The voice was getting closer and closer, and Lin Yi gradually closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, there was a bright ceiling in front of him, and he looked around and found himself lying on a white hospital bed, and he just wanted to move, but he felt a slight pain in his shoulder.

The nurse who had just entered the door looked a little excited when she saw Lin Yi wake up, and quickly ran over and pressed Lin Yi, who was ready to get up, back.

"Don't move, your current injuries need to be recuperated, I'll go and inform the doctor."

With that, the female nurse ran out and returned with a doctor in a white coat, but behind the doctor were two men in black trench coats.

Lin Yi's attention was always on the two men in black trench coats, allowing the doctor to examine them, but Lin Yi always remained silent.

"There is nothing wrong with the patient, there is no deterioration in the injury, the patient's physical fitness is very good, the recovery is very fast, and it will be fine after a period of rest."

After examining it, the doctor said to the two men in trench coats.

"Well, hard work."

After a period of politeness, the doctors and nurses withdrew.

One of the men in a trench coat took a chair and sat next to Lin Yi, and opened a file bag in his hand.

"Now it's our turn to talk."


Two men in trench coats, one middle-aged uncle looks, hair loss looks a little serious, national character face, the other young looks, looks quite handsome, respectfully standing behind the middle-aged man.

"Who are you?"

Lin Yi already had a rough guess in his heart, but still asked.

"My name is Kazushu, I am a second-class search officer, this special search officer, Lord Yuki Shinohara, he cares very much about your affairs."

The youth search officer replied.

The search officer is a profession specially set up in the world of Kaoru to deal with Kaoru.

They are subject to the Seed Countermeasures Agency, also known as the CCG, which specializes in expelling and sanctioning the Species.

Lin Yi nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Two days ago, there was a battle in Dushan Park, and judging from the traces and blood stains at the scene, you killed the Kaoru?"

Kazushu was about to speak, but Shinohara Yuki waved his hand to stop him and asked directly.

"It should be, but I'm so hungry right now, can I get something to eat?"

Lin Yi said nonchalantly and touched his stomach.

"Pay attention to your attitude, this is..." said Kazu Shu angrily, only to be scolded by Yuki Shinohara.

"And Xiu! Give me the file bag and you'll go get something to eat. "


Kazu Xiu nodded and walked out honestly.

There were only two of them left in the room, and Shinohara Yuki opened the file bag and kept looking at Lin Yi.

"You may not know what you did, let me tell you that the species you killed was wanted by CCG for nearly two years, and the people who died at his hands during these two years, more than double digits, have always been our focus and have been rated as an A-class Kaoru."

"The hunting targets of this species are mostly passers-by walking at night or homeless people on the side of the road, we have just recently locked up the suspect, and before we can do it, we were killed by you."

"Then I'm pretty good, is there a bonus?"

Lin Yi said with a smile.

Shinohara Koki was obviously stunned by Lin Yi's answer, and immediately smiled heartily, "Of course, although there has never been a precedent for ordinary people to kill Kaoru, I can personally reward your behavior." "

"But you have to tell me first, how did you do it, I checked your file, the front has been mediocre, studying in Tokyo, there is no blockbuster, after graduation did a small business, but the year before last the business fell and declared bankruptcy, it has been in a state of wandering, right?"


Lin Yi rubbed his eyebrows, the identity arranged for him by the system was really tortuous enough, but at least it was very similar to his current situation, he was indeed penniless.

Fortunately, he recognized it, and saved himself from making up a bunch of reasons to explain.

"Then how did you kill an A-class Kaoru with your bare hands? Don't say anything about others, even I'm not sure I can do it. "

Shinohara Yuki's expression suddenly became serious.

He even suspected that there might be a situation where the species co-gen, the so-called co-gen, is the behavior of the Kaoru species eating the Kaoru species, the two Kaoru species fight, the winner can eat each other's RC cells to strengthen his own Hezi and body.

But after the doctor's examination, as well as Lin Yi's file, he is indeed a human being.

"Maybe I used to like fitness more and learned two tricks."

Lin Yi said with a playful smile, and said that he also showed his biceps.

At this moment, He Xiu pushed the door and entered, carrying several fast food boxes in his hand, all of which had just been packed from the cafeteria, glanced at Lin Yi, and reluctantly handed the lunch box to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi couldn't wait to take it, and began to gobble up without saying a word.

I was hungry for two whole days, and it was no better than a hungry seed.

Shinohara Koki obviously didn't dwell too much on the previous question, looking at Lin Yi, who was frantically stuffing sushi into his mouth, he dispelled all the messy thoughts in his mind.

No matter how he did it, at least the other party couldn't be a Kaoru.

"I wonder if you have the idea of becoming a search officer?"

Lin Yi ate a meal.

"It's a hard job." He sighed, in fact, when the two appeared here and revealed their identities, Lin Yi had already guessed the intention of the two of them coming here.

He didn't want to live a life of bondage, and was about to think of a reason to refuse, but he was stunned, and he only noticed at this moment that his system tasks had changed.

Sample collection (1%).

Lin Yi swallowed his spit unconsciously, when did he do the task? How did he have no influence, or... What is the so-called sample?

"Mr. Lin? Mr. Lin? Shinohara Yuki saw that Lin Yi suddenly fell silent, couldn't help but call out, hesitated for a moment and said, "Although the danger of a search officer is the highest of all professions, the meaning it gives is extraordinary, and every search officer is known for..."

Shinohara Yuki was still about to brainwash Lin Yi, but was suddenly interrupted.

"This job is not a good guy, but it is better than now, and I don't hide from you, I don't even have a pack of cigarette money in my hand, so I agreed."

Lin Yi came back to his senses, and after knowing the goal of his mission, his mind instantly cleared his thoughts.

Is there anything more suitable for himself than a search officer, a job that can help him more?

Shinohara Yuki was stunned for a moment, and he didn't expect the other party to agree so cheerfully, and after reacting, he immediately showed a happy smile, "I will personally recommend you to the headquarters, with your strength, you can skip the apprenticeship directly." "

"Oh? Then thank you. "

Lin Yi didn't care much about this, with his strength, if he still started as a trainee search officer and learned theoretical knowledge, it was indeed a waste of time.

"In that case, CCG welcomes you to join, and when your injury is healed, you can report directly."

The purpose of Shinohara Yuki's coming today was obviously to recruit Lin Yi, the purpose was achieved, he did not waste too much time, and after two more words, he took his leave and left, leaving a sum of money very intimately before leaving.

And Lin Yi's hospitalization expenses should be reimbursed by CCG, he began to recuperate with peace of mind, read the newspaper without anything, hooked up with the little nurse, and the days passed like this.


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