals.

"Thank you, Marshal, but I can't become a lieutenant general just because I want to. Haven't I achieved my military exploits yet?" Lu Fei asked Zhan Guo.

"No, it's enough.

You will be promoted to vice admiral soon.

You will be the youngest vice admiral in the history of our Navy Headquarters.

I heard from Garp that you have mastered Haki, so you have met all the requirements to become a vice admiral.

Congratulations, Vice Admiral Lu Fei.

"Zhan Guo congratulated Lu Fei and was happy that the Navy Headquarters had one more powerful general.

The basic requirements for a vice admiral are to meet the standards for combat performance and strength, to master at least one color of Haki, and to have at least five subordinates above the rank of colonel.

Lu Fei has already met all of these.

Soon Lu Fei will be able to get a new naval fleet and become their commander.

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