The first ward, also known as Chiyoda Ward.

People who don't know the situation here call it 'hell'.

It is precisely because of the harsh situation here that CCG will directly set up its headquarters here to achieve the purpose of deterring the night.

The CCG has organized more than one crusade against Chiyoda, but the seeds here are like weeds.

Wildfires burn endlessly, and the spring breeze blows again.

Coupled with the complicated situation here, there was no breakthrough effect after several crusades, and CCG had to slow down.

Ordinary people living here are cautious even in the daylight, try not to talk to strangers, and return to their accommodation as soon as they get off work.

But even so, the death rate is consistently among the top three in Tokyo's 23rd ward.

The species here are a little more ferocious, and even attack civilian homes. Ordinary people may still be sleeping peacefully at home, and suddenly they will be divided by the corpses of the people who break into the door, which is terrifying.

Night gradually falls.

"This ghost weather, say cool down, cool down."

Lin Yi complained, and a cold wind swept by, and he snorted in place.

In his heart, he constantly choreographed his cheap boss, Mado Wuxu.

"What the hell idea, say I just joined today, it's a face, let me be used as bait, this black light blinds, where do I go fishing."

Lin Yi kept complaining in his mouth, walking aimlessly on the street.

The shops around have long been closed, and the street is very calm.

However, although he kept complaining, Lin Yi still kept careful around, and this guy Wu Xu said that he would secretly pick him up, but he didn't see the other party's figure.

I always feel like I'm being sold.


Suddenly, there was a muffled noise at the mouth of the alley not far away, and Lin Yi fixed his eyes on it, and saw a woman wearing a fiery red dress with a big wave fell to the ground.

Lin Yi stepped forward quickly, seven or eight meters away, only to see the appearance of this woman, with light makeup on her face, a straight nose, red cheeks, even if she only had half a side face, she could see that she was a beauty in her eighties.

And this woman was covered in alcohol, and I don't know how much alcohol she drank, and the smell was pungent.

"Hey, ma'am, let's go home quickly, it's not safe at night."

Lin Yi reminded.

But the woman seemed to have really drunk too much, and after two sighs, she turned over on the ground, from lying on the ground to lying down.

At this time, the messy dress on the chest revealed a large area of snow-white, and this woman's figure was excellent, so not attractive.

"Madam, it's really not safe here at night, where is your home, I'll send you back." Lin Yi instantly burst with a sense of justice and walked over quickly.

Just when Lin Yi approached the woman and was just about to reach out and lift her up, the abnormality suddenly appeared, and the originally drunk woman in red suddenly opened her eyes, her black and red eyes were revealed, and her mouth full of saliva was ready to bite Lin Yi's arm.

But her mouth had just opened, and before the rest of the movements could act, she snorted, it was the movement of a sharp blade into the flesh.

Blood splattered Lin Yi's body, and Cook, named Yemengad, had already pierced the woman's throat and nailed her to the ground.

The woman died instantly, and the hideousness before dying still stayed on her face, full of puzzlement and doubt.

"I'm not a three-year-old child, and I can't pick up corpses in this kind of place." Lin Yi muttered and looked into the darkness around him.

"Dead all at once, how can this kind of goods deserve to have a field, unless she still has accomplices, right?"

Lin Yi seemed to be talking to himself, and it seemed to be talking.

There was indeed movement in the darkness, and in the originally dark alley, red lights lit up one after another, and when the distance was closer, it was a pair of eyes.

"Maple actually missed it."

"Damn the search officer, you dare to break in alone, and today the brothers will crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces."

"Boss, I'll give me one of his arms later."


The originally silent alley suddenly became lively.

Lin Yi glanced over, not to mention more than a dozen of them, and all kinds of Hezi also showed at the same time, unknowingly surrounded him.

And the leader is a young man with a chicken head and a motorcycle suit, with characteristic stud nose studs on his nose and ears.

At this moment, his entire right arm was wrapped in a special kind of jiahe, making his entire right arm two or three times thicker.

"I know this old thing is unreliable."

Lin Yi cursed in his mouth, looking at Wu Xu, who did not appear, it was obvious that the other party wanted to test his strength.


Lin Yi fumbled with the hilt of Yemengard's knife, and from just now, he could feel the excitement of 'it'.

The next moment, Hezi, who was in the form of a blade, suddenly rioted, and a wisp of tentacles instantly pierced into the body of the red-clothed species, absorbing blood like a straw.

The Kaoru who were about to start were startled by this scene, and took two steps back without directly becoming suspicious.

"Are you going to eat me?" In just a dozen breaths, the red-clothed body turned into a dry corpse, Lin Yi drew his knife and stood, and Yemengad also recovered his calm, but he could vaguely see the shimmering light flickering on the blade.

"Then if you are eaten by it, you will not feel wronged, right?"

"Don't... Don't be intimidated by him, he is only one person, what can he do with us, kill him! "The first to calm down was the chicken head.

With his roar, the surrounding species came back to their senses, showed a fierce look again, and flew towards Lin Yi.

Just after two moves, Lin Yi figured out the strength of this group.

Although the strength and speed of these people are much stronger than ordinary people because of their characteristics, there is no special system training, and the means of attack are single, and it can even be said to be stupid.

The only thing to be careful about is the Hezi of this group of guys, even the lowest level of Hezi, the strength of Hezi, can easily twist steel and penetrate the stone wall.

Even if Lin Yi's body was strengthened, he didn't dare to hit it firmly.

Lin Yi's figure tossed and turned in the encirclement, but fortunately the place of the battle was this small alley, and the entire alley was only a few meters wide, which greatly limited the movements of these species.

"Just now I was so spirited, it turns out that I won't do anything but hide!"

A young man with short purple hair was deliberately angry at this time, and the scales that extended from his waist wrapped around his arms like a purple blade, surging towards Lin Yi left and right.

Lin Yi kept dodging and retreating, and his speed was fast.

"Come back! Senshu! "

At this moment, the head of the chicken that fell at the back of the team suddenly roared.

Lin Yi's eyes narrowed, no wonder he could be the leader of this group of guys, this chicken head still had some eyesight.


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