Traveling Through Naruto, I Have Doraemon

Chapter 180 Time Shortening Machine, Enter Shippuden

"Well, that's it!

I have something to go. "

Naruto thought of the heaven-defying hack for Xiao Li, and couldn't wait to leave everyone behind, and launched Flying Thunder God to leave.

Everyone glanced at each other, and each walked towards their own house according to the surging mood.

Only Ya was forced to stay, looking at the huge - Akamaru wants to cry but has no tears!

Just as he was scratching his teeth, a white light radiated from Akamaru's body, and his body size instantly shrunk by ten times.

Although it still has the body shape of a cow and a horse, it already makes Ya ecstatic...

"Tooth, you are so stupid!

I'm a ninja dog, why don't I have my own talent for ninja.

Akamaru spat out words, his eyes showed bursts of contempt, and he struck down with disdain.

"You, you can talk!"

Ya was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Akamaru in surprise, and shouted naively.

'Nonsense, otherwise what are you hearing??

Akamaru squinted at Fang again, turned and walked towards the Inuzuka clan.

"This Akamaru, your temper has grown!"

Kiba looked at Akamaru's back, scratched his head and muttered, Yuan hurriedly chased after him.

Hokage Rock

Naruto sits cross-legged on top of the stone statue of the Fourth Generation, overlooking Konoha Village.

In his hand, again appeared a bottle of Lie 800.

"Rock Lee, it is impossible to have Saiyan blood without side effects."

Naruto finished the 800 potion of Lie in one gulp, and said seriously.

That's right, what Naruto wants is Saiyan blood without side effects.

For Xiao Li, Naruto is actually very entangled.

Originally, matching him with Nine Tails or Sage Body is the best solution to match Eight Inner Gates.

Turn on Eight Gate's Kurama Mode, just ask if you are afraid!

But Naruto himself knows Eight Inner Gates and Kurama Mode, and his current body is also Sage Body.

This is somewhat unnecessary!

He wants to show off to everyone while also gaining something.

It can be the collapse point, or the ability to replicate.

So, Naruto thought of a power that would fit perfectly with Eight Inner Gates.

Saiyan blood in the world of Dragon Ball!

With Lie 800, it is not difficult for Xiao Li to have Saiyan blood.

The difficulty lies in how many potential Saiyan bloodlines 800 lies can show.

After all, the Saiyan bloodline is also strong and weak.

No matter how much it is, as long as Xiao Li cultivates hard, he can just copy it when the time comes!

Tip: Change Nara Shikamaru's set trajectory to get 5000 Honkai points.

Tip: Change Akimichi Chōji's set trajectory to get 50000 Honkai points.

Tip: Change Yamanaka Ino's set trajectory to get 50000 Honkai points.

Tip: Change Hyūga Hinata's set trajectory to get 50000 Honkai points.

Tip: Change the track set by the Aburame Shino bug to get 30,000 Honkai points.

Reminder: Change the trajectory set by Inuzuka Tooth Ninja and get 3000 Honkai Points.

Tip: Change the trajectory set by Locke Lee and get 500,000 Honkai Points.

In an instant, several notification sounds came from Naruto's ear.

[There is no Tiantian, is it a problem that superpowers have not been learned?

However, Xiao Li's 500,000 collapse points already speaks volumes.

I don't know how powerful the Saiyan bloodline he possesses will be.

Don't seek super competition, and don't think about the potential of superior fighters, as long as you have the full potential of lower-level fighters, you can go sideways in the ninja world!

After all, it is Saiyan blood without side effects, so don't be too greedy. 】

Naruto thought happily, and quickly calculated the harvest again, feeling even happier!

Super power training box, 30,000 Honkai points.

Evolve and degenerate the light gun, Fang Bengkai point.

Lie 800,500,000 Honkai points.

The payment of 130,000 was exchanged for a profit of 760,000 Honkai points.

Despite the intrusion of four Nine Tails, the collapse point of Tiantian has not yet appeared.

In short, no loss!

Now, Naruto's total Honkai point balance is more than 2.57 million points.

"Now, it's time to accelerate the world!

Well, there is one more thing to do.

Shadow Clone Technique”

Naruto thought for a while, and suddenly thought of agreeing to Temari and Gaara's special training, instantly entering Kurama Mode, and splitting out a special Shadow Clone.

This Shadow Clone's Chakra is enough to guarantee his existence for a month or two.

Teach Temari and Gaara some tricks, enough!

"Doraemon, I want to speed up the progress of time in this world.

Are there any props that can accelerate the world to three years later?"

After making all the preparations, Naruto said to Doraemon in his heart.

"This kind of props, it can't be said that there is no such thing!

The time shortening machine can speed up the flow of time, that is, speed up time.

For this prop, every time the joystick is rotated, it will speed up the flow of time for one minute.

As the rotation continues to increase, ten consecutive turns, the flow rate of time changes with each turn.

An hour, a day, a week, a month, a year...

As long as you rotate 50 times in a row, you will enter the time flow state of one circle and one year.

In other words, if you want to speed up the time by three years, you have to turn 53 times.

Naruto, this state is actually very dangerous.

If one is not paying attention, due to the rapid flow of time, one will lose one's lifespan and die of old age...

Also, your mind doesn't grow except your body normally grows.

………… Ask for flowers O…………

And the outside world is subconsciously ignoring your existence during this period of time!"

Doraemon said seriously to Naruto in the sealed space.

"That's right, I understand!

Doraemon, give me the time shortener, I want to fast forward time to three years later. "

Knowing the situation, Naruto excitedly said to Doraemon.

Those problems are nothing to him!

"All right…………

Due to the suppression of the will of the world, this prop is at most only in units of years.

There should be no surprises!

100,000 Honkai points once, here you go. "

Doraemon murmured again, and took out a hand-cranked toy from the four-dimensional pocket, and handed it to Naruto.

Naruto took over the time shortening machine and couldn't wait to start operating it.

"One lap, two laps, three laps..."


In order to prevent accidents, Naruto honestly counted and turned the time shortening machine.

It doesn't matter if the speed is slow, as long as it rotates 53 times continuously, it will be fine!

Under Naruto's operation, Konoha seemed to be accelerating, and slowly began to speed up.

The Fifth Hokage rock next to Naruto began to be built at a rapid pace.

Konoha's architecture is also a rapid take-off with one change per second...

With the strength, age, and appearance of everyone in Konoha, he grew up quickly.



Naruto shouted excitedly after completing the last turn of the joystick.

This state of speeding up time not only affects Konoha, but also spreads all over the whole ninja world!

Black White Zetsu, who is hiding in the dark and collecting information on tailed beasts, and Ten Tails Jinchūriki Uchiha Madara are also speeding up their entry into the city at this time.

In just three years, they secretly recovered Erwei, Three Tails, Four Tails, Five Tails, and Seven Tails.

Orochimaru also used the body of the bag to complete the practice of Sage Mode and the research and development of many experiments.

Under the helm of Uchiha Itachi, the Akatsuki organization is developing methodically and rapidly according to the plan.

As for Sand Shinobi, it was as Naruto thought.

Shadow Clone disappeared two months later, Temari and Gaara grew rapidly with the help of Naruto Shadow Clone.

Konoha's Xiaoqiang are also practicing hard on their own paths.

In the past three years, except for Naruto, everything has been developing at an accelerated pace according to the established track!

After completing the time acceleration, Naruto also became the appearance of the Shippuden period.

The height and face shape have changed a little!

at the same time

Cloud Shinobi, Rock Shinobi, Mist Shinobi, also because of the loss of the tailed beast, frequently provoke conflicts in the ninja world......

The fourth ninja world war is about to start nine!.

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