Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 52: Jin, Who Is Bullied Every Day

"Huh, almost almost."

"I almost disturbed Gai Lu." Watching Netero use Baishi Guanyin to block the shock wave, Jin wiped off the sweat that didn't exist, and said happily.

"It's already disturbing." Crook's eyes twitched, looking at Gai Lu who had opened his eyes, he sighed helplessly.

Jin: "Ah..."

Looking back, she found that Gai Lu had really opened her eyes and stood up.

This means that Gai Lu has retracted the circle.

"It's okay, I wasn't disturbed, I took the initiative to remove Yuan." Gai Lu shook her head and explained.

"However, little brother Fischer's strength is really terrifying." After explaining, Gai Lu looked at the area not far away that was shrouded in thunder, deeply moved.

The place where Fischer was at this time had completely turned into the field of thunder, and the endless thunder and lightning were not only bombarding that area, but exuding destructive power.

"Ah, indeed, it's a monster to have such power at this age." Mentioning Fischer, Jin also had to admire.

Since records began, there had never been a nen like Fischer who possessed this level of strength at this age.

They are already standing on the edge of the threshold of the top five nen, and it is estimated that they will be able to rank among the top five nen in one or two years.

And Netero also noticed Gai Lu, so he removed the Hundred-style Avalokitesvara and landed on the huge petals.

"Are you interrupted?" Netero asked as soon as he landed.

"No, I've identified the toxicity in this area, and I can make an antidote now." Gai Lu shook her head in denial.

"Well, what materials are needed, let's find them now." Hearing this, Netero nodded and continued to ask.

"Forget it, let Fischer go with me. This time, the poison is a bit strong. If you run around, it's not good. Fischer has a strong resistance to poison, so you can follow." Gai Lu shook her head and refused. Got Netero's idea.

The toxicity of this secret realm often changes, which is why she has to follow it every time.

But this time the toxicity was a bit stronger. In Netero's situation, it would be bad if they ran around.

"That's it, then I'll leave it to you guys." Hearing that, Netero had no choice but to give up.

Neither Jin nor Crook said anything.

Soon, Fischer's battlefield was over, the dark clouds all over the sky quickly dissipated, and the thunder dissipated, revealing the situation inside.

Fischer stood in mid-air calmly with lightning flashing all over his body.

"Hey, that kid, even Transmuter has cultivated to this level!!" Seeing this scene, Netero was a little surprised.

Only a Transmuter has been cultivated to a certain level to be able to float in the air. Fischer's current scene means that his Transmuter's thoughts have been cultivated to a very advanced level.

"It's really strange, this kid should be Conjurer, how can even Transmuter be able to cultivate to this level." Jin scratched his head, unable to accept it.

"A narrow-minded guy." Crook gave him a blank look.

"If you don't hate me, I'll die, Crook (******)."

"It won't die, it will be boring."

"(Fucking Fuck)"

"Okay, you two stop arguing." Netero looked at the two who suddenly quarreled again. A look of trouble.

Gai Lu, on the other hand, was very interested in the scene in front of her, and watched with great interest, only to bring out peanut beer, cola popcorn and watermelon.

As soon as Netero finished speaking, Fischer's figure turned into a bolt of lightning and landed on the petals.

"Hey, the task is completed." Back on the petals, Fischer waved at several people and said relaxedly.

"You crossed a distance of more than one hundred meters in an instant, boy, you are going against the sky!!!" Netero, who was trying to persuade him to fight, saw Fischer suddenly appearing, he was stunned, and almost pulled his stubble off.

"No, no, no, I don't dare to go against the sky, that's the business of the protagonists." Hearing Netero's praise, Fischer waved his hands repeatedly, saying that he didn't dare.

Only the protagonists in the novel dare to do such a thing against the sky, anyway, Fischer would not dare to be so bold.

He also doesn't have that capital, even if he has a system.

"Fischer, I have identified the toxicity here, and I already have a plan for making an antidote."

"Now I need to pick some herbs, you can go with me." At this moment, Gai Lu came over and said to Fischer.

"Is it ready so soon?"

"As expected of the Twelve Earthly Branches of the Hunter Association." Hearing Gai Lu's words, Fischer was slightly surprised, and then praised without hesitation.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, make the antidote as soon as possible, and take it as soon as possible, otherwise the three of them will not be able to withstand the poison in the air for too long." Gai Lu rolled her eyes and said, and then jumped off the petals go out.

"There's poison in the air? Why don't I feel it?" Fischer blinked, looked at the three of Netero and asked.

"Do you think everyone is like you Zoldyck, who have been trained in anti-drug since childhood." Hearing Fischer's words, Netero couldn't help being a little upset. Fischer's words were somewhat suspicious of Versailles.

Eh? What is Versailles?

"Is that so?" Hearing this, Fischer raised his eyebrows, then jumped out of the petals with a smile, and followed Gai Lu's figure.

"Hey, old man, Fischer is from the Zoldyck family, aren't you afraid that when he grows up, he will have an impact on the human kingdom?" Jin said to Netero, watching the backs of Fischer and Gailu leaving.

"Well, you have also seen this kid's temperament, right? It is not harmful to this society, but has great benefits." Netero said with a smile, stroking his stubble.

"Hey, uncle sloppy, I heard you!!!" At this moment, the voice of Fischer who hadn't gone far came from below.

"Who is the sloppy uncle!!! (▼皮▼#)"

"Isn't it you, you don't have any self-knowledge in this outfit?" Crook curled his lips and said bitterly.

"Crook, have you fallen in love with that kid?" Jin heard the words, his face was covered with black lines.

"I think Crook wants to curry favor with that kid Fischer. Fortunately, when he goes out to discuss the seed of the vitality tree with Fischer, Fischer can see that he can lower the conditions for the sake of speaking for Fischer." Netero saw clearly, It directly pointed out Crook's purpose.


"You are amazing, you are lofty, you hate me to please this kid!!!"

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