"Change the future without me!

But can we change that future?

As you said, there will be endless enemies in the future.……"

The Nine-Tails murmured in a trance, and suddenly thought of something. His eyes lit up, and he leaned over and looked at Naruto with lowered eyebrows.

"Who was that strange cat just now?"

Kyuubi thought of the fear that he had just felt when he was dominated by Momotaro's rice ball, and asked hurriedly.

In the future scene, Doraemon did not appear.

Perhaps, this is a turning point!

"You mean Doraemon?

It is a terrifying existence from another world.

With its help, it is easy for us to change the future!

Don't ask me why I know this, I just don't know."

Naruto stared at the Nine-Tailed Fox with a firm look in his eyes.

Nine-Tailed Fox……

"Uzumaki Naruto, I have come to recognize you!

I hope you won't let me down.……"

The Nine-Tails looked at Naruto carefully with a scrutinizing gaze, raised the corner of his mouth, squinted his eyes and said loudly.

At the same time, Naruto felt a force flowing into his body, and his consciousness instantly returned to the sealed space.

【Just a little bit?

Yes, the future scene is only a future that has never happened.

I can't empathize with it!

But this is enough. 】

Naruto looked down at the tailed beast chakra flowing into his body, his mouth corners raised, his eyes showed excitement, and he thought to himself. The

Nine-Tails Golden Body Mode is about to appear in advance!

"Naruto, is this thing entangled with you, will it be dangerous?"

Doraemon saw Naruto, who was entangled by the Nine-Tails Chakra, standing in the cage, sweating and worriedly shouting.

Unfortunately, without life-threatening, Doraemon couldn't take out any props at all.

"It's okay, this is the power that Kurama gave me."

Naruto saw the anxious Doraemon, and his heart warmed up. He smiled and explained, signaling it not to worry.

With the help of the Nine-Tails Chakra, Naruto's consciousness flew to the sealing seal above...

As long as the sealing door is opened, the power of the Nine-Tails can be infused into Naruto's body without hindrance.

Turn on the Nine-Tails Chakra mode!

Naruto suppressed his inner excitement and finally came to the seal of the sealing ritual.

"Naruto, just tear it off and you'll be fine!"

The Nine-Tailed Fox stood in the iron cage, staring at Naruto in mid-air, thinking of what was about to happen, and couldn't help shouting in his inner restlessness.

Although it was not truly regaining freedom, it could also gain some freedom under the Nine-Tailed Fox's Chakra mode.

Well, knowing the future Nine-Tailed Fox, it said that it was dangerous outside, so it was safer to stay here honestly.

"I know this.

Don't be so excited, Jiu Lama……"

Naruto looked at the arrogant Nine-Tails with amusement and responded casually.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Naruto pressed his hand on the seal and tore it hard...

As a result, the seal did not move at all!

This situation made Naruto and Nine-Tails dumbfounded...

Only Doraemon, who didn't understand what was going on, looked at them curiously with his two big eyes.

He didn't understand what they were doing!

【How could this happen?

This shouldn't happen!

I was ready to cheat, but……】

Naruto looked at the seal that seemed to be engraved on the gate with a confused face, and complained in his heart.

Naruto, who didn't believe in evil, grabbed the seal with both hands again, but it was still useless!

The Nine-Tails in the cage stared at Naruto who was struggling there with dull eyes, doubting his life...

Is this guy really my future partner? ? ?

"Ah, I know the reason."

After trying several times, Naruto suddenly had an idea and shouted while slapping his head.

In the original plot, even if Naruto exploded the Eight-Tails, he could not open the seal by his own strength.

Instead, it would draw out the chakra of the Fourth Generation and strengthen the seal.

If the Nine-Tails increases its chakra, let alone whether his weak body can bear it, even if the Eight-Tails or the Nine-Tails are exploded, it is estimated that the Fourth Generation and his wife will come out to stop it.

In other words, he has no way to deal with this seal now.

Think about it...

As strong as the Nine-Tails is, it is still bound by the seal, not to mention that he is a Genin who has obtained the Nine-Tails' Chakra.

In the original drama, Naruto has the aura of the protagonist, but he still opened the sealed door with the key left by the Fourth Generation. Unless he can find Jiraiya and convince him to get the key to open the seal!

However, Naruto is not panicked, he has a second choice.

The almighty dream maker, Doraemon!!

Thinking of this, Naruto controlled the Nine-Tails' Chakra under him, returned to the ground, and came to Doraemon

"Doraemon, how many Honkai points do we have now

? Can you give me a master key?

I want to open the seal."

Naruto looked at Doraemon eagerly and said anxiously.

He just fooled the Nine-Tails, and now he actively cooperated to complete the Nine-Tails mode, so he should have some Honkai points!

"Uh? Let me see.……"

Doraemon was confused. What did you do?

Is this the breaking point?

But it didn't refuse. It patted its head and its eyes began to roll...

Three seconds later, the number minus five hundred appeared in Doraemon's eyes.

"How could there be none? ?"

Naruto almost vomited blood when he saw this number, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in disbelief

"Naruto, what did you do?

There must be an impact on the world for there to be a breaking point.

There will be a prompt when there is a breaking point.……"

Doraemon's eyes returned to normal, and he looked at the stunned Naruto strangely and reminded him.

Hearing Doraemon's reminder, Naruto, who had an unsightly expression, suddenly realized.

Yes, he has only reached a consensus with the Nine-Tails now. He has not become the perfect Nine-Tails Jinchuriki in advance, so it doesn't count as a change.

At most, it can only be a change in thinking, but the world has not changed!

Then, the first pot of gold still needs to be obtained through the Genin test.

Kakashi, I'm sorry.

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