Traveling Through Naruto, I Have Doraemon

Chapter 131 Copy A Wave, Kakashi Wants To Publicly Abuse Obito

how is this possible??

Obito felt the twisted space in his head, looked at Naruto in horror, his head exploded!

Naruto, how come there is a Mangekyō Sharingan!

It still exists the same as Kakashi Hitomijutsu.

But at this moment, he is not allowed to think too much, Obito immediately urged the Kamui pupil technique to interrupt the other party's Kamui pupil technique, so as to avoid being hanged.

You know, he is now a materialized body.

Kamui space

Kakashi was sitting on the stone slab recovering Chakra, suddenly felt a distortion in the space, Obito's head suddenly appeared, and recovered quickly.

The speed was so fast that it was too late for him to react.

But Kakashi also took this opportunity to know that the outside battle is beneficial to him.

Otherwise, how could Obito know that he is here and use the Kamui pupil technique.

outside world

"Quite a quick response!

Was going to send your head into the Kamui space to dig up that Mangekyō later.

Then, let’s copy a wave first and then say..."

Naruto looked at Obito, who reacted quickly, and curled his lips with twinkling eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the ability to copy gloves of 200 "five zero three" 0 points appeared again in his hand.

This time, he cooperated with Orochimaru and brought Tsunade with him, just for this reason.

Without bringing them all together, how can you maximize the ability to copy the glove.

If you really want to play with the Xiao organization, he alone plus nine tailed beasts is more than enough!

The time limit of half an hour for the ability to copy gloves is enough for him to touch all the people he wants to copy now.

Although he has no shortage of 2000 points now, why not do things that cost the same money and earn more.

Well, Jiraiya is an accident!

His ability was originally not within the scope of Naruto's consideration.

Really, Jiraiya's Sage Mode is too ugly, he doesn't like it.

Naruto, wearing ability copy gloves, came to Tsunade's side in an instant, and got used to it naturally.

So what, don't get it wrong...

Name: Senju Tsunade

Abilities: Strange Power, Painful Foot, Healing Jutsu, Chakra Scalpel, Shadow Clone Technique...

Hundred Healings Mark, Hundred Healings Mark Solution, Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration Baihao Technique.

Summoning Katsuyu, Katsuyu Katsuyu Big Split, Katsuyu Katsuyu Technique

Naruto accepts these abilities and is not greedy for more.

Only Guaili, Tongtianjiao, Healing Jutsu, Chakra Scalpel, Hundred Healings Mark, Hundred Healings Mark Solution, Ninja Art: Mitotic Regeneration Baihao Technique were copied.

In a blink of an eye, Naruto has the medical ability second only to Tsunade.

Immediately, Naruto flashed in front of Orochimaru again.

This one is the highlight.

With Orochimaru's cautiousness, it is naturally a bit difficult to get in touch with him.

However, in the face of Naruto's speed, it is only a short contact, and there is no problem.

Name: Orochimaru

Ability: Soil Substitute Crack, Wind Style Great Breakthrough, Wind Style Wind Cut Technique, Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique......

Seal of Five Elements, Software Modification, Curse Seal, Seal of Curse, Orochi Flow Body Replacement Technique, Summoning‧Triple Rashomon, White Scaled Serpent...

Ninja Shekou Bind, Summoning Ten Thousand Snakes, Summoning Ten Thousand Snakes Array……

Forbidden Technique·Impure World Reincarnation, Forbidden Technique·Living Corpse Reincarnation, Forbidden Technique·Baqi Technique......

Naruto was dazzled by Orochimaru's ultra-luxury panels.

However, he still only copied Forbidden Technique·Impure World Reincarnation, Forbidden Technique·Living Corpse Reincarnation, Orochiru Body Replacement Technique, Summoning‧triple Rashomon.

The rest of the messy ninjutsu is tasteless to the current Naruto.

Then, Naruto got on target, Penn Six Paths and Obito.

As for the other members of the Akatsuki organization, Naruto really doesn't like their abilities.

Including Hidan's undead ability and curse to kill.

Without him, it's too ugly!

However, when Naruto cast his eyes on Obito, there was a look of doubt in his eyes.

Sako and Itachi, the two are working together to besiege Obito.

And Obito, did not continue to use Kamui Hollow!

This is unscientific...

At this time, the besieged Obito was also somewhat overwhelmed.

After all, the opponent is the existence of two pairs of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

'I can only retreat first!

One Kakashi is better than both of them.

Obito dodged Itachi's attack again, determined to activate Kamui immediately, and hide in the Kamui space.

Seeing this scene, Naruto's eyes flickered, and he immediately urged Kamui to interrupt Obito's spell.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and a golden hand of Chakra grabbed onto King Dai.


Naruto showed such an expression, the figure came to Obito in an instant, and the palm of the hand wearing the ability copy glove touched it.

Name: Uchiha Obito

Abilities: Single Mangekyō Sharingan (Kamui), Single Three Tomoe Sharingan, Hashirama Cell, Poor Wood Style.

Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique, Fire Style·Fengxian Fire Technique, Fire Style·Bakufuranwu, Uchiha Flame Formation…………

Sealing technique·Phantom Dragon Nine Seals, Untie Tail Seal, Illusion·Sharingan, Izanagi...

Wood Style Cutting Technique, Wood Style Hell Chaos...

The moment Obito was touched by Naruto, he immediately evacuated Kamui regardless of the consumption.

But Naruto is not a vegetarian, he immediately copied a single Mangekyō Sharingan (Kamui), Uchiha Flame Formation, and Untie Tail Seal.

As for Hashirama cells and inferior Wood Style Naruto, I don't like it at all.

Sometimes there is a time machine, and it would be better to directly copy Hashirama's own ability.

At the same time, Obito's figure disappeared, and Naruto's eyes Kamui also resonated.

As we all know, the Mangekyō pupil technique with both eyes together can not only activate Susanoo, but also accelerate the speed and power of the pupil technique.

I don't consider it here, Madara's blind-eyed Susano's hooker!

Naruto's eyes moved, and he disappeared in front of Sako and Itachi in an instant.

Kamui space

As soon as Obito appeared, Kakashi, who had been waiting for a long time, was immediately greeted by Chidori.

Fortunately, Obito reacted quickly and quickly dodged sideways, avoiding serious injuries at the cost of one arm.

However, when Obito and Kakashi confronted each other, a figure appeared in front of Obito almost instantly.

The right hand carries a fluorescent light like Chakra Scalpel, which pierces the mask in the belt as fast as lightning.

Obito's mask is like paper in front of the sharp Chakra Scalpel.

Before Obito could react, his Mangekyō Sharingan was precisely poached by the opponent.


You, why do you know this pupil technique?"

After the mask shattered and fell off, Obito stared at Naruto with the transplanted left eye three-god jade, covered his empty right eye, and said angrily.

"Mr. Kakashi, why are you here?"

Naruto ignored Obito's yelling, but asked Kakashi, who was out of breath.

At the same time, Naruto also realized why Obito didn't use Hollow.

Feelings are Kakashi, the sixth son, stealing chicken here!

"Hoo... hoo...

I'll talk about this later, why did you appear here?

What's going on outside?

Is Jiraiya-sama alright?"

Kakashi slumped on the ground with ease and asked, Chidori just now consumed his recovered Chakra again.

With the arrival of Naruto, Kakashi is now a stable batch!

"Well, everything is fine!

Teacher Kakashi, I will take you out with me after I kill him. "

Naruto saw that Kakashi didn't answer the question, and after a perfunctory sound, he looked at Arrancar's Obito with killing intent, and said coldly.

Naruto, we still bring him back for a public trial.

We don't know yet, what is their purpose of capturing the tailed beast...

What is Akatsuki's purpose..."

Kakashi hurriedly opened his mouth to stop, Kakashi who didn't know the outside situation, 4.9 is still thinking about Akatsuki's harmfulness.

"Take it back for a public trial?

Kakashi-sensei, are you sure you want to do this?

If my wife knew, the culprit who killed my parents was your companions.

I'm afraid it will be very sad..."

Naruto froze, turned his head and looked at Kakashi strangely and said.

"Yes, probably not!"

Kakashi was reminded by Naruto, and thought of something, his face was startled, and he smiled sarcastically.

As for Naruto knowing Obito's identity and the initiator of the Nine Tails Rebellion, Kakashi has already stopped paying attention to it.

This disciple is a very mysterious existence.

Even though, he just knew it not too long ago!

"Master? Companion??

Kakashi, what does he mean by that?"

When Obito heard these two words, his head froze, and he turned into a one-eyed Three Tomoe Sharingan, staring at Kakashi, and asked in a trembling voice.

He and Kakashi's companion, there is only one person!

But isn't she dead?

Could it be...

Thinking of that impossible fact, Obito's pupils widened, his breathing became short of breath, and his body trembled involuntarily......

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