Traveling Through Naruto, I Have Doraemon

Chapter 152 The Correct Shadow Imitation Technique, Temari Is Dumbfounded

"Temari, what purpose do you have, just say it!"

Naruto pulled Temari into the courtyard, stared at the big Temari with fiery eyes, and said with a smile.

"I, can I ask you a question?

Is what you said, what you said, that is true?"

Facing Naruto's fiery gaze, Temari became confused for a moment, stumbling weakly.

"What exactly are you talking about?"

Naruto's eyes were bright, and he pretended to be puzzled.


That is, it is what you lied to my brother.

How could you be, would be his brother-in-law!"

Seeing the banter in Naruto's eyes, Temari's shy face changed, and he shouted coquettishly.

This problem has troubled her for a long time!

Although Naruto is handsome, it also meets her aesthetic and mate selection standards.

But this irrelevant relationship gave her a headache.

"This one!

You say it is..."

Naruto looked at Temari playfully and continued to tease.


Temari was caught off guard by Naruto's teasing, a blush rose on his face again, and he gritted his teeth and grunted.

"So, do you want to accept this relationship?"

Seeing that Temari didn't react much, Naruto launched an offensive.

"Is this a confession?

With such a perfunctory attitude, Miss Ben doesn't want to be 19..."

Temari's pupils shrank suddenly, Xiaolu looked at Naruto wildly, turned his head to say arrogantly with a blushing face.

Seeing Temari's small appearance, Naruto felt a little more confident.

At this time, if you are stronger, go straight down!

With a move of Naruto's hands, the shadow under his feet suddenly elongated, connecting with Temari's shadow.

"I, my body, moved by itself..."

Temari, who was thinking wildly, suddenly shrank her pupils and shouted in horror, her body walked towards Naruto involuntarily.

And Naruto also came over.

The narrow distance in the room made the bodies of the two people collide very quickly, sticking tightly together.

"You, what did you do to me?"

Temari's pupils widened, staring at Naruto who was almost in negative distance contact and said in horror.

"Woman, do you know what a wall-dong is?"

Naruto looked at Temari who was at a tongue-in-cheek distance, gave a smirk, and took the initiative to attack.


Temari's pupils change again, sometimes with angry eyes, sometimes blurred eyes, sometimes shy and timid, sometimes clear eyes looking forward...

Her body, uncontrollably, began to respond.

【Quack quack...

This is the correct application of shadow mimicry.

Fighting and killing, how can this be fun!]

Naruto, who was fighting with each other, thought complacently after a few rounds.

"I'm fighting with you..."

As soon as Naruto unlocked the shadow imitation technique, Temari blushed and picked up the fan beside him, and slashed at Naruto.

"Okay, let's talk about your purpose!

For the sake of you being my woman, I will help you. "

Naruto grabbed Temari's fan casually, and stared at Temari with fiery eyes.

If it is not afraid of backfire, Naruto is not just that simple!

"I want you to help me surpass Jōnin in the shortest possible time!

No, I want you to help coordinate and let Konoha sign an alliance treaty with us unconditionally. "

Temari wanted to continue to go crazy, but thought that her strength was not as good as Naruto, so she glared at Naruto fiercely, and the gnashing lion opened his mouth wide.

Originally, she was just brought over by Gaara to ask if there was any way to improve her strength quickly.

But in a fit of anger, Temari not only asked Naruto to help her improve her strength, but also added today's alliance treaty.

Well, there is no other meaning, just to slap Naruto in the face, let it out!!

"This is easy!

I can make you not weaker than Fourth Kazekage in one day.

So, what will you give me in return?"

Naruto's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he smiled maliciously.

"In one day, have the strength no less than my father?

how can that be??

If you can do it, then you are Gaara's brother-in-law!!"

Temari laughed directly at Naruto's rhetoric, and said with a soft smile.

"Okay, wife Temari..."

Naruto didn't expect Temari to be so easy to deceive, so he responded with a flowery way.

Temari big beauty, so take it!


Don't bark, I don't think you can do these things. "

Temari gave Naruto a big white eye in dissatisfaction, pouted his mouth and snorted coldly.

"I will convince you.

Temari, here we go..."

Naruto smiled nonchalantly, stepped forward and grabbed Temari's shoulder [Speaks meaningfully.

The next moment, the Flying Thunder God Technique was launched, and the two of them arrived in the Land of Waves in an instant.

This is the Flying Thunder God spell that Naruto left behind when he took Shiro away.

"What ninjutsu is this?

You brought me here, you didn't mean to do something bad!"

Temari only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and she followed Naruto in the dense forest with foliage, subconsciously took a step back and said defensively.

After all, this guy has a criminal record.

"Don't be so nervous, you'll find out after a while.

Ninja Summoning Technique......."

Naruto made seals with both hands, casually slapped the ground with one hand and shouted loudly.


A huge Nine Tails appeared at the feet of Naruto and Temari.

The coercion of the huge Chakra, and the terrifying tail beast Chakra filled the audience in an instant, projecting in all directions...

"This, this is Nine Tails!!

Isn't Nine Tails on you?

How can you still Summoning it?"

Shocked by the huge momentum, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his pale face said in horror.


You summoned me, do you want me to watch you pick up girls?"

Qingqiu Yuzao raised his head and looked around for a while, but after not finding any enemies, he lowered his vigilance and joked.

"Nine Tails, how can you still joke??"

Hearing Nine Tails' teasing, Temari exclaimed with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Little girl, you are so rude!

My name is Tamamo Aoka, not Nine Tails. "

Qingqiu Yuzao's fox face twitched, and she corrected loudly in dissatisfaction.

The current Nine Tails is just a kind of ethnic code in Qingqiu Mountain.

Names are their respective titles.

"Qingqiu Yuzao?" 233

Temari stared at the Nine Tails under his feet in surprise, then turned to Naruto and said in surprise.

"Well, its name is Qingqiu Yuzao.

Don't you want to strengthen your strength as quickly as possible?

Becoming a Nine Tails Jinchūriki is the fastest way.

Don't worry, I will make arrangements for you clearly..."

Naruto saw Temari's curious little look, gave her a reassuring look and assured her.

"Tamamo, this is the Jinchūriki I found for you.

what do you think?"

Naruto pulled Temari and jumped to the eyes of Qingqiu Tamamo, bared his teeth and introduced.

"Her? Sand Shinobi ninja?

My ideal candidate is Sako Uchiha!"

Qingqiu Yuzao glanced at Temari, and muttered reluctantly.

"Son, don't think about it!

That guy has already been preempted.

What do you think about Temari?

If you don't want to, I'll ask Yuxi and Yujing again.

Well, that's right!

Go to Sand Shinobi, you can bully Shuzuru anytime to play...

Naruto pretended to be calm and explained, and finally pulled out the guarding crane to seduce.


Sako has already been taken by someone else?


Forget it, then I will listen to you.

Qingqiu Yuzao shouted angrily, then moved his eyeballs, and sighed indifferently.

It doesn't matter what Sand Shinobi is, it just wants to bully Shuzuru.

This is much more fun than staying in Qingqiu Mountain!

Anyway, there are a lot of Nine Tails, so if you don’t want to stay, you can find other Nine Tails to change shifts, and it won’t affect Jinchūriki’s life. .

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