But his attack was not as direct as expected.

The Yemengad in Lin Yi's hand changed instantly, and the scarlet Hezi began to swell and change, like a giant python, the blood plate instantly tore and bit his body, and with a bang, he was pressed against the wall.


The other person exclaimed, and then rushed towards Lin Yi like a madman, and the blue tail behind him flicked, piercing Lin Yi's cheek.

"It's a touching brotherhood."

Lin Yi sighed.

Then he turned slightly sideways, dodged the attack, reached out and grabbed Nao Hyuk in his hand, and then jerked towards his side.

When the other party was unbalanced and rushed towards Lin Yi, Lin Yi let go, and his left hand turned into a vise, directly facing the opponent's neck.


With a powerful blow, the other party spat out a mouthful of blood, making Lin Yi face.

Lin Yi pinched the other party's throat desperately, the force was so great that he could already clearly see that the other party's neck had been deformed, and the steely bones were in his hands, fragile as chocolate.

"Tell me, where is the gecko?"

Lin Yi asked again.

The two brothers no longer had the arrogance they had just now, one was nailed to the wall by Yemenga, and the other was choked by Lin Yi and carried in midair.

The younger brother of the bottle brothers, glanced at his dying appearance, hesitated, and although he was choked by the throat and could not speak, he still trembled and pointed in a direction.

"Very well-behaved."


Lin Yi, who got the answer, smiled gratifyingly, and it was good to be willing to listen to people's advice.

Then he broke the other party's neck very much, and at the same time, Jermongard also instantly exerted his strength, directly crushing the other person's body, and blood spilled on the ground.

Yemengad began to absorb Hezi, and Lin Yi waited until the two corpses turned into dry corpses before walking in the direction that the other party pointed to just now.

And on the other side, the basement where the gecko is located.

The entire basement is very large, shaped like a birdcage, and the floor decoration is all black and white checkered, making the atmosphere of the entire basement quite gloomy.

In the middle of the basement, Kaneki Ken was chained to a chair alone, unable to move, and his black hair in the past had turned white.

His wrists and ankles are full of hideous scars, which are the marks left by the body of Kaoru, which will only be left after countless injuries and recovery.

It can be seen how much torture he has suffered before.

After the gecko fled, he did not leave the 20th district, he was a madman who could not kill Dikou Chaoshu, naturally he was worried.

So I went directly to the antique shop, and on the same day, the owner brought people to District 11 to investigate the attack on the District 11 branch.

The gecko originally planned to find trouble with the Dikou family, but met Kaneki Ken, and the strong aura of Gods on Kaneki naturally could not escape his nose, so he took Kaneki Ken captive back.

The sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor was very clear in the basement.

The gecko wore a baseball bat mask and held a huge Cook's steel wrench as he walked forward.

"Kaneki-kun, the rare pleasure time is still over, the CCG is about to attack here, and my task is to resist their attack."

"The purpose of the bronze tree is to eliminate all the guys who stand in our way, including humans, but it does not exclude the species of kaoru, which is the opposite of the bronze tree, and of course it is no exception."

Gecko said, taking off his mask and revealing a morbid smile.

"Kaneki-kun, in the end, I will plunder you, I will eat you all."

Saying that, the gecko had already walked in front of Kaneki Ken, Kaneki Ken slowly raised his head, just a look of eyes, unexpectedly made the gecko show a look of fear, involuntarily took two steps back.

In that look, there was no longer the slightest fear, it was indifference and killing intent.

Like that woman.

"Hahaha, Kaneki-kun, you really are the best."

The gecko who came back to his senses was even more excited, and two scales spread out from his back, growing out like wings, and instantly attacked towards Kaneki R&D.

The iron chains that bound Kaneki Ken's hands and feet were instantly broken free, and the attack smashed the chair.

Kaneki Ken's figure jumped for life, landed on the back of the gecko, held the broken chain, directly strangled the gecko's neck, and then bit down on the gecko's head without hesitation.

The gecko broke free quickly, and Kaneki Ken landed to the side with his strength, but the gecko's forehead was bloody.

"You... Dare to eat me? "

Gecko's eyes widened, but he couldn't believe that a day ago the guy was still a weak and incompetent waste, only begging for mercy.

"Bah, it's really unpalatable, like dead fish offal that has been left for many days."

Kaneki Yan spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were extremely indifferent.

Two pairs of eyes, one black and one red, are particularly eye-catching.

"Wow, I don't seem to have missed this big scene." In this tense atmosphere, Lin Yi, a third party, appeared extremely abruptly.

He was dressed in a black trench coat, stained with a lot of blood, and it seemed that he killed a lot of trash fish along the way.

Gecko and Kaneki Ken both looked over at the same time.

"Don't be nervous, you guys go ahead."

Lin Yi had no intention of interfering, sat directly to the side, crossed his legs, and made a gesture to continue.

The gecko was a little absent-minded, but Kaneki acted indifferent, and after glancing at Lin Yi, he rushed towards the gecko again.

Just like the original, Kaneki has changed a lot.

When he was grabbed by the gecko's ankle, he directly twisted his body, even if his right foot was twisted into a twist, he didn't feel anything, but kicked him away with a gecko's whip.

Then the gecko turned on the Heji mode, which was the first species that Lin Yi had seen and could transform into the Hitters.

The gecko's strength is indeed very strong, but he is indeed restrained by Kaneki, his strength is very strong, Lin Yi estimated, as if he does not rely on Yemengad, he should not be able to compare.

But the speed of the gecko is too slow, no matter how strong the force, the attack is futile if it is not hit, and the end of the battle is already doomed.


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