Far's eyes immediately looked towards the female envoys around him. When he saw that all of them were feeling guilty and fearful, he immediately had an idea in his mind.

"Yan Yan, try this dish." Now that she knew the reason, she wasn't in a hurry. Let Su Yan have a full meal first, and not starve the child.

"Well, as long as you don't think I'm a pig." Su Yan picked up the tableware again and chewed slowly.

"No, no, no, I'm the pig." Hearing this, Farr hurriedly accompanied him and served him carefully.

The faces of the female envoys had turned earthy at this moment.

It wasn't until Su Yan had eaten all the food on the table without wasting any of it that she stood up and left the restaurant with Fa'er's help.

And those female envoys were all turned to stone after they left!

The breeze flew in along the open window, blowing over the petrified maids...'Kacha kacha -' Those stone maids, blown gently by the breeze, began to crack, and finally turned into piles of powder, and flew along the window. Got out.

The female envoys around Su Yan changed.

This group of people were cautious in their words and actions and never dared to look directly at her.

Two days later, Su Yan was basking in the sun in the garden when she suddenly heard movement among the flowers and grass.

He said to the female envoys waiting around: "You should step back first."

If it had been before, someone would have been watching her to see what she was going to do.

Now they all bowed down very respectfully.

Su Yan glanced at the system map and made sure everyone had retreated, then said to the other side of the flowers and grass: "Come out."

"I went to the Holy Cult. They said that the teleportation light array on the mainland is broken and I can't leave for the time being." The red fox transformed by Lena easily jumped onto the root carving table where Su Yan was drinking tea.

Seeing a lot of desserts on the table, I started eating them without any ceremony.

Su Yan said: "I told Far here that my pregnancy period is not one month, so they won't touch me in a short period of time. Since they won't touch me, you should be fine. After all, we are in the same class. If something happens to you, I will inevitably become suspicious."

"Well, I want to continue to check on Lin Xueer, but she always refuses to see me."

"There is a banquet held in the Holy Palace the day after tomorrow. Since you can't leave, I will arrange for someone to send you an invitation later. Lin Xueer will also be there. Let's talk about it then."

"No problem." Lena finished her snacks and drank another cup of tea, "I'll go back first. See you at the party."

"Okay." Su Yan looked particularly solemn as she watched Lena walk along the flowers and grass again.


Xiaomei has been unresponsive for two days, and she doesn't know what happened. She is worried like a headless fly.

Farr comes.

Seeing that Su Yan's eyebrows were filled with worry, she asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Yan looked at him and stared at him for a long time, until he was at a loss and then said: "I want to go out to the palace to relax."

"Okay, I'll accompany you out." Farr responded immediately.

A happy smile slowly appeared on Su Yan's lips, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Can you go out now?"

"Well, okay." Far reached out and held her hand, and found some ice. "Your hand is a little cold. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"I'm fine." Su Yan took his arm and said, "I want to go to a lively place now. I think these two children should be lively and fun."

"Okay." Once he heard that it was related to children, Farr had no doubts at all.

The two of them changed into ordinary clothes.

Su Yan wore a lake blue dress. Because she was still young, she couldn't tell she was pregnant at all.

Her long white hair was tied into a high ponytail, a small bag was slung over her shoulder, and her eyes were watery, clear, and bright.

Farr looked at Su Yan almost infatuatedly, "Yan Yan, you are very beautiful." "Compared to you, I'm still a little worse." Su Yan playfully blinked one eye.

Far's Adam's apple rolled involuntarily...

Su Yan held Far's arm and walked toward the palace entrance.

When they were about to leave the palace, a red-robed holy priest stopped them.

Su Yan recognized him at a glance. He was the red-clothed holy priest she had seen in the garden.

Farr greeted him: "Master Wu Liye."

Wuliye nodded, his eyes falling directly on Su Yan, "I heard that the holy female is pregnant with the holy king's child, congratulations."

Su Yan replied: "Thank you very much."

"It's just that in the early stages of pregnancy, it's better for the Holy Female to have her baby in the palace." Ullie said to Farr.

Farr smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Yan Yan wants to go out and relax, but she hasn't been to the real Holy Capital Continent yet. I'll show her around."

Su Yan immediately stood up on tiptoes and kissed the side of Far's face, "Thank you, Holy Lord, you are so kind to me."

Far's face turned slightly red, fearing that Wu Liye would see something strange and immediately teleport away with Su Yan.

If anyone in the Holy Palace can use the innate secrets at will, it is only Fal. Everyone else will be restricted by the defense of the Holy Palace, which is why Su Yan can't leave even if she wants to secretly leave.

Wuliye's face became ugly after Far left with Su Yan.

Another deacon in white robes came over and asked Wu Liye, "Master, do you want to wait for the Holy Lady to come back?"

"No, come back tomorrow."

"Ark 002's spiritual consciousness system should be paralyzed now. It's a good time to kill it."

"Everyone has already left, are you going to **** someone from the Holy Lord? If you want to come, you can go out for a long time. It shouldn't be a big problem." Ullie said this, but his face didn't look good at all.

"Yes, sir."

After Su Yan left the Holy Palace, she felt much more relaxed.

"Far, I don't want to go back today. Let's stay in a hotel outside for the night." Su Yan's eyes were ambiguous.

Falden's lower abdomen suddenly tightened, and he wished he could take Su Yan to the hotel right away, "Well, then...what do you want to play first now?"

Su Yan pointed to the huge tourist track in the sky with tourist buses on it, "Well, I want to see the Holy Capital City from a high place."

Farr immediately took Su Yan to take the tour bus.

Su Yan sat on the tour bus and looked down at the Holy Capital City.

In fact, the real Holy Capital Continent has more civilizations on earth. In terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, it is just like the West in the 20th century.

【Xiaomei? 】Su Yan was admiring the panoramic view of the Holy Capital City while calling Xiaomei, hoping she would wake up soon.

She didn't know what happened to Xiaomei, but her intuition was that there was something in the Holy Palace that was not friendly to Xiaomei.

And leaving the palace also wanted to confirm this.

Xiaomei still didn't respond.

Su Yan's hand was held tightly.

Looking up at Fal, Su Yan smiled and said, "Let's go eat something delicious. I'm a little hungry."

"Well, I know a good private restaurant very close to here. Yan Yan, would you like to try it? It may not have so many treasures, but it tastes good."

"Okay." Su Yan replied: "Are you your friend?"

"Yes, we've known each other since childhood." Farr teleported to the ground with Su Yan and walked towards the private restaurant.

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