Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 245: Natsu The Bear

"Oh, is this war? It's amazing." Lying on an inconspicuous boulder, Little Natsu looked at the scene in front of him, jumping for joy, without hiding the power of the dragon in his body.

Fortunately, the battlefield at this time is very chaotic, and various dragon powers are constantly erupting, otherwise, Natsu would definitely be discovered.

However, other people didn't notice it, but Irene, the first dragon slayer who personally gave Naz the power of a dragon, noticed it.

"Didn't Rafael look at this kid? How could this kid appear here?" Irene, who was relying on the power of Lumen Xinghui to entangle a giant dragon, looked extremely anxious at this moment.

Fischer entrusted Natsu's safety to her.

Naz was sent to the battlefield before, but luckily it was a truce, so nothing happened.

But now it happened to be in battle, and it was much more dangerous than before.

But Naz actually appeared here, and Irene almost scolded Rafael in her heart.

"Human, you seem to be absent-minded. Is something distracting you?" It was a wind attribute dragon who was fighting with Irene. At this time, he also noticed the change in Irene's expression, so he opened his mouth ~.

Although it is hostile, Irene's situation makes this wind attribute giant-dragon admire him very much.

Because Irene, as a human being, was able to fight alone with this giant dragon, single-handedly without losing the wind.

On the contrary, the other human beings who appeared on the battlefield are all assisting the same race to fight, and they cannot rely on their own strength to fight against them dragon race.

Irene is an alternative on the battlefield.

For the opponent's words, Irene naturally did not respond, but withdrew most of her attention from Naz, leaving only a little perception to pay attention to Naz.

Paying too much attention to Naz's situation can easily be discovered by the opponent, and Naz will definitely be drawn into the battlefield at that time.

Irene now only hopes that Naz can understand the cruelty of war and leave here.

Otherwise, it would be very detrimental to her and Naz.

And at this time, on the other side, Berserion of the Doragunov Kingdom also returned here.

Once back here, Berserion went directly to the companion who taught Natsu the dragon slaying magic.

However, when he felt his companion's territory, Berserion saw a huge dragon with flames all over his body, the whole body of the dragon lying on the ground, with an intoxicated expression on his face, and he slumped all over the ground.

"This is the reaction of eating the Dream Dragon Grass." Looking at his companion lying on the ground without any image, Sierselion's longan twitched.

Dream Dragon Grass, this is a medicinal herb that can make the dragons drunk and dreamy. There are many on the mainland, but it is a taboo among the dragons.

Because the Dragon Clan will fall into a deep sleep for three days after eating it, and will fall into a dreamland within three days.

During this period, the giant dragon that fell into sleep will only wake up when it is attacked by the outside world.

It's okay if you meet a companion, but if you meet a hostile dragon, one blow is enough to seriously injure the sleeping dragon.

Therefore, although this thing is very effective for the dragon clan, it is not as good as the dragon clan.

"Really, this guy Rafael actually eats this thing, isn't he afraid of accidents?"

"Also, where did that kid Natsu go?" Although his companion ate the forbidden herb of the Dragon Clan, Berserion didn't say anything, and began to look for Natsu.

However, no matter how I searched, I couldn't find it.

Berserion had no choice but to slap Las Raphael who was sleeping soundly on the ground.


"Who hit this old man!!!!" After being slapped across the face, the giant dragon named Las Raphael immediately woke up, bursting out with a strong wake-up breath.

However, just as he roared, Las Rafael received another slap on the forehead.

"It's the old man, why, do you want to fight with the old man?" Berserion raised his dragon claws and stared at Las Raphael, dissatisfied.

"Ber Serion, even you can't take pictures of this old man." Las Raphael was furious when he heard this.

"Don't talk about that, what about Natsu?" Berserion asked directly, completely ignoring Las Rafael's anger.

"!!!!!!" Mentioning Naz, Las Raphael also came to his senses, and his long eyes almost popped out.

"The old man remembered, that brat plotted against the old man!!!!" With a loud roar, Las Raphael flapped his wings, soared into the sky, and flew out towards the sky.

"Huh? That direction is the battlefield, no way." Looking at the direction Las Raphael flew out of, an ominous premonition rose in Berserion's heart.

Immediately, Berserion also soared into the sky and followed.

"Don't let anything happen to you, Natsu, brat!!!"

On the other side, Mildian Academy of Magic.

"Fischer, you bastard, how did you take care of Naz!!!!" At this time, Fischer was being questioned by Jeff Xingshi who had just returned.


Fischer was a little confused by Jeff's attitude as soon as he came back.

Did Zeref know that he sent Natsu to the Doragunov Kingdom?

Even if you know, don't be so angry, right?

"Natsu ran to the battlefield of the Dragon Clan, hurry up and bring him back." Zeref also saw Fischer's confusion, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down and explain.

Two hours ago, he happened to pass by the Dragon Clan's battlefield, and wanted to wait and see, but saw Natsu's voice on the edge of the battlefield.

This directly frightened Jeff to death hunting.

However, Jeff quickly controlled it without letting the dragons find out.

If it weren't for the contradictory curse on him, he would have brought Natsu back by himself.


However, just seeing Naz's change of mood made him flinch.

Others didn't bring it back, but were directly killed by their own death hunting.

So Jeff went straight back to Mildian Academy of Magic to find Fischer, and asked Fischer to bring Natsu back.

By the way, I would like to express my dissatisfaction with Fischer for not taking good care of his brother.

"Uh, the battlefield?" Fischer was also stunned, and then the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, feeling upset.

What happened to these two guys, Berserion and Irene? Why did Natsu go to the battlefield again.

"You wait, I'm going to bring that brat back now." Fischer said to Zeref, and then left the Mildian Academy of Magic with a flash.

He ran to the battlefield twice in a row at a young age, what is it if he is not a brat?

While the child is still young, bring it back and give him a good beating.

Looking at the empty seats, Jeff sighed slightly.

Then Jeff frowned.

"That guy Natsu has the power similar to Igniru, the power of the dragon?"

"Besides, there were a lot of powers similar to Natsu's on the battlefield just now, what's going on?" Zeref frowned and thought.

On the other side, just using Blink to come to Naz's side, before Fischer could speak, Fischer heard a familiar voice.

"Under the order of the Thunder Dragon King Rogge, all the thunder dragons will follow this old man!!!!" Aiglas' voice resounded across the battlefield.

Fischer: "????? Spoon?".

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