Under the blue sky, beside the mountains and rivers, under the shade of green trees that block out the sun, spots of sunlight shine through the gaps between the lush branches and leaves, interweaving on the moist land.

"Sako, arrive at location B……"

Saeko hid beside a big tree, looking through the gaps between the branches with her scarlet double magatama Sharingan, and whispered softly.

But this posture, combined with the clothes, really made people imagine.

Well, today Saeko wore a blue dress similar to Sakura's.

"Sakura, arrive at location C……"

Sakura stood sideways behind the tree, hunched over, and nervously shouted into the headset

"Naruto, we have arrived at point A……"

Naruto came to a bush carelessly, opened his eyes and stared at the target, and said lazily and weakly

"Too slow, Naruto...

Team 7, the target is starting to move, chase them!……"

Kakashi's voice sounded in the headset, giving the order.

The three of them moved quickly and approached the target at the same time.

Of course, Naruto also closed his eyes in advance.��

"Very good, let's do it……"

Kakashi, who was watching from the dark, had a fierce look in his eyes and gave a solemn command.

The chakra under the feet of the three people burst out at the same time, and they quickly rushed towards the target.


As a howl that made anyone sad and cry was heard, Naruto grabbed the target of the mission.

"I say, aren't we being too serious!

Isn't it just a kitten?"

Naruto held the cat in one hand, looked at Sakura and Sako with a squint, and sighed helplessly. Naruto, who knew that the cat was not honest, released a little Nine-Tails Chakra in his hand.

The arrogant cat was trembling in Naruto's hand as if it had seen a ghost.……

"There is a red ribbon on the right ear. Are you sure it is the target tiger?"

Kakashi's voice sounded again in the headsets of the three people.

"It is confirmed that it is the mission target."

Sako looked down at the cat in Naruto's hand and confirmed with a frown.

"Very good, the mission to capture the lost pet tiger has been completed.

Come out and gather, and go back to submit the mission!"

Kakashi concluded with satisfaction while standing outside the woods.

"Teacher Kakashi... is there no more exciting mission?

We have been doing low-level missions for many days!"

Sakura's dissatisfied voice reached Kakashi's ears through the headset, almost making him tinnitus.

【Is Sakura trying to steal my line?

By the way, the Wave Kingdom mission should be starting soon.

Bai, let me see if you are a man or a woman.……】

Naruto stared at the angry Sakura thoughtfully, thinking to himself.

Saeko, who was standing by, was no longer surprised by this!

Hokage Office

After submitting the task and seeing the terrifying wife of the prince, everyone showed understanding eyes to the cat Xiaohu who often ran away from home to increase Konoha's income.

"Let me see...

Then, the next mission for Team Kakashi's 7th Division.

Well, it's a C-rank mission to protect the master of bridge building.

Come out.……"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the document in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and after introducing it slowly, he turned around and shouted to the next room.

After the last C-rank mission, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very confident about Kakashi's operation.


Finally, it's not such a boring low-level task anymore.

Old man, you did a good job! '

Sakura shouted excitedly under the image of a good girl.

Sako, on the side, seemed calm on the outside, but was actually eager to try.


Why are there so many little ninjas?

Especially the shortest one, who looks the dumbest. Can he be a ninja?"

Dazna, who was holding a bottle of wine, reached out to fix his glasses that were about to fall off, and complained drunkenly.

Among the three, only Naruto was half a head shorter than Sasako and Sakura because of long-term malnutrition.

The implication is self-evident!

"This client.

As the leader of this team, I must remind you."

The shortest and dumbest guy you mentioned is actually the most powerful ninja among us.

If you offend him, even I may not be able to protect you!"

Kakashi was rarely serious, staring at Dazna with cold eyes and warned him.

Kakashi didn't want any misunderstanding to happen because of this.……


Dazna swallowed subconsciously, and his eyes surrendered to Naruto, who was teasing. His heart skipped a beat.

He lied about his mission this time. The more powerful the ninjas were, the safer he would be.

Dazna knew this.


I’m so sorry, I’m a little drunk!

My safety is in your hands.……"

Dazna shamelessly found a way out for himself and laughed out loud.


Kakashi, I'll leave this mission to you guys."

Seeing that the two sides were communicating harmoniously, Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed twice and asked for help.


Kakashi changed his attitude instantly, nodded with a relaxed look, and asked them to leave.

"Now go back and pack your things, and meet at the main gate of Konoha in ten minutes. Mr. Dazna

, you can go over and wait now.


Walking out of the Hokage's office, Kakashi gave a few instructions and disappeared in an instant.……

"Well, I'm leaving too!"

Naruto turned his back to Sakura and waved his hand, then he also used the instant body technique to leave quickly.

"That brat... is really a scary guy!"

Dazna stared at the place where Naruto left in an instant, and a cold sweat broke out on his back, and he said in fear.

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