Traveling Through Naruto, I Have Doraemon

Chapter 79 Shocked, Beating His Wife In Front Of His Father-In-Law

"I heard that that girl is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan.

This battle should be very exciting!"

"No, on the contrary...

This eldest lady of the clan family is actually very weak.

The guy named Naruto is also a guy at the end of the crane.

This battle, there is nothing to watch. "

"That's right, I'm here for the orphan Uchiha this time.

According to legend, this is the existence of the chief student.

It's going to be a great duel..."


Speaking of this, I have something to say.

That Uchiha orphan named Sasuke is actually a girl......

She used to dress up as a man, and her real name is Uchiha Sako. "



No wonder I searched for a long time just now, but I didn't see the shadow of Uchiha Sasuke.

Could it be that Sako was the one wearing the Uchiha clan emblem just now?"

"Well, that's her.

I’ve heard a lot of ninja-samas, and it’s not long since I heard the news!”


I look forward to it even more!

That Sasuke, oh no...

Sako's opponent is the girl from Sand Shinobi.

I want to watch the peak duel between two beautiful girls..."

"Brother, calm down..."

"Cough cough......

850 I heard that there is another group of beautiful girl duels!"

In the bustling auditorium, everyone exchanged their opinions in whispers.

Only Jōnin, who knows some of Naruto's strength, dismisses the words of ordinary people or Genin...

Naruto's strength is terrifying.

Amidst the eager discussion of the surrounding people, two thin figures stood facing each other in the center of the huge competition venue.

"Then, the game begins..."

Shiranui Genma looked at the time, waved his hand, shouted in a low voice, and then left the battle scene.

"Ming, Naruto-kun, please give me your advice..."

The moment Hinata left Shiranui Genma, she put on a Gentle Fist gesture, tremblingly shouted with firm eyes.

This expression of softness and softness on the outside and firmness on the inside immediately made Naruto feel a little protective.

This little daughter-in-law has something!

"Cough cough․......

Hinata, why don't we play games and decide the outcome!

I do not want to hurt you. "

Naruto coughed dryly, walked a few steps up to Hinata, stared into her eyes and said softly.

In competitions, no wife is important!

don't want to hurt me

Hinata's small head is full of melon seeds, and I'm confused all of a sudden!

Is this what it feels like to be cared for by your sweetheart...

So, should we accept this proposal?

A wave of dizziness in Hinata's head

However, she has worked hard for a month, isn't it just to prove herself in front of Naruto?

If she accepts this proposal, then what is the point of her efforts!

In an instant, Hinata realized herself, and her eyes became firm.

"Naruto-kun, I refuse!

I want to prove myself that I am also an independent ninja. "

Hinata looked at Naruto resolutely, and said resolutely.

‘Naruto-kun, I will try my best to be with you and fight side by side!

This time, it was me who proved my existence. "

Hinata secretly encouraged herself, the veins around her eyes popped, and the white eyes opened.

"I see……….

I'm the one who snubbed you, Hinata. "

Seeing Hinata's resolute attitude, Naruto was stunned for a second, then thought of Hinata's character, his face became serious, and he said seriously.

Indeed, they are all flesh and blood people now.

It is no longer a one-sided role.

Such a variety of personalities may be the reason why people really like them.

There are many beauties in the second dimension, with explosive looks and figures.

This month, Naruto also followed Jiraiya, and learned a lot...

cough cough......

Sorry, got off topic!

"Naruto-kun, I'm going to fuck...

Gentle Fist method·Eight Trigrams‧Thirty-two palms..."

Hinata, who opened her white eyes, let out a coquettish shout, bent her body at a tricky angle, and ignited a white Chakra flame with her hands.

In Hinata's eyes, Naruto is already in her Eight Trigrams.

Hinata launched an attack without hesitation, his hands turned into afterimages, and quickly struck Eight Trigrams with two chapters, four palms, eight palms, sixteen palms, and thirty-two palms.

But Naruto, because he copied Neji's Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, knows more about the doorway than Hinata.

Therefore, Naruto is always one step ahead of Hinata, moving his body away.

It seems extremely dangerous, but Naruto is able to do a job with ease, not flustered at all...

(bjfg) The two fought close to each other, dancing alternately in the arena like blooming butterflies.

In this scene, the audience watching the scene was stupefied...

Are you two sure this is a ninja fight???

Not some entertainment place??

Gentle Fist's attack method is not gorgeous.

So in their eyes, these two people are flirting and dancing!

Only the ninjas with good strength were horrified.

Naruto, unexpectedly dodges Hinata's attack with incomparable precision every time.

This sense of fighting is simply terrifying!

As expected of that child.


Didn't you say that within the Eight Trigrams, no one can escape the attack of the Eight Trigrams Palms.


Why can that person?"

Hyuga Hanabi, who was only seven years old, stared at Naruto's figure with pure white eyes, hung her small hands on her lips, and pouted innocently and asked in confusion.

Not only Hiashi, but also Neji next to him twitched at this question.

Within the Eight Trigrams, no one can escape the attack of the Eight Trigrams Palms?

This uncle can really brag...

His sixty-four palms cannot guarantee this effect.

Not to mention Hinata's thirty-two palms.

"Cough cough......

That's your sister's Gentle Fist, which hasn't reached home yet.

Hanabi, Neji big brother by your side.

But our Hyuga family is the most complete owner of Hyuga blood inheritance since modern times.

His Eight Trigrams Palms, is the most perfect.

You should ask him more in the future. "

Hiashi coughed dryly, and said to his little daughter Hyuga Hanabi without changing his face.

Hyuga Hanabi's eyes lit up, and she looked at Neji, the talented cousin, with starry eyes.

This embarrasses Neji, but at the same time gives Hiashi a super supercilious look!

As for Chakra from Four Tails Naruto, it's useless to let him fight standing up!

Uncle, you can really blow...

After Neji got Hizashi's last words and some of Hiashi's family secrets, his feelings towards Hiashi changed a bit.

"Hoo hoo hoo...

Naruto-kun, please do your best.

Next, I will use all my strength.

After the attack was ineffective, Hinata took another pose, with a slight blush after strenuous exercise on her face, and insisted, panting, gritted her teeth.

This small appearance made Naruto feel helpless......

Should it be said that Hinata sticks to herself, or does not hit the south wall and does not look back!


I'm getting serious.

Multiple Shadow Clone Technique...."

Naruto also had to cooperate a little bit, and formed three shadow clones with both hands.

As soon as the three Shadow Clones appeared, they took the initiative to attack in a triangular shape.

"Gentle Fist Law Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms..."

Before the Chakra with both hands won the victory, he shouted coquettishly, and after the three Shadow Clones rushed into the Eight Trigrams, he quickly started to attack.

This is the success of her one month of hard work.

Although he is still not proficient, Hinata still tried his best to use it.

Hiashi on the stage, seeing this is also full of disbelief!

Hinata, actually learned sixty-four palms.

But in the next second, looking at the doubtful eyes of his little daughter, Hiashi's old face couldn't bear it anymore!

He just used Hinata against Eight Trigrams Palms to save his old father's face.

Didn't expect to be slapped in the face so soon!!!

When Hiashi was embarrassed, Hinata was even more embarrassed.

Her sixty-four palms were forcibly used because she did not practice well.

Kinda, out of control!.

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