The next day, the final assessment competition of the Chunin Exam was about to begin. Nobles from various countries rushed to Konoha, and the Konoha Village had already arranged the competition venue.

It is a bit similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, with a huge circular competition venue in the middle and high audience seats around it. The area is not small, and nearly 10,000 people can sit in the audience seats at the same time.

In the preliminaries a month ago, Naruto deliberately lost to Sasuke, which resulted in him having to sit in the audience seats and quietly watch the performances of the players below the stage.

Because of Naruto's butterfly wings, Hinata defeated Tenten and successfully advanced, and will then play against his cousin Hyuga Neji in the first game of the day.

Naruto also accompanied Sasuke and Hinata to the competition venue first, and then jumped onto the audience stands, and then heard someone calling him

""Hi, Naruto, this way, this way!"

Naruto looked up following the voice and found that Choji was waving at him. Inuzuka Kiba, Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura were all in the seats around him. They were all classmates and had a good relationship. Naruto also happily agreed to sit with them.

""So, Luduo, how has Sasuke's training been in the past month? Is he better than a month ago? I just heard from Ino that Asuma-senpai secretly watched your training and said that you have been meditating and refining chakra almost all the time, and have hardly done any actual combat?" As soon as Naruto sat down, Sakura, who was sitting in the front row, turned around and asked.

Naruto showed a confident look,"Don't worry, we have our own unique way of training. Besides, didn't Sasuke and I practice like that before the Chunin Exam? You must have seen it before."

"And hasn't his strength been proven before? Also, you really don't think the other players off the field will be Sasuke's opponents, right? Why, you don't have confidence in Sasuke?"

Sakura shook her head quickly. How could she not have confidence in Sasuke? Besides, Sasuke beat Naruto in the preliminaries a month ago, which made her very happy. As for whether the two of them had hidden their strength at that time, she didn't care. In her heart, as long as Sasuke won, she would be very happy.

Inuzuka Kiba, who was sitting on the other side of Choji, was not happy with Naruto's words.

"Hey, hey, hey, you are too arrogant. The others have been training hard this month. Shino, who has been trained by me and Teacher Hong, has also made great progress this month. I feel that Shino’s current strength may not be less than Sasuke’s."

"And Sasuke has to fight Gaara from Sunagakure first. Everyone has seen the strength Gaara showed in the preliminaries a month ago. I don't know if Sasuke can beat him."

As soon as Kiba finished speaking, Sakura and Ino were dissatisfied. Ino directly retorted

"Tooth, shut up, how can you boost others' ambitions and destroy the prestige of our Konoha? Also, how can Sasuke-kun be less powerful than Gaara of Sand Village? Sasuke-kun often invited you to dinner and taught you taijutsu and shuriken throwing during the ninja school, and you belittle your companions like this?"

"I……"Inuzuka Kiba realized that he had said something wrong, his face flushed with shame, and he quickly explained,"I am also concerned about you.

After all, Rock Lee from Team Three is so powerful but he couldn't beat Gaara.

I am also afraid that Sasuke will be dragged into a battle of attrition by the opponent, which will definitely be disadvantageous to Sasuke.

" Ino rolled her teeth,"Tsk, Sasuke-kun will definitely kill Gaara in seconds.

The reason why Rock Lee couldn't beat Gaara is because he doesn't know any ninjutsu at all? The Chidori that Sasuke-kun used before is called the Chidori Sharp Spear, right, Sakura? How can Gaara's Sand Armor block such a powerful Lightning Release Ninjutsu?"

"Hi, hi, hi, you are right. It is my lack of strength and experience. Sasuke is the strongest, okay?"Inuzuka Kiba did not want to argue with girls, especially those who were crazy fans and in love.

The game had not started yet. Naruto looked around boredly. He happened to see a familiar figure only a dozen seats away from him. The two people noticed Naruto's gaze and looked at him. Naruto also grinned shamelessly and waved in response.

As for who these two people were, unfortunately, they were his future father-in-law and sister-in-law. The father-in-law just glanced at Naruto lightly and no longer paid attention to Naruto. There was no expression on his face.

The sister-in-law Hinata Hanabi pouted angrily and stared at Naruto, her eyes almost blazing with fire.

As for why? It was because Naruto had occupied her sister for a whole month. He had not played with her sister for a whole month, and had no chance to practice with her sister.

"Father, it will be a match between sister and brother Neji soon. Can sister beat brother Neji now?"

Hinata Hiashi replied calmly:"It's hard to say. Neji has suffered a lot in the past month and his strength has grown very fast. As for your sister,……"

Hanabi complained angrily:"I know, I even secretly went to watch her practice. She was meditating all day long and didn't practice at all. What on earth is that Uzumaki Naruto doing? I don't know what's so good about him. My sister has to stick to him all day long."

Hiashi frowned slightly:"Hanabi, be careful with your words! Don't say such things again in the future, do you hear me!"

Hanabi realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said, and hurriedly admitted her mistake:"I'm sorry, father, Hanabi knows her mistake and will never say such things again in the future."

Hinata Hiashi nodded slightly and said nothing more.

He had always been puzzled about Naruto, but since he dared to openly express his love to his daughter, and his strength was not inferior to Uchiha Sasuke.

As the orphan of the Fourth Hokage, no one stopped his various actions, which just showed that the Third Hokage did not care about the marriage of the Jinchūriki, so it also reduced his pressure a lot.

But that was all. After all, no matter what, the tailed beast Jinchuriki were almost all the highest-level strategic weapons in the major ninja villages. A tall tree attracts the wind. This was not the best choice for him as the son-in-law of the Hyuga family.

On the other side, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was in the highest viewing seat, finally waited for the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa to enter the venue. The two greeted each other familiarly. Unfortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not realize that Rasa at this time was his good apprentice Orochimaru. The real Rasa had already been quietly assassinated by Orochimaru on his way to Konoha.

The most important guests entered the venue, and the players waiting to fight in the audience also arrived and waited for a long time. Sarutobi Hiruzen first thanked all the guests and thanked the Fire Country and other major daimyos for their kindness.

Then he simply read out the rules of this Chunin competition, and finally signaled the referee Shiranui Genma in the audience to start the competition.

Shiranui Genma once again showed the match schedule to the players, saying that there was one less player this time, so Gaara, who was supposed to play one more round, could enter the next round in advance and fight Sasuke directly.

Then, the two players from the first game were allowed to stay here, and the rest of the players returned to the lounge in the reserve seat.

In addition, where there is a game, there are almost always institutions such as betting.

Moreover, the bookmakers of this kind of betting are secretly appointed by the top leaders of Konoha, just to make money from many gamblers.

Originally, Naruto also wanted to buy a few bets to make a quick buck, but he thought that if nothing unexpected happened today, Orochimaru would definitely turn Konoha upside down, and the betting casino might be destroyed by then. If the bookmakers didn't admit it, wouldn't it be a waste of his bet money?

So, Naruto thought about it and decided to forget it. At present, there was no financial pressure, and he didn't need that little quick money.

At this time, Shiranui Genma, holding a thousand books in his mouth, stood in the center of the venue and asked Hinata and Neji if they were ready.

After receiving the affirmative answers from the two, he immediately announced the start of the competition and left immediately.

Looking at the two people in the audience, Hua Huo on the stage suddenly became very nervous. One was her sister and the other was her cousin. For a moment, she didn't know who to cheer for. However, thinking about her sister's lazy training method in the past month, she couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"I hope your sister doesn't lose too badly!"

Hyuga Hiashi on the side said calmly:"Ningji's talent is unquestionable. In the past hundred years, no one has inherited the Hyuga family's bloodline limit better than him. Your sister really can't compare to him in this regard."

"But I heard that your sister performed the Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms when she fought against Neji's teammates a month ago. I really don't know what your sister or Uzumaki Naruto did in private to make your sister suddenly have such strength, but perhaps it can only stop here."

Below the stage, the two people who were confronting each other had not started fighting yet. At this time, Hinata spoke first

"Brother Ningci, I am honored to compete with you in such a grand competition."

Ningci looked very calm:"Ms. Hinata, you really look a lot different. The strength you showed a month ago really surprised me. Come on, let me see how much you have improved in this month, let me see if my father's death is worth it, and whether you are suitable to be a ninja!"

Hinata's change resulted in Neji not having the conceit that he had in the original work. After all, compared to the original work, among his peers in Konoha today, Naruto and Sasuke have shown strength far beyond his.

It was as if the two highest peaks in the world stood in front of him, a tiny climber, and the growth rate of these two peaks was even faster than his climbing speed.

But even so, he still sighed secretly at the injustice of fate. The so-called Hyuga branch was ultimately just a scapegoat for the Hyuga main family.

No matter how outstanding they were, they were like the caged bird on his forehead, trapped tightly in a cage, and it would be impossible for them to break the shackles of fate and break through the cage in their lifetime.

After that, the two of them bowed slightly, spread their arms, and shouted at the same time:"Eight Diagrams Sixty-Four Palms!"

Same stance, same attack angle, two palms, four palms, eight palms, and up to sixty-four palms, the attacks of the two were offset by each other, and no one got the slightest advantage.

The two quickly pulled away from each other, and Neiji was secretly shocked, but he was not discouraged. He used the soft fist Bagua Palm again, and this time he increased the consumption of chakra and made his movements a little faster than before.

However, Hinata responded with Bagua Palm with almost the same speed. From the first palm to the sixty-fourth palm, Neiji still failed to get the slightest advantage.

He even felt that Hinata seemed to be deliberately suppressing the speed of his palm. Just when Neiji finished the sixty-fourth palm, he wanted to pull away again and adjust his breathing. The next moment, Hinata's attack did not stop. The sixty-fifth palm went straight to Neiji's left arm Tianjing acupoint.

Fortunately, Neiji reacted in time, his nerves were completely tense, and he pressed his arm down to avoid Hinata's attack, but Hinata did not give him room to breathe.

The sixty-sixth palm was directed at the right shoulder shoulder point, and the speed was so fast that Neiji had no room to dodge.

Just as Hinata When Hinata's finger was about to hit Neji's shoulder point, trying to seal his chakra meridians, Neji's whole body suddenly burst into a violent chakra flow, successfully blocking the palm of Hinata, and Neji's whole body suddenly began to rotate at high speed.

Hinata seemed to be prepared at this time. Before Neji could completely rotate, she disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Huh - one second later, Neji stopped rotating, and a huge round pit appeared around him. At first glance, it was a bit like the craters on the surface of the moon, but the volume was unknown.

When Hyuga Hiashi, who was watching the game on the stage, saw Neji's ninjutsu, his face became particularly solemn, because Neji actually used the secret method that only the main family could practice - Kaiten.

He knew clearly that no one in the main family dared to pass on this Kaiten secret method to Neji in private, but at this moment, Neji in the field really used it. At this moment, he had to sigh that Neji's talent was too strong, but Neji's eyes revealed hatred for the main family, which made him somewhat helpless.

"Did brother Neji realize the Kaiten by himself?" Hinata asked softly, standing not far away. Neji did not answer, but asked in return:"You didn't use the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, was it the One Hundred and Eight or One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Palms?"

"It's 128 palms, so brother Ningci, you have to be careful!" Hinata once again got ready to pursue the victory

"Humph, is this the power of the main family? But I won't lose to you!"

After listening to Ningci's complaint, Hinata frowned and said,"Brother Ningci, except for the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, I didn't let my father or other elders teach me any secrets. The Eight Trigrams Hundred and Twenty-Eight Palms was taught to me by Naruto-kun."

"Uzumaki Naruto?" Neji was quite puzzled by this, but the current situation was the key and he had no time to think about other things.

In this short fight of less than a minute, Hinata's strength put a lot of pressure on Neji. In addition, Hinata had mastered the Eight Diagrams Hundred and Twenty-Eight Palms. He could not see any hope of winning in the soft fist battle and could only rely on his Kaiten for passive defense.

However, as the saying goes, if you defend for too long, you will lose, and every time you launch Kaiten, it will cost him a lot of chakra. Hinata's breath was too steady, so steady that he could not find any flaws in the attack and could only defend.

At this moment, Neji knew that since he could not win the soft fist competition, he would try another way.

The Byakugan opened again, and his whole body was ready to go. Then his body suddenly jumped up, spinning rapidly in the air, and his legs kicked out with the sound of a sonic boom.

Konoha Whirlwind!

It was Professor Might Guy's steel Fist branch.

The force is fierce and unparalleled, striving to be unstoppable.

Facing Neci's Konoha whirlwind, Hinata's little face was quite calm. She stretched her palms to the right front, and then exerted force at the same time with her waist, shoulders, elbows and wrists. A force suddenly hit Neci's legs with Hinata's palms.

Then Hinata gently pushed, and Neci's seemingly extremely fierce leg whirlwind was easily resolved by Hinata with a feminine energy.

Tap, tap, tap...

Neci was pushed aside by Hinata's force. His lower body was unstable and he was forced to retreat more than ten steps before he could barely stabilize his body. This was Hinata giving enough face. If it was Naruto, he might whip Little Loki like the Hulk to Neci.

Seeing that Neci's offensive was easily resolved by Hinata again, Tenten on the stage felt incredible. She felt that Hinata's gestures and the free use of force seemed to be a natural enemy of steel fists.

"Brother Neji, Naruto-kun said that as long as you don't open the Eight Gates, you can't beat me with your steel fist."

Hyuga Neji was inexplicably furious,"It's Uzumaki Naruto again, it's your main family again, and that damn bird in the cage of fate!"

With a furious mood, Neji flew over again.

Konoha Gale!

This is the opposite move of Konoha Tornado. The previous move was a spinning upper double-leg kick, and this move is a spinning lower double-leg kick.

Neji's Konoha Gale went straight for Hinata's lower body, but the result was counterproductive. Hinata stood firmly in a horse stance and stretched her hands downward, preparing to resolve Neji's attack again with the same force.

But at the moment when Neji was about to be pushed out by Hinata, all the chakra in Neji's body exploded instantly.

Save the sky!


Dust suddenly filled the sky around the two of them, blocking the sight of all the audience on the stage, but only Hyuga Hiashi was shocked. A figure was blown away by the dust, and fell to the ground with a thud.

Everyone looked closely and found that it was Hyuga Neji who fell to the ground.

Countless people were shocked by this result. Even Hinata's teacher Kurenai Yuhi could not see clearly how Hinata fought back.

When the dust settled, Hinata stood quietly in place. There was a huge round pit around her. This type of round pit was exactly the same as the one caused by Neci's Kaiten.

Seeing Neci fall to the ground, Hinata walked slowly to Neci's side. At this time, Neci, who was in great pain and could not muster any strength, opened his eyes with endless fatigue.

"Did you also realize Huitian?!"

"Well, but this is all thanks to Naruto-kun, otherwise I would not have been able to comprehend it."

"Naruto? So your destiny is Uzumaki Naruto, haha, it turns out that my father's death is far less tragic than that yellow-haired boy, main family or branch family? I only regret that I was born in a branch family!"As soon as the voice fell, Neci fainted.

Hinata wanted to persuade Neci not to think too much, but after thinking about her own identity, she didn't know how to start, and Neci's coma made her helpless.

In the end, Shiranui Genma came to the field in an instant and loudly announced that the winner of this game was Hyuga Hinata. The medical staff hurriedly carried Neci off the field and sent him to the medical room built into the stadium.

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