Traveling Through Naruto, I Have Doraemon

Chapter 142 Nine Tails Rejected, Nine Tails JinchūRiki Sako

"Want Nine Tails?

Yes, I will give you one when I get back!"

Seeing that Sako offered this request, Naruto agreed without thinking.

This is the Honkai point that is delivered to the door, and there is no reason to push it out.

Coincidentally, Qingqiu Yuzao said last time that he wanted Sako to be his Jinchūriki.

Sako originally thought that he had taken advantage of it.

Seeing that Naruto doesn't care so much, I feel inexplicably upset!

This feeling made Sako a little strange.

"Naruto, is she your girlfriend?"

Namikaze Minato took a look at Sako, a trace of astonishment and surprise flashed in his eyes, he turned his head to look at Naruto and said firmly.

"Not at all!!

Fourth Hokage, don't talk nonsense.

Naruto and I, Naruto and I are brothers at best!"

Sako stabbed instantly, his face was full of shame at the words, the scarlet Sharingan stared at Fourth Generation and shouted.


What do you think???

In an instant, Sako felt bad all over.

But in the eyes of the Minato couple, this is naked sophistry!

With that shy and timid look, it's not just boyfriend and girlfriend who are ghosts.

Maybe it's because of shyness! 19

Minato and his wife looked at each other, and said at the same time as if they had a clear understanding in their hearts.


You are mistaken!

She is not my girlfriend. "

Naruto was also speechless for a while, and sighed while holding his forehead with a black face.

"Cough cough cough......

I understand, I understand!"

Namikaze Minato rubbed his head with an expression of "I understand you" and smiled.

He dated Kushina, who was about the same age.

At that time, I was also hiding it, let alone seeing my parents!


Well, they also have no parent visible.

"Forget it, it's up to you what you think.

When you see this, you will understand..."

Naruto saw the meaning in Namikaze Minato's eyes at a glance, put both hands on the shoulders of Minato and his wife, and said helplessly.

As soon as the words fell, Naruto sent Chakra, the Fourth Generation couple hiding in the sealed space, into the two of them intact.

Minato and Kushina's eyes trembled at the same time, and their minds were quickly receiving their respective information.

In this gap, Nine Tails also split to complete.

Like last time, Nine Tails splits out:

Second Generation Nine Tails, 3 only.

Third Generation Nine Tails, Satoshi.

Fourth Generation Nine Tails, 2 only.

Fifth Generation Nine Tails, 8 only.

Sixth Generation Nine Tails, 32 pcs.

Seventh Generation Nine Tails, 50pcs.

It's just because this time it's a complete Nine Tails, so the quality of each generation is much better than the last one.

And the picture of the coexistence of 100 Nine Tails left everyone dumbfounded!

Not to mention the Seventh Generation and Sixth Generation Nine Tails that are comparable to Zhong and Jōnin.

It is the 17 Nine Tails and Nine Tails of the Fifth Generation of Two Three Four that make Sarutobi Hiruzen feel desperate.

Such Nine Tails, even if the First Generation is revived, they will only be beaten!

"Ming, Naruto, what are you doing with so many Nine Tails?"

Sako was also shocked, staring at the Nine Tails with wide eyes, opened Sakura Momo's small mouth and trembled.

"Nothing, just make some changes to the world!

Nine Tails, it's time for you to fulfill your promise. "

Naruto looked up at Nine Tails himself, with sharp eyes, and shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, because the sky will not break its promise."

Nine Tails himself is also a bachelor, he shouted, and turned his head to look at the three Second Generation Nine Tails split bodies.

These Nine Tails also inherit the consciousness and thought of Nine Tails.

They turned into three Chakras one after another, and entered the bodies of Minato, Kushina, and Naruto respectively.

"Hurry up and seal it!

Otherwise, even if I control myself, they will be hurt.

The deity of Nine Tails hastily urged.

"Nine Tails, aren't you going to give me a Second Generation Nine Tails?

How did you stay?"

Naruto looked at Nine Tails himself, with purple awns in his eyes, and asked.

"Quack quack...

I thought about it, how could Second Generation be as useful as my deity.

I give myself to you!"

Nine Tails looked at Naruto's surprised eyes, smiled triumphantly, turned into Chakra and got into Naruto's stomach.

Naruto was stunned for a moment, this Nine Tails has some brains!

But, is this a dove occupying a magpie's nest?

sealed space

Kurama, who was watching a play, was instantly disrupted by Nine Tails who broke in suddenly.

"You bastard, are you trying to grab the territory with me?"

Kurama opened his blood-red eyes, stared fiercely at Nine Tails and shouted angrily.

However, Lama Yin didn't believe it at all!

Although it is only a half body of Nine Tails, who made it have the boss of Doraemon.

That's what it's about!

"No no no...

I just wanted to talk to you, should we all stay in Naruto's body.

If anyone gets tired of staying here, they can go out to relax instead.

You don't want to, stay in Naruto's body forever!"

Nine Tails stared narrowly at Kurama, smiled and said his plan.

The eyes are staring at Doraemon above Kurama's head, and the eyes are flickering!

Sure enough, the guy was hiding something about it.

Unfortunately, I don't know myself yet??


Hearing this, Kurama muttered, and his eyes lit up!

Think of it as Nine Tails, which have always been bohemian and free.

It was only because of the threat to Ten Tails, Ōtsutsuki, that he honestly settled in Naruto's body.

But if you have the opportunity to go out, it is also a good choice!


Why does it do this?

There are Doraemon Boss props, going out to play can be more fragrant than this?

"Hey hey...

Your proposal is good, but I refuse!

Get out and you..."

Under Nine Tails' amazed gaze, Kurama burst out with all his Chakra and pushed it out in an instant.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking?

Want to fight me for the boss?

There are no doors..."

After Kurama launched Nine Tails, he stretched out his hand to close the sealed iron door, and intimately sealed the door with Chakra, snorting coldly with disdain.

This operation, Naruto and Doraemon looked at each other for a while......

outside world

"Four Elephant Seals..."

"Four Elephant Seals...350"

"Four Elephant Seals..."

Three low shouts sounded at the same time, and Kushina, Minato, and little Naruto were sealed by their respective seals at the same time, sealing the Second Generation Nine Tails.

Kushina and Minato, are do it yourself.

Little Naruto, sealed by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Because of the cooperation of Second Generation Nine Tails, only the four-element seal is enough!

Naruto's side.

Nine Tails turned into a chakra and appeared in the outside world again.

"Damn guy, it actually saw through it!"

Nine Tails growled angrily, and the Chakra on his body exploded unconsciously, blowing up a cloud of dust!

"That brat!

By the way, I remember.

That Uchiha kid, just wanted a Nine Tails!!

As long as you follow them back to that time and space, it will be much safer than staying here. "

Out of the corner of his eye, Nine Tails caught sight of Sako inadvertently, rolled his eyeballs, muttered, and turned into Chakra and charged into Sako's body again.

"Naruto, it's the guy inside you that refuses to let me in.

It's not that I missed the appointment!

I reluctantly settled down on this kid. "

The voice of Nine Tails rang in the ears of Naruto and Sako who were bewildered.

"This Nine Tails, what a troublesome fellow!"

Naruto looked at Sako who was wrapped around the red-tailed beast Chakra, complained, and stepped forward to pull it out.

"Naruto, that's it!

You promised me, give me a Nine Tails. "

Sako's eyes flashed red, and the pupil power of Eternal Mangekyō exploded, quickly suppressing Nine Tails' will, and opened his mouth to stop him.


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