Traveling Through Naruto, I Have Doraemon

Chapter 186 The Situation In The Ninja World, The Hidden Girl Yingying


Hokage Office


I called you here today because there is a task that you need to complete alone.

I don't know if you know the family of earth spiders, but I will briefly introduce them now.

At the time of the Third Ninja World War, Third Hokage established an alliance with the rulers of the soil spider clan.

The soil spider family is a family of secret techniques that can destroy ninja villages with one move.

The powerful secret technique of the earth spider family is designated as a Forbidden Technique by the Third Hokage, and they are not allowed to use it indiscriminately.

In exchange, Konoha must rush to the rescue when the soil spider family is in crisis.

Just now, the earth spiders sent a signal for help, and some enemies are targeting them.

Your task is to eliminate that group of enemies and protect the safety of the Tian Spider Clan and that secret technique.

This is the mission scroll, which contains information about the residence of the earth spiders. "

Kakashi stood beside Sako, looked at Naruto with narrowed eyes and briefly introduced.

[Soil Spider Clan?? "One Six Zero" the plot of the Six Tails Jinchūriki and the hidden evil apprentice!!]

Naruto thought to himself, and instantly realized what was going on.

"Understood, leave this matter to me."

Thinking of that beautiful female apprentice with a hot body, Naruto agreed without asking any questions.

"In this case, you can go!"

Zuozi sat on the main seat, looked down at the information in his hand, and said in a charming voice without raising his head.

"Okay, Lord Fifth Hokage...

Naruto looked at Sako's pretty face with his head lowered seriously, laughed and teased, took the scroll handed by Kakashi and left.

The in-depth discussion with Yuhihong last night put Naruto in a good mood now!

"Mr. Kakashi, you know the information from Advisor Jiraiya, right?"

After Naruto left, Sako raised his head sharply, staring ahead sharply, and said to Kakashi beside him.


Cloud Shinobi, Rock Shinobi, and Mist Shinobi have already started preparing combat supplies.

Uchiha Madara is also on the trail of Six Tails Jinchūriki Yudaka.

Master Jiraiya, I've found some traces of shell tissue.

The ninja world is about to usher in a big change!"

Kakashi's lazy expression suddenly changed, and he said in a solemn voice.

"indeed so!

Teacher Kakashi.....

Inform Advisor Tsunade and Staff Lujiu to start preparing strategic materials, and we have to prepare in advance!"

The excitement in Sako's eyes disappeared in a flash, and he put down the scroll in his hand and ordered.

To be honest, after becoming Nine Tails Jinchūriki and owning Rinnegan, Sako hasn't made a single shot yet.

She is actually looking forward to this battle!


Kakashi didn't know Sako's strength, he answered in a low voice with a heavy heart after having experienced three brutal battles.

Over Konoha Village

Naruto's figure was drawn into an afterimage, and according to the position on the scroll, he quickly flew towards the stronghold of the earth spiders.

"Accidental discovery!

Uzumaki Naruto has left Konoha, I have to inform Madara-sama immediately. "

On a big tree outside Konoha Village, the head of White Zetsu's avatar suddenly appeared, staring at Naruto's distant afterimage and muttering in his mouth.

Naruto, who has not entered Kurama Mode, really has not discovered the existence of this White Zetsu avatar.

"The floating ability of this Ōtsutsuki family is too cool!

It is simply comparable to the ability of Wukong.

Well, it's just a little slow..."

Naruto muttered to himself with his eyes shining, his figure floated among the blue sky and white clouds, like a god's mansion, overlooking the world.

The feeling of flying freely is not comparable to bamboo dragonflies.

With a clear goal, Naruto didn't need to look for clues, and flew straight to the destination.

Earth Spider Fortress

"This old man, is he planning to guard the fort by himself?"

"I really didn't expect that so much time would be wasted..."

Two of the wandering ninjas stared at the old man who fell on the ground and said unhappily.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and release information about Forbidden Technique!"

The third wandering ninja looked up at the peaceful fortress, and urged anxiously.

For some reason, he always has a bad feeling!

"Hey, old man.........

Where is the Forbidden Technique of the War Walker hidden?"

The fourth wandering ninja stepped forward quickly, grabbed the old man's collar and questioned him ferociously.


The wandering ninja just now suddenly changed his eyes, reminded his teammates, and quickly retreated.

"What, uh..."

The wandering ninja who grabbed the old man's collar questioned it because he didn't know why, but before he finished speaking, he felt his eyes darken and gradually lost consciousness.

The other three wandering ninjas shrank their pupils when they saw the inexplicable death of their companions, turned around and fled without hesitation.

"Did you escape?"

Naruto floated in mid-air, curled his lips, copied Tian Tian's thoughts and activated again.

The wandering ninja who fled in three directions stopped almost at the same time, and fell to the ground with a distorted expression.

Naruto, shattering their brains with thoughts for a split second.

"Tiantian's thoughts are still too weak!

Just like this, it feels a little powerless.

For the battle above the super shadow, it will not play a decisive role at all!

As long as the reaction is fast enough, the enemy can explode Chakra to resist this attack. "

Naruto slowly fell from midair, opened his white eyes to observe the situation of a few wandering ninjas, and muttered to himself.

【This old man should be the guardian of that beauty Dong!】

After confirming that there were no enemies, Naruto looked down at the old man who was lying on the ground, and thought secretly, igniting the green light of Healing Jutsu in his hand.

"Cough cough......

You are Konoha's reinforcements!!"

Under Naruto's powerful medical ninjutsu, the old man quickly regained consciousness, and after seeing Naruto's forehead protector, he said calmly.

"Well, I was ordered by Fifth Hokage to come to support

Seeing that he was conscious, Naruto nodded to admit his identity.

"My name is Dunbingwei, and I am Miss Ying's attendant.

Miss Ying went to the village where the earth spiders live in seclusion, and you can quickly catch up with Miss Ying by passing through there.

However, because I stopped the enemy before, I blew up the hole.

Now I can only go around by another road..."

The Dunbingwei pointed to a buried passage, and smiled wryly at Naruto.

"Don't bother, let's go..."

Naruto turned his head and glanced at the passage, and curled his lips indifferently.

Just as the Dunbingwei was about to speak, a sand table appeared under him, leading him into the air quickly.

Naruto, on the other hand, was floating two meters in front of him.

"Fly, Fly Ninjutsu!!!"

The Dunbingwei looked down and sighed tremblingly.

"Uh, boy, you're going in the wrong direction!"

Suddenly, the escape guard looked at the direction he was heading, and he opened his mouth to remind Naruto.

"No, I've seen her!"

Naruto opened his eyes, looked at the man and woman below and said calmly, and the figure quickly flew there. 2.6 "Just to become stronger, learn from the guy who was hunted down!

You may regret it in the future..."

Six Tails Jinchūriki Yu Gao, once again solemnly rejected Hotaru's request to become a teacher.

"I trust Lord Bubble!

I beg you to accept me as an apprentice, I will respect Master Bubble as my teacher for the rest of my life..."

Thinking of the fate she bears, the young girl Ying asked loudly unwillingly.

"Don't call me a teacher anymore..."

Yugao's calm face suddenly changed, and he shouted angrily at Yingying.

This kind of firefly reminded Yu Gao of his teacher and the painful memories behind him!

"Miss Ying, since this one is unwilling to accept you as an apprentice.

You might as well worship me as your teacher!"

Just when Hotaru was about to say something, Naruto's figure suddenly flashed beside her, smiling brightly.

At the same time, Naruto looked at Yu Gao who was opposite.

Brother, since you don't want this beautiful apprentice, then I won't be polite. .

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