Chapter 172 The evil beast from the abyss attacks

Far's face turned pale and he wanted to take back the arcane spell...but found that his body could not move at all, and the energy in his body seemed to be flowing out like a flood, flowing crazily towards the time suspension circle.

Zephischerman I, the beautiful young man's face became cold and evil. He admired Far's appearance at this moment. Gradually, his figure began to grow taller, his golden hair turned to silver, and he wore a golden papal robe. It also became a black angel robe.

A pair of huge black wings suddenly opened on his back, and his eyes had golden vertical pupils and dark whites, which were the characteristics of a high-level evil beast from the abyss.


"It's me." Luo Chuan's voice was low, with the sexiness of an electromagnetic gun.

Fall began to sweat on his forehead and his face turned pale. He was wearing black uniform and could not see any bleeding.

Su Yan wanted to save Far, but was stopped by Xiao Mei.

[Fal looks injured, but his talent is on the rise and there is no fatal danger. 】

【What's going on? 】

[He has sealed his talent and is now unlocking it. 】

[Why should talents be sealed? 】

[I don’t know, the host can ask him later. 】

[You’re sure he won’t die, right? 】

[There is currently no danger to his life, and the person using the sword does not seem to want his life. It did not pierce his heart, but only temporarily restrained him. 】

【you sure? I don't want my children to be born without a biological father. 】As for Xiao Qi, he also has a half-hearted father. Although Rong Wu has a bad character, he treats the cubs well. The most pitiful ones are her and Zulu's three children. Fortunately, they are protected by their grandfather and grandparents. But it was a pity not to have a biological father after all, so the three children she should cherish the most were the three children.

[It doesn’t matter if you don’t have it anymore. I’ll give it to Zi Qiyang for free. He definitely likes it. 】

【He has a biological child. 】

[The same goes for those who have biological children. Zi Qi is very generous and tolerant in this regard. 】

[This is true, otherwise he would be the Beast King. 】

[Your liking for him must be different, otherwise how could you naturally conceive an heir? 】

【…Stop talking nonsense! 】

Su Yan teleported away. Since Xiaomei said it was okay, it should be okay. Moreover, her mood has stabilized now, and she is not as frightened as when she first saw it.

Although the intuition of the sixth sense is often denied by people, it is actually very effective.

However, the investigation of the childbirth system cannot be postponed any longer. As long as the magma rising into the sky is erupted, nothing will be left on the island. No matter how powerful the human talent is, it cannot compete with natural disasters.

And Ullie, she had to kill him as soon as possible!

If you dare to touch Xiaomei, death is not a pity.

"Where is the Pope?" Farr asked Luochuan, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"You enter the holy war and it will be dealt with the next day." Luo Chuan replied.

Farr closed his eyes and concentrated, as if he could no longer hold on anymore, "He is just a puppet, why bother. What on earth are you going to do?!"

"Of course it's to overthrow this already rotten Holy Religion. If you don't intervene, I can let the Holy World Empire go."

"The Holy Religion has existed since the beginning of the Holy Age. There are hundreds of millions of Beast Tribe believers. If you want to destroy the Holy Religion, it is equivalent to destroying the Orcs on thousands of continents. The rotten part is just a part, just cut it off."

"You should be a pope, not a saint."

"Whether I am the Pope or the Holy King, you evil beasts of the abyss cannot come out of the darkness!"

"There is more than one exit from the abyss."

Luo Chuan had an evil smile on his face, fluttered his wings and left.

Farr knew that it would be in vain if he continued like this.

The long sword behind his back suddenly came out of the body, bursting out a column of blood, and at the same time cut off the time control of the time array.

Transforming into the body of an angel, he spread out his six wings and flew towards the direction of the Holy Capital Continent.

Magma pillars shot up into the sky, one after another, and the ground began to shake violently. A group of black and red-eyed evil birds and crows flew out from the magma, covering the sky and flying in all directions. Some fell to the ground and instantly turned into a The huge abyssal beast is devouring the saints on the holy island who have not yet escaped...

No one pays attention to where a guinea pig goes. Even if it is wandering back and forth in the Holy Church.

Su Yan found that her system map didn't work well here, and she couldn't get to the bottom of it at all.

But it also proved that she was in the right place.

[Xiaomei, where are you going? 】

[Behind that statue, there seems to be a secret hole left by the host's own race. 】

Her kindred? Human race or rat race... Su Yan was speechless, but she still passed.

Following the small secret cave, Su Yan came to a church that was even more spacious than the building above. She said to Xiaomei: "Our ancestors still had foresight." 】

[Host, the map works great again. 】

Su Yan followed the map and ran along the underground passage.

After running almost five hundred meters, he stopped.

A white door engraved with angel wings blocks the exploration of the system map.

[Could it be there? 】 Su Yan asked Xiaomei.

Xiaomei replied, "Go over and take a look first." 】

Suddenly, the door opened.

Many people wearing white lab coats ran out, some carrying boxes and the like.

Su Yan immediately ran against the flow of people and ran along the wall towards the gate at a faster speed.

Naturally, those people didn't notice the little white mice that slipped away against the wall. They fled in a hurry, talking about volcanoes, evil beasts of the abyss, and running for their lives.

Someone dropped a work card, and Su Yan happened to pass by and collected it.

Finally, when everyone ran out and the door was about to close, Su Yan slipped into the angel door.

Holy Palace.

Lena was sleeping deeply when she was suddenly picked up. Frightened, it turned into a red fox with an animal body and ran away.

But he was immediately picked up again and imprisoned in his arms, "It's me, Lena."

Hearing Ethan's voice, Lena stopped struggling, "This is the Holy Palace, did you get in in the middle of the night."

"Something happened, take me to Sister Su."

"What happened?" Lena then noticed that he was in angel form, "You! This is?"

"The evil beasts of the abyss are attacking." Ethan hugged her and flew directly through the roof of the palace.

The four wings spread out and soared straight into the sky.

The entire Holy City is centered on the Holy Religion. Several wide cracks appeared on the ground, and countless abyssal beasts were emerging from the cracks to attack the Holy Priests.

For ordinary people, unless they come forward to die, the evil beasts do not take the initiative to attack. But it is inevitable that some will be affected by the fighting. Half a street or even an entire street was destroyed into ruins, and the people inside were unable to escape.

"This evil beast of the abyss is obviously targeting the Holy Religion."

"The Holy World Empire has just acquired a batch of very powerful weapons, and the evil beasts of the abyss are not yet dared to provoke. However, the Holy World and the Holy Religion have a close relationship. As long as Farr gives the order, the Empire will soon take action."

"Where is the Holy Lord?"

"He went to the Holy Island. Let's go find Sister Su first. Don't let her fall into the hands of evil beasts, which will be troublesome."

"Okay, she likes to rest in the Rose Garden Dormitory these days, that location."

There is a power outage in the community, so I am stuck on my cell phone with the last bit of power to update~~Babys, please read it first, any typos will be marked. Xiao Xuanzi went to a friend’s house to use the Internet and electricity (hehe~), I will continue to update later~Bi Xinxin ~

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