
"Lao Tzu has suffered a lot of grievances in this bird place."

"Let's make a big fuss."


Compared to those species imprisoned on the ground, those who can be held so firmly are truly vicious existences.

There are many S-class existences among them.

Even if he hadn't eaten for many years, he instantly summoned his own Hezi at this moment, and the balance of this battle collapsed in an instant.

The situation has become more critical.

Some second-class search officers, even if one person has to face two or three seeds, there is no chance of victory.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, go away, go away!"

A search officer who was usually in charge of inspecting the cell was crying loudly and tears running down his face.

The hand holding the pistol was shaking and trembling.

In front of him were two A-class and an S-class Jiao, both of them wearing prison uniforms, and the hideous Hezi swayed from side to side.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

His plea for mercy had no effect, and looking at the approaching Kaoru, he shot in despair, and all the bullets were easily flown away by Hezi until the bullets were empty.

A herd of the Bowen pounced on him and divided him on the spot.

In this case, Haizaki Fukame also participated, but he chose the wrong opponent.

This time the bronze tree attacked Quekulia, and in addition to making Kaneki Ken and Kirishima Ayato as the vanguard, he also sent Tatara to suppress the formation.

Compared to Kaneki Ken and the two rushed all the way into the depths, Tatara only observed in the rear and rarely shot, he just came to ensure that the mission target of this time could be successfully rescued.

But wearing a white trench coat and a special mask like an oxygen mask on his face, walking in the center of the battlefield but looking leisurely, it is already very eye-catching, and it is difficult not to notice.

Tatara saw that the situation was currently good, so he just walked down the corridor and walked down step by step. As a result, just after walking a few steps, the gate next to it was suddenly broken, and the speed was so fast that Tatara didn't react, and it was black in front of him in an instant.

Haizaki walked out of the door with a smug look on his face, which was his unique Cookyin, which could be launched like a dark weapon, and then wrapped around the seed like a huge man-eating flower.

He was followed by several search officers, armed with firearms and wary looks.

"It seems that this is not their leader."

Haizaki was a little disappointed, he originally had the idea of catching the thief first, but it was too easy to succeed, and he pressed the button on Cook's handle.

The next moment, I heard a sigh, countless plasma splashed out like a spring, and the sound of blood and flesh being crushed was clearly visible.

Subsequently, Haizaki Fukame didn't care too much, in the enemy hit by him, the Cook Yin, no Kaoru seed could survive.

"I don't know if there are any interesting guys down there."

Haizaki looked deeply at the situation below, but the next moment, his pupils shrank sharply, and his proud Cook suddenly swelled, and then suddenly exploded.

Tatara, who was unscathed, appeared in front of him, and Haizaki didn't have time to react, and was put through his chest by Tatara with his hand, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

In fact, with the strength of Haizaki Fukame, if you seriously fight against Tatara, the situation may be different.

But he underestimated Tatara's strength too much, and he was too conceited of his special Cookyin.

Tatara was not uninjured, but recovered almost instantly with strong resilience.

"Fukame Wait!"

"It's over, Fukame is sacrificed."

As the warden of Quekulia, it is also the hope of the search officer here, seeing this scene, the rest of the search officers have no will to fight, after all, even the prison director is no match for the species, and they rush up to just send them to death.

A group of search officers howled and began to flee.

Tatara casually threw Haizaki Fukamo's corpse aside, and did not chase after him, he had no interest in these small fish and shrimp, and naturally there would be hungry and crazy Kaoru to do these things.

The escaped search officers did not run far and were surrounded by more species.

"Who will save us."

"I don't want to die."


Cries for help and screams abounded.

"It seems to be almost."

Lin Yi stood on the top of a hundred-meter-high building, and the gate of Quekulia was at his feet. He glanced at the building not far away, opposite Queculia, and he could feel that there were eyes watching him all the time.

However, Lin Yi didn't care, the cigarette in his mouth was almost pumped to the root of his tail, he threw it casually, took up the white suitcase, put his hands together, and fell down head-on.

"What a keen observer, Noro, noticed us."

A strange man dressed in red dressed in a white bandage wrapped in a white bandage, sat on the edge of the rooftop with his legs dangling, and spoke like a little girl.

This man is naturally the leader of the bronze tree, Takatsuki Izumi.

"He seems to care about Kaneki-kun too."

Izumi Takatsuki muttered to himself.

On the other side, Tatara withdrew his gaze, how the group of search officers would die tragically, he did not care, and continued to walk down, unhurriedly.

Suddenly, he felt the dark weapon and hurriedly wanted to hide, but he was one step slower.

The 'dark weapon' hit Tatara on the cheek with unmistakable accuracy, but Tatara was not hurt as expected, only the tip of the nose had a small burn, less than the size of a little finger.

In the blink of an eye, the burn was restored.

Tatara reacted and looked at the 'dark device' on the ground, it turned out to be just a cigarette butt, and Tatara, who was always a calm look, couldn't help but have his forehead jumping at the moment.

He looked sharply into the air and locked onto the comer.

Then he directly raised his right hand, and the red and white Hezi instantly covered his arm, forming the shape of a giant barrel, and the bright light condensed in the cannon port, and the terrifying high temperature distorted the surrounding air.

"It's scary."

Lin Yi sighed, and the tongue of fire that rushed into the sky instantly drowned him in the next second.


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