Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 213 Meeting Hisoka Again, Leading The Snake Out Of The Hole

"Killua, why did brother Fischer suddenly send that information just now?" At this time, in the third floor, Killua, Gon, and Alluka were walking through the huge hall, and Gon asked a little puzzled.

"Brother will publish the information about that guy, most likely that guy has plans to deal with us, so he wants us to be careful.

"Next, we must be very cautious." Killua knew Fischer very well, and after Fischer told the information, he quickly understood what Fischer meant, and answered Gon's question very easily.

"Eh? Why, we didn't offend that guy, did we?" Gon was suddenly puzzled.

"I don't even need to think about it, it must be a festival with the Zoldyck family." Faced with Gon's foolish question, Killua couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Your brain is really stupid sometimes."

"Gon's a fool, hehe." Alluka on the side followed with a smile.

Gon was also very embarrassed when he heard this, scratched his head and laughed dryly.

Indeed, if there is no conflict, how can others come to trouble yourself and others for no reason.

However, the initial conflict was unprovoked.

"However, to be honest, there are so many people here." In order to ease his embarrassment, Gon scanned the hall and sighed.

"Well, there are indeed many, after all, there are 200,000 people on this B-W this time."

"There are at least 10,000 to 20,000 people in this hall. Killua also looked at the densely populated hall and said.

"Huh?" Just as Killua finished speaking, Gon suddenly sniffed his nose.

"What's wrong?" Killua wondered after noticing the change in Gon's expression.

"The smell of Hisoka is here." Gon replied, and ran out.


"This guy's nose is really weird!!!" Hearing Gon's answer, Killua's face froze, and he said speechlessly, and then he followed Alluka's hand.

Soon, Gon stopped, and stopped next to a burly man.

The big man glanced at Gon, and then a very magnetic voice came out of his mouth.

"So it was you...

As soon as the voice fell, the big man raised his hand to his face, stretched out his hand and tore it, and tore off a huge piece of paper from head to toe, revealing the appearance inside, it was Hisoka.

"Wow, it's really you, Hisoka." At this time, Killua also brought Alluka here, and Killua opened his mouth in surprise.

"Yeah, it looks like you're having a good time." Hisoka greeted the two with a smile, holding a poker card in his hand.

"Why are you here, Hisoka?" Gon nodded, then asked directly.

"I am a little interested in the Dark Continent, and I heard that you are also participating in this grand event, so I came here." Hisoka said evilly.

"Hey, you guys are still thinking about Gon."

"Be careful of the gutter overturning, Gon is not the Gon before."

"Even if it's you, it's hard to beat Gon." Killua curled her lips and said unhappily.

This guy, still staring at Gon until now, made Killua feel uncomfortable that Hisoka was fighting with him for his beloved.

"I don't need you to tell me that."

"I can tell just by looking at how solid the qi on your body is. The two of you have improved a lot during this period of time."

"How about it, Gon, do you want to fight with me?" Hearing Killua's sarcasm, Hisoka didn't care at all, but sent Gon an invitation to fight.

"Ahaha." Gon didn't respond, just rubbed the back of his head and laughed awkwardly.

"Speaking of which, did the two of you offend someone? It always feels like someone is watching you." Seeing that Gon didn't fight back, Hisoka didn't force it. Instead, he glanced around and said with some doubts.

Just now, from the moment he met Gon, Hisoka felt a faint sight, which was hidden very subtly, even he only felt it, but couldn't find it.

"You feel it?"

"As expected of Hisoka, the perception is really good." Hearing this, Killua was a little surprised, and then praised with a smile.

He also just felt that sight, but he has been unable to be sure.

"Well, after all, my senses are very keen." Hisoka stretched, revealing his seductive figure, and said with a smile.

"Eh? Is there?" Gon[ didn't feel the gaze from the two at all.

"Put your body's senses at the lowest level, don't try to perceive them deliberately, things will be reversed at the extreme, at this time your senses will be magnified many times, and you will be able to feel the incomparably hidden line of sight, if there is nothing."

"The guy watching us is a professional, and only killers like me and Hisoka can vaguely notice it."

|| With your talent, you should be able to feel it if you work hard. said Killua in a low voice.

"Oh, oh, then I'll try." Gon nodded upon hearing this, then closed his eyes and prepared to test according to the method Killua said.

However, as soon as he closed his eyes, Gon was directly brainstormed by Killua.

"You idiot, aren't you telling the watchers that there is something wrong with us here?"

"Maybe it will reveal the fact that we have noticed him." A brain collapsed on Gon's forehead, and Killua growled at Gon who was covering his forehead with a puzzled expression.

"Oh, oh." Hearing this, Gon came to his senses and started experimenting again. This time, he did not close his eyes, but stared straight ahead.


"Forget it, this guy is the first experiment after all, so it's fine."

"Killua, really, I feel that (good Zhao Hao) gaze on us from time to time." Within a few seconds, Gon whispered excitedly to Killua.

"That's it." Killua nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go, it's not easy to talk here, and those guys won't make casual moves in this kind of place, let's get out of here.

"Let's lead the snake out of the hole." At this moment, Hisoka spoke, and suggested to the two of them.

"Well, that's exactly what I was thinking." Killua said with a sneer in his eyes and a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Then let's go." Hisoka also said with a faint smile.

Gon nodded too.

A group of people left the hall and walked towards the corridor in the direction of the living area.

At the same time, on the ceiling of the hall, a tiny crack quietly opened.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes fixed on the four people of Killua who were leaving the hall.

"Hehe, are you finally leaving? You can prepare to start."

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