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""Ah!" Holding a plate full of meat, Luffy ate while looking at the scene in front of him. Zoro also gulped down a bottle of wine. Sanji cursed Hakuba's show-off in his heart. He was very unhappy and jealous when he saw the women around him looking at Hakuba with loving eyes. Fortunately, his Nami and Robin were different from those women.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, a large pit several meters wide appeared on the originally flat cobblestone street. This was caused by Bellamy's spring attack, but unfortunately it did not hit Hakuba.

Hakuba shook his navy robe to shake off the smoke and dust that was attached to the outer robe. He was a little obsessed with mysophobia and hated people dirtying his clothes the most.

Looking at Bellamy in front of him, Hakuba did not choose to act immediately. He took out a stack of bounty warrants from his pocket and began to flip through them one by one until he found Bellamy's bounty warrant.

"You dare to be distracted while fighting me? Go to hell! Spring Death Punch!" Seeing Bai Ma's contempt for his behavior, the angry Bellamy's right arm turned into a circle of springs, constantly compressing and storing energy, and then burst out instantly, his arm lengthened like a spring and hit Bai Ma in the face

"Ding! Bellamy, bounty 55 million. Tsk, I am really disappointed, but since there are so many viewers, I will use my strength to give you a gorgeous funeral."With a slight raise of his hand, Cavendish easily blocked Bellamy's attack with Durandal amid the worried eyes and scared screams of the onlookers. Bellamy could only use the elasticity of the spring to do a backflip and get away from the white horse.

"Good weapon!"Although Sauron was a swordsman, he was able to distinguish between similar weapons. As soon as the holy sword Durandal on the white horse was unsheathed, he discovered its excellence.

"This person's ability is so interesting, it bounces back and forth and can stretch, it's a bit like mine." Luffy's mouth was full of meat, and he muttered as he watched.

"Beautiful sword.


Prince Stardust!

"The tip of the holy sword Durandal touched the ground, and the sharp blade drew a long sword mark on the ground.

Then the long sword rose from the ground, carrying a trace of dust particles.

These dust particles were like stars in the sky, and the blue sword shadow of Durandal left in the sky was like the Milky Way.

The gorgeous swordsmanship made the women fall in love with him.

Bellamy, who tried to use his hands that turned into springs to block this move, had a vertical bloodstain on his body, from his hands to the lower body.

Elegant and precise, gorgeous and powerful, this is the Navy G-30 Division Navy nobleman White Horse Major General

"Bang!"Without a doubt, Bellamy was knocked out by Bai Ma in one move, and fell to the ground with blood flowing. Bai Ma put away his weapon, raised his hands to welcome the cheers and screams of admiration from the crowd, and bowed to the audience to welcome them to watch this magnificent performance.

"What a powerful guy, this guy called Hakuba, he killed a 55 million pirate in one second, Zoro, what are you doing, speak properly, put down the knife!"Usopp saw all this and was also impressed by Hakuba's strength, but seeing Zoro ready to go up and fight, he immediately stopped him. The pirates on the ground were the ones who took the initiative to provoke, and Usopp didn't want to become like this himself.

Nami was also preparing to take the others to buy the necessary supplies for the ship early and then leave the island. The navy that appeared here seemed to be stronger than the other. It would be a problem sooner or later if Luffy and Zoro, two troublemakers, stayed here.

Although Lu Fei took away the bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates from the bounty order, there were always some people who were surprised, such as Hakuba, who had seen Luffy's 30 million bounty order.

He had a bad impression of this guy who had the same name as his old man Lu Fei.

Very deep, because this guy has recently stolen his headlines in the navy newspaper.

He and Enelu and others teamed up to kill a pirate group with a total bounty of 1 billion.

They thought they would definitely get the front page of the newspaper the next day, but Luffy's victory over Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, overshadowed his heroic deeds and he could only be relegated to the second page.

The defeat of the Seven Warlords of the Sea attracted the attention of most people, but this guy on the second page was ignored this time, which made him very unhappy.

Bellamy was naturally dealt with by other navy officers. Hakuba took a closer look at this time and found the Straw Hats who were being pulled by Nami towards this side.

"Straw Hat Boy!" Hakuba will never forget the face and hat that grabbed the headlines. His elegant gentleman appearance suddenly disappeared. With anger, Hakuba leaped into the air, jumped over the heads of the crowd, and chased after them while shouting.

""Oh no! We've been discovered! We're going to die! Run!" The Straw Hat Pirates knew they were exposed when they heard Hakuba's cry, so they ran faster. However, Hakuba was a swordsman with a high speed, and he was accompanied by several members with relatively low martial arts skills. How could they outrun Hakuba? He soon caught up with them from behind.

"Zoro and I will stop him. Sanji, you protect them and take them back to the port on the Merry. Then, I will use my ability to bring Zoro back with me."When facing the battle, Luffy showed the demeanor of a captain, giving orders one by one.

"Be careful!" After hearing Luffy's words, everyone did not refute and began to run towards the port according to the captain's order.

"Separately? It seems like a good idea, but this island is our navy's territory, and there are more than just me in the navy. You two are also very brave. Do you want to sacrifice yourself to delay time for your friends to escape?" Hakuba said when he saw Zoro and Luffy blocking the road. The rest of the Straw Hat Pirates were running farther and farther, but he was not worried. He didn't think anyone could beat Enelu in terms of speed.

"We will defeat you and then join my friends!"After listening to Hakuba's words, Luffy can only pray that Sanji can protect his friends, and then defeat the opponent as soon as possible to support other partners.

"Rubber pistol!"

"Three Swords Style. Demon Slash!"Having seen the fighting strength of Bai Ma when he defeated the 5500W spring man just now, the two dared not be careless and took the lead in attacking Bai Ma.

"Beautiful Sword. Swan Lake!"With a leap, Hakuba dodged the attacks of Zoro and Luffy, flipped his body in the air and stood upside down, then waved the holy sword Durandal like a ballet to perform a gorgeous spinning attack.

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