Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 241 The Brilliance Of The Goblin, Killing The Thunder Dragon King

As soon as the battle started, the face of the Wind Dragon King Aiglas changed.

Because he found that his attack could not cause damage to Fischer.

Every time the hurricane-wrapped dragon's claw landed on Fischer's body, it passed through Fischer's body, bringing up a series of thunderbolts, which couldn't hit Fischer at all.

Instead, it was the old friend Rogner who was able to hit Fischer with a thunderous attack.

"It's elemental, and it's thunderous!!!!" Wind Dragon King Aigras, as an old fritter who has lived for hundreds of years, is naturally well-informed, and immediately understood what happened to Fischer up.

It is precisely because of understanding the changes in Fischer that the wind dragon king Aiglas will have such a reaction.

Because, the ability of elementalization can only be dealt with by the same element "943", and other attributes cannot cause damage to it.

In other words, only Thunder Dragons are qualified to deal with Fischer.

Wind Dragon King Aiglas can see it, and Rogge, who is the Thunder Dragon King, can also see it at a glance.

"Aigres, leave this place to me. You use my name to summon all the thunder dragons and let them come here."

"This human must be exterminated, otherwise it will be the end of the Dragon Clan." Rogge, who was confronting Fischer, took time out to shout loudly to Aiglas.

"The old man knows." Aiglas didn't refuse either, and left the battlefield directly, flapping his wings and flying into the distance.

"Odo, that's not acceptable. I don't want to cause too much trouble right now. I can't ask you to inform the other dragons." Seeing Aiglas leaving the battlefield, Fischer was ready to stop him.

Because Fischer didn't want Aglas to pull people over.

The attack of a thunder dragon can threaten the elementalization of his own thunder. When he came to this world and dealt with the first thunder dragon, Fischer already knew it.

Let Aigras call all the thunder dragons over, with his current strength, he can't deal with them at all.

This Fischer is self-aware.

However, as soon as he left the battlefield, Fischer was entangled again by Rogge.

The thunder-wrapped dragon's claw slammed into Fischer's way forward with a mighty power to tear apart space, causing Fischer to stop directly.

Even if the terrifying claw strike didn't hit the ground directly, the powerful impact had already caused a huge bottomless gully to appear on the ground, no, it should be called a canyon.

This is the power of a series of dragon kings, changing the terrain with just one blow.

"What a hassle."

"As I guessed, the strength of the Dragon King is on par with me."

"No, my strength is stronger than the Thunder Dragon King in front of me."

"However, it is simply impossible to defeat this guy in a short period of time."

"Continuing to fight in this way will most likely turn into a protracted battle." Looking at the Thunder Dragon King Rogge standing in front of him, Fischer's expression was not very good.

"The old man won't let you pass here." Flapping his wings, Thunder Dragon King Rogge said solemnly.

"It's really troublesome. I don't bother you anymore, but you come to me again and again. You really think I'm easy to bully." Looking at the Thunder Dragon King Rogge in front of him, Fischer sighed slightly.

From the beginning, my purpose was to find the Dragon Clan to study the magic of the Dragon Clan.

If you want to study the magic of the dragon clan, the first thing is to kill the dragon clan and conduct research from the dragon clan.

The second is to communicate with the Dragon Clan and learn from the Dragon Clan.

However, when creating the Dragon Slayer, Fischer, who was in close contact with the origin of the dragons, already understood the essence of the dragon slayer magic, so he already had an understanding of the magic of the dragon clan, and he no longer wanted to pay attention to the dragon clan. It's magic.

The first method of killing dragons and researching from the corpses of dragons was directly abandoned by Fischer.

But the dragon clan sent them to the door by themselves, one after another, and now two dragon kings came at once.

Fischer felt that since he didn't go to trouble with the Dragon Clan, his temper was already mild enough......

"Forget it, I originally wanted to have a good fight with the two of you, but the situation has become like this, so I will kill you directly." After a slight sigh, Fischer's eyes became deeper, and his voice also instantly The incomparably indifferent expression became as hard as ice in an instant.

"Kill the old man, it depends on your ability, human." Fischer's words immediately enraged Thunder Dragon King Rogge, Rogge roared and rushed towards Fischer, the dragon claws were entwined with terrifying thunderbolts, Fischer swung it down.


The moment the attack landed, an incomparably powerful thunder erupted from Fischer's body, blocking the Thunder Dragon King's attack.

Immediately, a tattoo appeared on the back of Fischer's hand. It was the tattoo of the Fairy Tail Guild. Intense light burst out from the tattoo, and terrifying magic power gathered on it.

Then, Shell's murmurs reached the Thunder Dragon King Rogge's ears.

"Gather! The river of light that guides the fairies! Light up! To destroy the minions of evil! The splendor of the fairies!"

"This is!!!" Thunder Dragon King Rogge was stunned, and quickly raised his gaze.

Because he could feel that the power emanating from the sun, the moon and the stars was constantly gathered by the tattoo on the back of Fischer's hand, and the speed was astonishing 0.4.

In just two seconds, the coat of arms on the back of Fischer's hand gathered incomparably terrifying power.

A power that makes it feel very dangerous.

"Don't even think about it!!!!" Thunder Dragon King Rogge shrank his pupils and roared, lightning quickly gathered in his mouth.

"It's late!!!!!!" Facing Thunder Dragon King Rogge whose expression changed drastically, the corners of Fischer's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sneer.

The next moment, Fischer raised his golden arm, and waved it at Thunder Dragon King Rogge casually.

The next moment, under Thunder Dragon King's terrified gaze, Fischer's right hand burst into a fierce light.

The light shone, and the entire world became a field of light.

"Damn it!!!!!!".

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