Traveling Frog: Burning Fruit at the Start

Chapter 74: Just blame me for being too poor

"Did I hear wrongly? He said he wanted to fight Xing Mubai?"

"That's right, I heard it too!"

"Now, that's interesting! I haven't seen such an interesting newcomer in a long time. When was the last newcomer?"

"It seems like a year ago!"

Everyone's unabashed discussion made Xing Mubai in front of Liu Xia look ugly.

He showed a cruel smile and said in a gloomy voice: "Very good! It's been a long time since I met a newcomer who doesn't know what the world is like!"

As he spoke, Xing Mubai clenched his hands into fists, and his knuckles crackled.

Liu Xia still looked indifferent.

Although he said that he was here to investigate the Dark Palace, he didn't mean that he would be angry at all.

Since the other party wants to compete with each other, then I should play with him.

As long as he is defeated, there will be less trouble in the future.

"Do you only know how to talk?"

"Just tell me the truth, don't babble like a girl!"

When Xing Mubai heard this, anger suddenly surged into his heart, his facial muscles twitched slightly, and his expression was very ferocious.

Hou Cheng and the little girl with twin tails on the side whispered, "Boss Xing is angry, this newcomer will be in trouble!"

"It's a pity that little brother has such a handsome appearance." The little girl frowned with an expression of regret.

Soon, Xing Mubai took Liu Xia to the competition ground.

In Xing Mubai's words, because Liu Xia dared to accept his challenge, he found a closed venue so that Liu Xia would not be too embarrassed to lose.

"Then I still want to thank you?" Liu Xia glanced at Xing Mubai angrily, and couldn't help but feel a little interested in this man.

In the competition arena, Liu Xia and Xing Mubai stood on each side of the ring.

Under the stage, five other 'students' stood watching.

"Newcomer, don't say I bullied you."

"I will suppress my strength to D level in a while, don't say I bully you!"

Looking confident, Mubai felt like he had already suffered his own punishment.

Liu Xia didn't say much. He just shook his hands and the fiery red aura immediately emerged from his body, wrapping his whole body and burning.

Fire element? Ordinary stuff!

Xing Mubai sneered, stamped his right foot violently, and shot towards Liu Xia like an arrow from the string.

The distance of more than ten meters disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the person had already rushed to Liu Xia. His right fist was raised high and he was about to smash it down.

So fast!

The five people watching the battle in the audience were shocked, and they all muttered secretly.

Xing Mubai is really serious! This newcomer was probably stunned, otherwise he didn't even react.

Just when several people thought that Liu Xia was about to be blown away by a punch, a magical scene appeared.

Liu Xia's body was slightly turned to one side, and Xing Mubai's fist fell against his chest, and the blow missed!

At this flash, everyone was shocked

Especially Xing Mubai, he never expected that Liu Xia could avoid his attack so easily.

But before he could react, he felt someone punched him in the chest.

A brute force penetrated into the body, causing the internal organs to sting as if they were being pricked by needles.

What surprised him even more was that the force was so powerful that it directly flew his entire body backwards.


Seeing that Xing Mubai missed his blow and was punched away instead, everyone was stunned and looked in disbelief.

"Did I read that correctly? Xing Mubai was actually punched away by a punch?"

"I guess he underestimated the enemy, so he should hold back."

"I think so. He probably wanted to tease Liu Xia, but I didn't expect that the other party was not simple either."

In the audience, Hou Cheng used his thin voice to tease Xing Mubai:

"Boss Xing, stop playing! Be careful of the car tipping over!"

Xing Mubai stood up and glared at Hou Cheng fiercely. The latter didn't seem to be afraid and even made a face in return.

Just now, when Xing Mubai took action, he did have some reserve.

At Huaqing College, moderate fighting helps students improve their strength.

But if the behavior is too serious, you will receive an invitation from the college's law enforcement team to have tea at the law enforcement court.

After all, the awakened people who can enter Huaqing College are either extremely talented or have extraordinary family backgrounds.

Every accident that happens to an awakened person is a big incident.

Therefore, Xing Mubai did not dare to use too much force before he could figure out Liu Xia's strength.

"If you hold back, you won't be able to defeat me."

Liu Xia stood opposite Xing Mubai, patiently waiting for his reply.

From Xing Mubai's attack just now, Liu Xia could clearly sense his strength.

Peak B level, within the range of strength that he can crush.

If he really wanted to let go, he shouldn't be able to block his blow.

But the question now is whether he wants to expose his full strength.

Just when Liu Xia was hesitant, the frivolous look in Xing Mubai's eyes fell and turned serious.

The audience who were familiar with Xing Mubai saw this scene and knew that Xing Mubai was going to use all his strength.

"Beast transformation!"

Xing Mubai roared.

The arm immediately became larger like a balloon inflated.

The thick arms stretched out the clothes very full, and the sleeves seemed to be split.

And his palms at this moment turned into thick animal claws.

Is this the attribute of a legendary fantasy beast?

It’s the first time I’ve seen him!

It seems very strong.

Xing Mubai couldn't hear Liu Xia's inner murmur.

But judging from Liu Xia's still calm expression, Xing Mubai's beast transformation did not surprise him too much.

Suddenly, Xing Mubai crushed the ground beneath him with his foot. Almost the entire sole of his foot sank in, and dense cracks immediately appeared around him.

Then, bend your knees and form an arch with your legs, ready to go.

"Savage impact!"

I saw gravel flying under Xing Mubai's feet, and with the help of the reaction force, his whole body turned into a black shadow again, carrying terrifying power, and crashed into Liu Xia.

"It's over! The newcomer is finished now!"

Several people have personally experienced how terrifying Xing Mubai's strength is after turning into a beast.

The newcomer happened to have blocked the first blow just now. This time, he probably won't be able to dodge it.

At this time, another girl in the audience who looked like a royal sister turned her head and glanced at her side.

"Xiaotian, get ready to treat our new classmates!"

The young man known as Xiaotian smiled slightly. I don't know when I had a lollipop in my hand. I tore open the package, held it in my mouth, and said in a buzzing voice.

"I know, Sister Bihua. As long as I'm here, I can absolutely guarantee that our new classmates' lives will be safe."

As he spoke, Xiaotian stretched out his right hand, and a green bud grew out of thin air in his palm, exuding vitality.

"I told you to use all your strength, but you still didn't listen!"

On the stage, Liu Xia looked at Xing Mubai who was crashing into him like a heavy truck, and finally couldn't help but complain.

"Since you can't recognize the difference, let me help you understand it again!"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Xia's figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Then, everyone heard a muffled sound, followed by Xing Mubai's scream.

A familiar figure flew out again.

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